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Chapter 467 Sending dramas to the countryside, starting with 3 games

Chapter 467: Sending the drama to the countryside, three games at the beginning

In the evening, Jiajia Village was peaceful and peaceful.

Those who worked in the fields and those who went out to do part-time jobs all came back, and the smoke from the cooking rose from the roofs of the houses.

Because there are often power outages here at night, the villagers in Jiajia Village basically eat in time for the weather, and fall asleep after cleaning up their wives and children on the hot kang.

In order to thank these friends who followed him to ask for money, Jia Erzhu not only bought a roast chicken, but also cut up a large plate of pork head, and asked someone to buy a few bottles of good wine.

A group of people were eating and drinking happily, and the square box on the window lattice started broadcasting.

"...the first test-tube baby..."

Listening to the radio, Jia Erzhu said with emotion in his voice: "The world is changing too fast. His grandma now has a test-tube baby."

"By the way, do you know what a test tube is?"

"Who knows?" The man sitting next to Jia Erzhu gnawed on a chicken paw and asked, "Is the test tube a tube?"

"Hahaha, what nonsense are you talking about, how did the test tube become a tube."

While everyone was discussing, I heard the higher-ups continue: "The following broadcasts a reward announcement. On No. 17 of this month, two miles south of Jiajia Village, there are old people... If there are witnesses, please go to the north of the city. The police station reported."

"As long as you are identified as a witness, the first witness who arrives to testify can get a reward of 5000 yuan."

Listening to the broadcast, everyone who was drinking heavily and eating large pieces of meat couldn't drink anymore. They all looked at Jia Erzhu with questioning eyes.

The missing persons announcement was aimed at Jia Erzhu, and what made them feel even more uncomfortable was the bonus of 5000 yuan.

You know, Jia Erzhu himself wanted to blackmail, but at the beginning, it was only 3000 yuan!What's more, Jia Erzhu asked for the money. At most, he would treat himself to a drink and want to share the money. Hmph, this guy is not an ordinary stingy guy!
Feeling the staring gazes one after another, Jia Erzhu's heart was also burning with anger.It’s only 5000 yuan to open my mouth, now it’s all right, they’re looking for witnesses, the first one will give [-] yuan, what about the second, third...

Thinking of this, Jia Erzhu felt insulted.When he thought of the clean factory, he felt that the beautiful factory was full of malice.

"Did you hear that, did you hear everything?" Jia Erzhu picked up his wine glass and roared loudly: "The idiot from the electrical appliance factory is clearly provoking us, telling us clearly that they have plenty of money, but they just look down on us!"

"This kind of thing, my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it either!"

"It's all my fault that I was soft-hearted and took the initiative to lower the price for them! I have to let them know when I go tomorrow. They are spending more money for themselves. Grandma, this time I will give him [-]!"

This time, Jia Erzhu's roar did not attract everyone's applause. At this time, some people seemed to be thinking about something while drinking.

Such a situation made Jia Erzhu feel a little uneasy. He felt that these cronies might already be muttering in their hearts.
Just when Jia Erzhu was doubting, someone picked up the wine glass and said, "Erzhu, they might be in a hurry to jump over the wall by doing this. Don't worry about him, let's drink ours."

"Yes, drink and drink!" The men who were thinking about the 500 million just now seemed to have realized it.They poured wine to Jia Erzhu almost at the same time.

Jia Erzhu had more and more doubts in his heart, but at this time, it was useless for him to doubt any more, so he still suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and raised his glass with these people and clinked glasses.

Soon, a bottle of wine was drained, and Jia Erzhu's expression returned to calm, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

He felt that he had been insulted, and the reward of 5000 yuan made him feel extremely uncomfortable.This clearly means that people would rather take money as a reward than give themselves a penny.

Damn, it's so damn bad.

"Dong dong dong..."

Just as Jia Erzhu was gnashing his teeth, a burst of noise came from outside, and the shouts of children even came from outside.

"Singing an opera, tonight singing an opera!"

"Oh, it's great, I can watch a play tonight!"

Jia Erzhu was very fascinated by singing and opera in the village.On the stage, a group of people with facial makeup sang, and the sound of gongs and drums rang in his ears, but he just didn't know how to appreciate it.

He is more interested in the vendors selling snacks under the stage. They sell fragrant fried melon seeds, bright red candied haws, and steaming roasted sweet potatoes, which make people mouth watering. Of course, sometimes Jia Erzhu can’t even buy these. rise.

However, this does not affect him inviting friends and going to the theater in groups. How can he have the leisure to sit down and watch a play? He has to run around and go backstage to watch those actresses Practicing the sound, watch the master who beat the gongs and drums knock out a series of dong dong dong qiang.

If it was the clever actress who came tonight, even if she took a peek from a distance, the taste would be like scratching his Jia Erzhu's palm, it would be enough for Jia Erzhu to wake up from a dream with a smile, and beautify him three times. Three days and three nights!

"Come, come, let's drink quickly, and watch a show after drinking."

"Okay, drink up, the show is about to start!" A young man younger than Jia Erzhu said: "There is a power outage all day long, and I can't even watch TV. This time, I hope the troupe can perform a few more shows."

"It would be great if the county troupe came, you don't know, the county troupe sings, that's a good song!"

Because of the singing, the drinking speed of Jia Erzhu and others increased a lot. It took half an hour. After eating and drinking, they wandered to the wheat threshing field at the east end of the village.

The wheat harvest has not yet started, so the threshing field is empty, and it is suitable for singing at this time, and the stage was brought by someone else, and it was quickly set up. A xenon lamp powered by a battery illuminates the surroundings like daytime of.

It used to be that when the county theater troupe came to perform in the village, the villagers were very enthusiastic. If they performed at night, they had to occupy seats in the afternoon.

People from ten miles and eight villages gathered here, and some women even chatted while pinching their braids.

And the happy children ran around quickly.

"Brother, do you know where it came from?" Jia Erzhu wobbled to the bottom of the stage and asked a middle-aged man sitting on a bench.

The middle-aged man glanced at Jia Erzhu, his expression was full of disgust, he snorted and said, "It's from the City Theater Troupe."

"Oh, that's a good relationship. It's the first time this city troupe has come to our village, and the last time I saw their performance was at a big fair in the village." Jia Erzhu bought a handful of melon seeds, and while eating them, he sighed with emotion.

For him, it is really a good memory to watch a play after eating and drinking.

But when he was feeling emotional, he didn't notice that the people around him moved back calmly at this time.

Obviously, everyone present knew who he was, so none of them wanted to talk to him.

"Dong dong dong..."

With the sound of gongs and drums, an actor in charge of the stage, wearing a costume, walked onto the stage.

After a polite speech, he turned around and said, "Today we have brought a total of three scenes, I hope everyone will like it."

Hearing about the three scenes, Jia Erzhu couldn't help but sighed to the people around him: "It's good to have three scenes at once, that's good!"

"The first play we're going to sing, it's called The Farmer and the Snake!"

Hearing this scene, Jia Erzhu was taken aback for a moment. Although he had never read a book, he had heard of this story.

He felt that there was something wrong with this scene.

And then, the host went on to say: "The second scene is called Lei Pi, who is not a filial son."

When the name was announced, Jia Erzhu was a little dumbfounded.He felt deep malice from these two names.

Just when he was feeling uncomfortable, he heard the host say: "Our third scene is to capture and let Cao go!"

(End of this chapter)

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