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Chapter 468 Everyone Come and Come

Chapter 468 Everyone Come and Come
As soon as the titles of these three plays were announced, some people showed a knowing smile on their faces.

The next-door neighbor's house made a pot, and the neighbor's house in the backyard broke a piece of tile. The effort of soaking urine spread from the west end of the village to the east end of the village.Everyone in the village knew what Jia Erzhu was doing with his father.

It's just that everyone is from the same village. As long as personal interests are not involved, basically no one speaks.

But even so, many people are still full of contempt for what Jia Erzhu and his son did.

Especially for hob meat like Jia Erzhu, the whole village feels that this guy is nothing.But Jia Erzhu was not easy to mess with in the village, so no one was around him specifically to talk about such things.

But now, the three scenes that came suddenly made people feel extremely happy.

Some people even pointed at Jia Erzhu, their expressions were full of jokes.

Jia Erzhu felt that he was extremely aggrieved at this moment, and he couldn't help standing up all of a sudden.Just as he was about to walk to the stage, he saw a big red banner with black letters on it, and pulled it out all of a sudden.

On the big red banner, it was impressively written that the rice shell electric store sent dramas to the countryside.

Looking at the words on the banner, the last trace of doubt in Jia Erzhu's heart had completely disappeared, and he immediately understood that this was the hot factory deliberately coming to the village to disgust him.

Thinking that I was planning to play a rogue and blackmail the Rice Shell Electronics Factory, but I didn't expect that stealing a chicken would not cost me a lot of money. Before I played my own rogue, the trick of Mishell Electronics was revealed!

This made him very uncomfortable.

Insulting people, this is clearly insulting people!

Jia Erzhu, who was outraged, had not even come to the stage when someone shouted at him: "Erzhu, why don't you go to the theater?"

"Uncle, I don't think everyone will be able to watch this play!" After Jia Erzhu said this, he rushed towards the stage quickly.

Those who watched the play felt it was a pity. After all, this was a free play, and it was a performance by the city troupe. Where could they find such an opportunity?
What's more, those three repertoires seem to be good!
But they are all from the village. Although they can't help Jia Erzhu, they don't want to offend him.He could only watch Jia Erzhu helplessly and rushed to the stage.

But before Jia Erzhu came to the stage, he was stopped by a dozen young men in their 20s.

These young men were all strong and strong, and when they stood there, they all looked like a menacing wall. When they saw Jia Erzhu rushing over, they snorted and said, "What are you doing on the stage?"

" are not good at singing, you are not allowed to sing this here!" Jia Erzhu was furious, this is in his own village, whoever owns the land is in charge, it's not up to you outsiders to be arrogant!

The young man standing at the front said with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "Dude, tell me, why can't we sing this here?"

"If you give a valid reason, we will change the scene immediately. If you can't give a reason, hehe, where are you from? Go somewhere to cool off."

These words were full of ridicule. The moment Jia Erzhu heard these words, his face turned red.

"If you can't sing, you can't sing, or I will beat you!" Jia Erzhu, who had already ignored the others, roared angrily.

It's a pity that what greeted his roar was a burst of laughter: "Brother, it's compulsory for us to send plays to the countryside, and there is no charge."

"The repertoire of the show is all set, so we can't promise you this request."

"As for you beating us, do you think you are qualified!"

In the last sentence, the young man who spoke did not give Jia Erzhu any face. When he heard this, Jia Erzhu felt a slap on his face.He wanted to take action, but found that he could not defeat so many people.And those who lived in the same village as him looked at him indifferently.

These gazes, not only did not mean to help, he even felt that there was a hint of sarcasm in these gazes.

If it was normal, who would dare to look at him like this, he would just yell at him when he went up, but now, he can only pretend that he can't see it.

"Okay, the first farmer and the snake will finish soon. If you don't like it, brother, you can continue to watch the thunder strike the unfilial son. Tsk tsk, I heard that this song is good. I will directly chop an unfilial son."

The young man with his arms in his arms seemed not to know that Jia Erzhu had thrown his father outside, and introduced him with a smile.

Jia Erzhu's forehead was throbbing with veins, but at this time, all he could do was leave early.

However, Jia Erzhu's thinking about this matter is still a bit too simple.Just as he turned to leave, several middle-aged women who were eating melon seeds stood in front of him.

These middle-aged women are very embarrassed, and they should be from the neighboring village. For these people who are not easy to mess with at first glance, Jia Erzhu turned around and was about to leave.

It's a pity that those middle-aged women had already targeted him, and before he left, a chubby woman with a handful of pumpkin seeds said, "You are Jia Erzhu, right?"

"Yes, I am Jia Erzhu!" As for his name, Jia Erzhu didn't bother to hide anything.

"Oh, come and see, this is the Jia Erzhu who threw his father in someone else's factory and insisted on blackmailing his father to save his benefactor!" The chubby woman clapped her hands and immediately spoke loudly.

Although when doing this, Jia Erzhu felt that his face was worthless.But now, in front of all the old and young men in the village, Jia Erzhu felt like his head was going to jump up after being exposed in this way.

Damn, it's really hateful.

This fat girl, why did I mess with you? You did this to me. I will never stop with you about this matter.

"You're looking for cuts!" Jia Erzhu roared angrily, and stretched out his hand to slap the chubby woman. Unfortunately, he was caught directly before he slapped him.

"What's the matter, Jia Erzhu, you dare to do that shameless thing, and you are afraid that others will say it. Let me tell you, you are not messing with me. If you mess with me, I will beat you right here."

The middle-aged man grabbed Jia Erzhu's wrist, his hands were like iron pliers, making Jia Erzhu struggle even if he wanted to.

Jia Erzhu, who was so angry, felt that his whole body was about to explode at this moment, but at this moment, he couldn't do anything.

"What Jia Erzhu did is really embarrassing, grandma's, abominable!"

"Isn't it, Jia Erzhu's grandson, what an embarrassment!"

"Our village's honor has been completely thrown away by this kid. How could there be such a scum in our family!"

"Jia Erzhu, I didn't see him as a good guy when I was young."

People watching the theater around, while watching the play, pointed at Jia Erzhu, these words penetrated into his body like a knife.

In today's scene, someone must be planning to deal with him. Jia Erzhu, who calmed down, suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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