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Chapter 469 Deceiving People Too Much, I Can't Stand It

Chapter 469 Deceiving People Too Much, I Can't Stand It

Jia Erzhu took a look at this group of aggressive women, and then at these strong young men, and immediately understood.

These people are clearly organized and premeditated, and the behind-the-scenes manipulators are 100% from the Guoke Electronics Factory. I was screwed by them!

Thinking of this, he felt that the veins on his forehead were bursting. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation in so many years.

"You... are you from the Rice Shell Electronics Factory?" Jia Erzhu shouted angrily.

The chubby middle-aged woman threw the melon seed husk in her hand and said, "Hey, brother, don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door."

"If you act upright, what are you afraid of?"

"That's right, we belong to the Rice Shell Electronics Factory. After making money, our factory repays the society and sends plays to the villagers. There's something wrong with that! Isn't it right for the young and old in our village?"

Speaking of this, she stepped forward and patted Jia Erzhu on the shoulder and said: "Brother, our factory manager Shen said that we should be a man before we do things, and the roots of trees can never be forgotten. Giving back to the folks, this is just the beginning. "

Hearing this sentence, Jia Erzhu couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. This Shen Lin's tricks are too damaging and wicked!Isn't this just helping yourself to the opposite of so many people?

This is just the beginning, then...

No, we can't go on making such a fuss!
Immediately, he shouted to the surroundings: "Old and young masters of Jiajia Village, I was bullied and came up to the door!"

"They went to our Jiajia Village to make trouble, obviously to bully our village's weakness!"

"Everyone, we must teach them a lesson!"

After howling, Jia Erzhu felt much more comfortable in his heart. He felt that according to the rules of the village, if outsiders bullied the village, as neighbors and people with the same surname, they would all rush forward.

Unfortunately, after he finished shouting, almost everyone looked at him with indifferent eyes.

Everyone in the village knows what Jia Erzhu did.

Even if I don't know, I know what's going on from this opera.Those who are close to Jia Erzhu disdain Jia Erzhu's personality, let alone those who have a normal relationship.

Give Jia Erzhu a head start, and I can't afford to lose this person.

What's more, this Guoke electronics factory is different from ordinary factories. If they can deal with Jia Erzhu in such a mighty and grand manner, it is definitely a strong dragon in the river.

None of the people present wanted to cause such trouble.

When everyone's eyes turned to the stage again, looking at the farmer and the snake, Jia Erzhu's heart was completely chilled.

He knew that at this time, it was useless to say anything. If he stayed here, he would become a joke.

But leaving in such a disheartened manner, he felt that he had lost face in the whole village.

So, at the moment of leaving, he pointed to the stage where the opera was being performed, gritted his teeth and said, "If you sing, you should sing hard for me. Let me tell you, we will never end this matter."

While speaking, Jia Erzhu rushed back towards his home like an angry bull.

However, his roar full of threats only got a few sneers in the end.

After returning home, Jia Erzhu felt that his head was a little uncomfortable. After pouring a scoop of cold water, he began to think about what to do.

Get a good night's sleep today, and have a big fight with the Guoke Electronics Factory tomorrow.

But the babbling and babbling sound of singing was really lingering, which made him toss and turn, unable to fall asleep.

Like pancakes, Jia Erzhu tossed and turned on the bed for more than an hour without falling asleep. "Everyone, the song "Unfilial Son" is over now. Let our actors rest for 10 minutes. The next step is to repay kindness with revenge and capture Cao Cao!" The loud sound of the electric horn reached Jia Erzhu's ears from a long distance away.

Damn it, it still makes people fall asleep!
At some point, Jia Erzhu woke up in a daze.He got up early in the morning, ready to make trouble.

But when he went to look for those cronies and friends, he found that these guys who usually called brothers and sisters were either sick or not at home, and some of them just said they had something to do.

Hearing these words without the slightest sincerity, Jia Erzhu didn't understand why these people were afraid and didn't want to go with him.

He thought of the result of his troubles, and finally suppressed the idea.

But he didn't go out, but things came to him automatically. Just when he was about to let his wife cook lunch, his son, who was in junior high school, suddenly ran home.

"You... Did you throw my grandfather into someone else's factory? You didn't extort money from others, you... Did you repay your kindness with revenge!"

The son, who has never spoken loudly, was wronged and burst into tears. These questions made Jia Erzhu feel angry.

However, no matter how messed up Jia Erzhu was, he would not be willing to touch his precious son. He felt that this son was the best hope for his Jia family to change their appearance in the future.How could he be willing to let his son be wronged!

And this was just the beginning. Just after lunch, his uncle who lived in the neighboring village came over. His uncle looked at him coldly, and said straight to the point: "Where's your father?"

Jia Erzhu naturally knew where his father was. Looking at the angry uncle, he hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"Uncle, what..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense to me, Jia Erzhu, why did your mother give birth to you so unworthy? There is no place for my old face in the village!" The old man pointed at Jia Erzhu and said: " Go and listen to what the folks say about you."

"You, from now on, don't call me your uncle! I can't afford to lose this man!"

Jia Erzhu looked at his uncle who was about to leave angrily, and hurriedly said, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"What's the matter, our village is putting on a big show, the farmer and the snake and the thunderbolt are not filial sons, do you want to follow me to see it!" His old uncle said here, shaking his hands and said: "Hmph, these people from all over the world, Is what you did a human thing!"

Jia Erzhu's uncle left, and Jia Erzhu, who was preparing to eat, had no intention of eating at this time.

Grandma, who is this Guoke Electronics Factory? I just want to extort 3000 yuan. Damn you, are you worthy of singing operas from village to village?
The price of this scene is not cheap!
Just when Jia Erzhu was scolding Guoke Electronics Factory in his heart, when the village head's old uncle from the same village came in, he came to Jia Erzhu's house frowning, and said with a hint of persuasion: "Erzhu, you **** Just be safe, I went to a commune meeting today, and was scolded by the secretary by name."

"It's said that my village's rules and regulations are very important. For people like you, why don't you care about them? You can't spoil a pot of porridge with a mouse! You also said that the township police station is also investigating this matter, you have to be prepared."

"If you want me to tell you, you kicked the iron plate this time, and the rice shell electronics factory is not easy to mess with!"


one, two, three...

With the arrival of relatives and friends one after another, Jia Erzhu found that he was already notorious both in the village and outside.

No matter where he went, he always felt that someone was pointing at him behind him. This feeling made him feel like a thorn in his back and a stick in his throat. It was extremely uncomfortable!

At this moment, he suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness...

"Now there is an advertisement for looking for witnesses,... near Jiajia Village..., the first witness has been found, now we are looking for the second witness, the bonus for the second witness is [-] yuan..."

Listening to this commercial, Jia Erzhu's hands trembled. He felt that what he was facing was not a factory, but a mountain, a mountain that could not be shaken even if he tried his best.

(End of this chapter)

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