Chapter 470 Super Big Iron Plate

Jia Erzhu persisted for another three days, he decided to go to the city, he didn't want to waste any more, he wanted to bring his father back.

After all, if you can't win others, then just admit it, and continue to waste it, it will not do you any good.

His cronies and friends all echoed and strongly agreed with his idea of ​​admitting cowardice.After all, what happened at the Mishell Electronics Factory in the past two days made them a little scared.

They don't want to go to waste with Jia Erzhu!

Just do what you want, Jia Erzhu pulled the flatbed truck on the afternoon of the third day, and was about to set off for Dongzhou City. He wanted to bring his father back.

But when he pushed the car to the entrance of the village, he suddenly saw two motorcycles with buckets roaring towards him.

The leading Pian San motorcycle stopped directly in front of Jia Erzhu.

Jia Erzhu looked at the leader's Piansan motorcycle and found that the leader knew him, and he was Director Hu of the township police station.

"Director Hu, what are you doing here?" Jia Erzhu asked with a smile on his face.

Director Hu looked at Jia Erzhu with a smile and said: "Jia Erzhu, these two days, you have been in our towns and villages, but you have a very good reputation!"

Jia Erzhu's face blushed for such sarcasm.If it was an ordinary person who said such things, Jia Erzhu would definitely not let him off lightly.

Unfortunately, the person who said this was Director Hu.

He couldn't afford to offend him, so he had no choice but to endure the sarcasm.

"Director Hu, I made you laugh, haha." Jia Erzhu's laughter was a bit dry.

Director Hu looked at Jia Erzhu pushing the flatbed cart, and said casually, "Erzhu, what are you doing here?"

"I...I'll go and bring my father back." Jia Erzhu wanted to say other things at first, but seeing Director Hu's embarrassing eyes, he finally swallowed the lie he was about to tell.

Anyway, it's already embarrassing, so what if I throw it again!

Director Hu sighed and said, "Jia Erzhu, Jia Erzhu, what do you want me to say about you? Wouldn't it be great if you took your father over earlier?"

"Look, what is this you kid doing!"

"Not only have you lost your own face, but you have discredited our entire town! Isn't it shameful to say it? The folk customs are tough, a bunch of swindling bastards!"

Director Hu's words made Jia Erzhu's forehead sweat, but at this moment, he didn't dare to say anything, let alone speak stubbornly.

Just when Jia Erzhu thought that director Hu had scolded him so badly that he should let him go, unfortunately, he took it for granted.

"Do you think you can extort people's money by being a fool? Let me tell you, you really found a good blackmail target this time." Director Hu said to the people around him: " Come here and take him away."

"Director Hu, this is..." Jia Erzhu looked at Director Hu with a trembling voice.

"Are you scared now? It's too late, let me tell you, Mishell Electronics Factory has already sued you, and they have obtained the testimony of six witnesses!"

Speaking of this, Director Hu said with emotion: "In order to find these witnesses, Guoke Electronics paid a total of 7000 yuan for advertising fees and bonuses."

Hearing the figure of 7000 yuan, Jia Erzhu felt his body shaking.

He really wanted to tell Director Hu that what he wanted was only 3000 yuan.If at the beginning, the Guoke Electronics Factory gave me 3000 yuan, I would accept it as soon as I saw it, and I didn't need the Rice Shell Electronics Factory to send it.

"Director Hu, will I be okay?" Jia Erzhu, whose hands were trembling, was really scared at this time.Director Hu waved his hand and said, "It's up to the court to decide what the outcome will be."

Speaking of this, he said to Jia Erzhu: "Let's go, come back to the office with us, but don't be idle about picking up your father, let someone hurry up."

Jia Erzhu was taken away with a pale face. At this time, the idlers who were sitting on the street were talking a lot.

"Jia Erzhu, he should be rewarded."

"No, but after this time, Jia Erzhu should be much more honest."

"Hey, this kid dares to do anything because of his recklessness, and he doesn't even look at who he met this time."

"The rice shell electronics factory is really proud. I calculated it. Not to mention anything else in their factory, the money spent on this matter alone costs two million households..."

"My darling, this factory is really not easy to mess with. Jia Erzhu just wants a few thousand dollars, but he is stubborn. He would rather take 2 yuan and not give it to Jia Erzhu!"


After Jia Erzhu's father was picked up, the matter was settled at Mishell Electronics Factory.But the discussion caused by this matter suddenly increased.

Not to mention that Fat Aunt and the others would happily talk about their bullying of Jia Erzhu when they were fine, and even some male workers, when they mentioned this matter, they were more proud than Director Shen for his righteousness.

Even the people in Liyuan Village like to say that they are from Mishell Electronics Factory when they are introduced outside.

The reputation of Mishell Electronics Factory, not to be messed with, and to protect the calf, has spread quickly, and I don’t know how many employees of the factory are envious.

As the manager of the factory, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that this accident really had the effect of a counterattack. At least, the collective sense of honor and belonging of the cadres and workers, as well as the centripetal force of the entire factory, have achieved a very perfect effect.

This kind of feeling is not available in the light bulb factory in the past.

Originally, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that it was really unnecessary to spend 2 yuan to make such a fuss, but now, he felt that this could be called a successful marketing strategy.

After all, using 2 yuan to unite the minds of the workers in the factory, this business is really worth it.

And Lao Ming, who was the cause of this incident, was not only praised by the circular, but also received a bonus of 50 yuan in the factory.

Old Ming, who received the heavy award, his hands trembled a little.

His eyes were even more moist now.In his opinion, it was because he caused trouble for the factory and cost the factory money, but he didn't expect that instead of blaming him, Director Shen rewarded him.

"Photon, how do you say I should thank Director Shen?" Lao Ming had a good relationship with Photon, and knew that Photon was a capable person beside Boss Shen, so he consulted with Photon.

Photon patted Lao Ming on the shoulder and said, "Old Ming, you don't have to feel guilty. Director Shen said that you deserve it."

"If you are really sorry, just go to Director Shen's office and say thank you."

"I think this is too simple." After hesitating for a while, Lao Ming said softly.

"It's as simple as it is. Director Shen said two days ago that the people in Mike Electronics Factory don't cause trouble, but they are not afraid of trouble!" Photon said proudly: "Okay, Director Shen is in the office. You Go quickly."

As Lao Ming walked towards Shen Lin's office, while repeating what Guangzi said just now, his nose felt a little sore.

(End of this chapter)

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