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Chapter 499 Find Shen Lin No matter what

Chapter 499 Find Shen Lin No matter what
Li Qingbo only felt his head buzzing!

At such a critical moment, I couldn't find Shen Lin, Director Zuo, but after a few minutes, I have to wait for my reply!

How to do?
what should we do?

It suddenly occurred to him that not long ago, Shen Lin came to his room and said that he was going to report to him on work, but at that time, why didn't he want to see him and just drove him away?
Did he report to himself about the order?What's more, why didn't he keep one of Shen Lin's contact information?It seems that I committed empiricism this time and underestimated this young man!

For a while, I regretted so much that my intestines turned green!But at this moment, it was useless to regret it any more. The first thing he had to do was how to pass this level before Director Zuo urged for the result.

If you can't even do this little thing well, you'd be too stupid.

As each thought flashed, he tried to calm himself down: "Let's allocate manpower now, Xiao Chen, take a few people and go to Director Shen."

"Also, Lao Li, you can also help me, find Director Shen, and then mobilize our people to go out and look for it."

"In addition, you lesbians, contact the people at the Mishell Electronics Factory to see if you can find the contact information of other people in the Rice Shell Electronics Factory. It is best to ask which hotel they are resting in."

In just a few minutes, Director Li arranged the matter. His arrangement was almost the best arrangement.

Director Li and the others, although they really wanted to say that this matter has something to do with me, but looking at Director Li who is like a bullfight, they all agreed in a tactful manner.

This is a big event, and it cannot be delayed.

The task of Mi Yuan and Sister Dan was to contact the Mishell Electronics Factory. They came to the front desk, found a phone, and prepared to make a call.

Before making the phone call, Sister Dan said with a touch of emotion: "What is this called? I hid and didn't see anyone a while ago, but now I can't wait to look for it."

"Hey, Mi Yuan, do you think this result is due to an error in the above statistics, or Shen Lin's Mi Ke Electronics really got the order."

"I think the latter is more likely. After all, the people in charge of statistical reports don't dare to be sloppy. The possibility of them making mistakes should be very small." Mi Yuan already knew it in her heart at this time, so her tone was sure. Quite a lot.

Sister Dan nodded and said: "I also think the latter possibility is more likely, but this Shen Lin is really impressive. He is an electronics factory, and he has made so many orders."

Thinking of what she saw, Mi Yuan thought that all of this was not unexpected, because those high-end and exquisite settings, coupled with very practical functions, can definitely capture the hearts of consumers in the first place.

Those who can be sent over to purchase items are not ordinary people.It is impossible for them not to discover these elements specially set by Shen Lin.

But on the surface, she still nodded nonchalantly and said: "Yes, this time, he is really a dark horse that has emerged!"

During the conversation, Mi Yuan dialed the contact number left by Mishell Electronics Factory according to the contact information left in the past.

In fact, the notebook in Mi Yuan's suitcase contained Lu Xiaorong's contact information, but she did not take it out in the end.

If you call Lu Xiaorong, you may not be able to find Shen Lin, and maybe you will reveal the secrets of yourself, Shen Lin.

"I don't know if there is anyone on duty at the Mike Electronics Factory. After all, it's already past eight o'clock in the evening!" Sister Dan's words were full of worry.

As far as Sister Dan knows, many factory offices cannot contact anyone at night.According to Director Li's current state, although it is not his fault that he and others cannot be contacted, Director Li must be very angry.The consequence of Director Li's anger would be to at least yell at both of them.

"Hi, hello, is this Mishell Electronics Factory? I want to contact Director Shen and other exhibitors of your factory. Do you have their contact information?" Mi Yuan immediately asked in a low voice after revealing her identity. .

"You don't either? Oh, yes, it's okay to know where they live, okay, please tell me the address of the hotel first."

While Mi Yuan was speaking, she motioned for Sister Dan to take notes.

Without Mi Yuan's instructions, Sister Dan quickly wrote down the address.When Mi Yuan put down the phone, Sister Dan was filled with emotion again: "I thought Director Shen stayed with us because our living conditions were good, but I didn't expect that they all moved to the Guest House, tsk tsk, listen Said the room rate there is not cheap."

Mi Yuan didn't say a word. In fact, she was thinking the same as Sister Dan.

From the guest house where I lived, I found the phone number of the Ying Hotel, and after a while of transfers, Sister Dan and Mi Yuan finally contacted Lu Dongsheng.

Lu Dongsheng was a little confused by the sudden call.He didn't understand why he called himself suddenly.

At this time, Mi Yuan also felt a little nervous, because Director Li had already come to him at this time, if he said something wrong, it was very likely that it would make Director Li who was already in a bad mood even more uncomfortable.

"I would like to ask, do you know the contract you signed, what is the amount?" Mi Yuan's voice was very peaceful.

However, Lu Dongsheng's answer left Mi Yuan speechless: "Which contract are you asking about?"

"Tell me about each one, and I'll let someone remember it!" Although Mi Yuan knew it wasn't a contract, she still had a strange feeling in her heart when she heard this rhetorical question.

"The number of copies is a bit too much, and I can't remember the specific amount of each contract." Lu Dongsheng said very sincerely.

Listening to Lu Dongsheng's words, Mi Yuan felt that she didn't know what to say, and Director Li who was standing behind said directly, "Come on, give me the phone number!"

After Mi Yuan handed over the phone, Director Li said in a deep voice, "Isn't it Xiao Lu? My surname is Li. Tell me now, how much is the biggest order you signed?"

Lu Dongsheng also didn't know about the largest amount. Although he could hear the other party's anxiety, he couldn't just talk about it!

After all, these days, he has focused his energy on service, and he is not very clear about the list signed by Shen Lin.

I only know a lot, and I only know that there are many quotas.

"Director Li, don't embarrass me, I really don't know." Speaking of this, Lu Dongsheng hesitated and said: "I remember the last form that Brother Shen signed before leaving get off work today. The smallest amount in the day."

Director Li wanted the biggest one, but Lu Dongsheng only knew the least one. For a moment, his heart was filled with confusion.

But not caring so much, Director Li hurriedly said: "Tell me first how much you know?"

"It's eight thousand dollars!" Lu Dongsheng said firmly this time.

(End of this chapter)

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