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Chapter 500 Searching for him in the crowd

Chapter 500

After putting down the phone, Director Li felt that his head was not enough. Although Shen Lin was not found, what this young man named Lu Dongsheng said made his heart tremble a little.

The least order turned out to be [-] dollars, that's [-] dollars!
In fact, this single order has far exceeded their efforts these days. After all, their only order is the one thousand dollar order.

Compared with Shen Lin's smallest order, it's too far behind.

No wonder Director Zuo, who can talk for three hours at a stretch in meetings, was so excited that he stuttered. If it was him, he would inevitably lose his composure.

But, this Shen Lin, why didn't he tell me?

However, although Li Qingbo complained in his heart, these were not important anymore. Facing this astonishing record, what he most wanted to know now was the specific figures.

"Director Li, Director Zuo called again, how do you say we should answer?" Xiao Chen, who was arranged by Li Qingbo to guard the phone, hurried over and said.

Li Qingbo sighed helplessly, and said in his heart that under the current situation, since Shen Lin could not be found, he had to deal with it.

However, if there is no real thing to deal with, it may be Director Zuo's anger.Although Li Qingbo secretly cheered him up, he was still a little bit apprehensive towards old man Zuo after years of accumulating prestige.

Who makes people far above him in terms of qualifications and age.

"Li Qingbo, what's going on? Why haven't you called for this matter?" Although separated by the phone line, Li Qingbo could still feel Director Zuo's anger.

He didn't think Director Zuo was to blame for this matter, if he encountered such a thing, he would get angry too.

After all, I am waiting for the result here.But my subordinates are pushing back and forth here. Anyone who encounters such a thing will not be happy.

"Director, that's the thing!" Li Qingbo had already thought about what to do in his mind, so he tried to maintain his composure and said, "Because in terms of accommodation arrangements, Director Shen's rice shell electronics factory is the same as ours. Not a guest house."

"They live in the guest house with better conditions."

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly calmed down a lot, but Director Zuo still said critically: "Qingbo, what do you want me to say about you?"

"When you do things, you have to prepare in advance. After all, such an important matter, how can you wait for someone else to report it to you? Treating such a company, do you still want to manage it? You don't know how to manage it. Turn it into a service!"

"Okay, don't explain anything else, I'll give you another half an hour, I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

Director Zuo didn't criticize anymore, which made Li Qingbo heaved a sigh of relief.But he also knew that this was only temporary.

If I still can't give Director Li a satisfactory answer in the future, then what is waiting for me may not be the small anger just now.

"Hurry up and find a way, no matter what, we must find Director Shen." Director Li couldn't help but clenched his fists when he said this.

Mi Yuan looked at Director Li's appearance, and thought that when Shen Lin went to explain, Lao Li explained what happened tomorrow, so she really looked down on her.

She didn't say much, pulled Sister Dan, and was about to go to Shen Lin, but was stopped by Li Qingbo: "You two wait for the call."

Because Li Qingbo was in a hurry, many factory directors who were supposed to rest also joined the team looking for Shen Lin.

However, these factory directors are not too anxious, after all, even if something happens, it is not their responsibility.

So each of them is looking for leisurely, while talking about what happened.

As a group, director Zhao of the blanket factory and director Li of the woodcarving factory had a good relationship, so this time, they were even more grouped together.

"Old Zhao, do you think Shen Lin has really signed so many foreign trade orders?" Director Li of the wood carving factory said with doubts in his voice.Director Zhao is also full of doubts about this issue.

According to his experience, household appliance factories like Shen Lin basically won't have any orders.

But Director Li said that the amount of orders signed by their city yesterday ranked first in the province. Except for mistakes, it was only Shen Lin's family that was left.

But this result is unbelievable.

"I wouldn't believe it in any other electrical appliance factory, but I think it's somewhat possible that this kind of thing happened to Shen Lin." Old Zhao pondered for a while, and said solemnly.

"You think, at his age, who has achieved such a great achievement?"

Factory Manager Li wanted to refute, but he felt that he had nothing to say. At this moment, he deeply realized how awesome this young man was.

"Yeah, on this young man, what we thought was impossible is possible."

After saying something with infinite emotion, Director Li thought of Shen Lin's voluntary participation in the trade fair, and felt more and more that this matter might be true.

"No wonder he took the initiative to come to the trade fair. I thought he was just here for fun, but now I realize that I'm here to make soy sauce."

Director Zhao could hear the despondency in Director Li's tone. He really wanted to comfort this old friend, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, the bamboo carving factory, which used to be a big signatory, has not signed a single order yet, but his blanket factory has signed an order worth thousands of dollars.

"Young people are awesome!" Director Zhao sighed, "It seems that when we face Shen Lin in the future, we have to change our attitude."

The two sighed while searching.But with so many places and so many people, looking for a Shen Lin is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Want to find, easier said than done.

In addition, the two of them had been exhausted for a whole day. In this situation, after only 10 minutes of searching, they felt sore backs and couldn't walk any longer.

Director Zhao was the first to suggest: "I think you have to take your time to find someone. You haven't even eaten dinner well. How can you get the strength? Why don't we have a bowl of old duck vermicelli soup to replenish energy, and then go find someone else?" How about it?"

Factory Manager Li, who was also somewhat unable to hold on, of course agreed a hundred times to such a proposal.Immediately nodded and said: "Okay, it is said that there is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get here. Maybe we sit here, and Shen Lin will automatically come to the door!"

"This person is like water, it flows. We keep looking, maybe we miss it!"

The two people who had the same thoughts sang together, and they hit it off immediately to stop quickly. I just found a seat and sat down. Before the old duck vermicelli soup I ordered was served, I heard someone say: "Director Li, Director Zhao , you two are coming to eat too?"

Hearing this voice, Director Li and Director Zhao turned their heads at the same time, and saw Shen Lin turning his head from the table not far from them.

In front of Shen Lin, there was a big bowl with only soup left.

Ouch, his grandma's, don't you think it's a coincidence!

Obviously, at this time, Shen Lin had already completed his task.However, Director Li and Director Zhao were caught in a tangle.

This meal, to eat or not to eat!

(End of this chapter)

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