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Chapter 501 Director Shen, I apologize to you

Chapter 501 Director Shen, I apologize to you
In the end, the resolute directors Li and Zhao thought of Director Li's imminent situation, so they put this delicious old duck vermicelli soup aside.

"Director Shen, I found you."

"Director Shen, you are terrified of Director Li, let's walk, let's hurry up, and talk while walking."

While Director Zhao and Director Li were talking, they came to Shen Lin's side almost at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, holding Shen Lin's arm, and they were about to walk out.

Shen Lin looked at the appearance of the two people and listened to their words, and immediately guessed the reason of the matter.

There is only one reason why Director Li sent someone to look for him in such a hurry: Director Li knew about the signed order.

This kind of order is archived at the trade fair, so Shen Lin didn't intend to hide it.This time he went to Director Li, not only to explain the lateness of the meeting last night, but also to talk about the order.

But he didn't expect Director Li to ask him to come back tomorrow. After a busy day, Shen Lin naturally planned to talk about it tomorrow.Now it seems that Director Li got the news.

Shen Lin followed, pretending to be confused: "You two, this is a house on fire. What's the matter with you?"

"I see that you have already asked for food, and you have paid the food stamps and money, why don't you finish eating first, how about we talk while we eat?"

Regarding Shen Lin's proposal, to be honest, both of them were excited for a while. After all, they are really hungry now.

Things like talking while eating are still very attractive to them.

However, thinking of Director Li's appearance of wanting to eat people, the two of them shook their heads at the same time and said, "Director Shen, let's not delay. If we delay, Director Li might scold you."

"Yes, let's go quickly." Director Zhao took Shen Lin's hand and said, "Let's talk while walking, we can come back to eat later."

Seeing the hurried appearance of the two people, Shen Lin could only follow them and leave the stall.As soon as the old duck vermicelli soup store opened, Director Li asked anxiously: "Director Shen, have you signed the order?"

"I signed some, not too many." Shen Lin replied calmly.

Hearing this answer, Director Zhao and Director Li glanced at each other quickly, and both of them felt that at this moment, they wanted to strangle the person in front of them to death.

What is a signed point?What is not too much?Are you mocking us?Do you think we signed less?
Although the resentment burst out in their hearts, the two factory managers still resisted the urge to kill the young man in front of them.

"Director Shen, Brother Shen, do you know how much we signed?" Director Zhao asked with a wry smile.

Shen Lin really didn't know, because Director Li felt that he didn't seem like he came to the fair to sell goods, so he was a little cold towards him. Director Zhao and the others had less communication with Shen Lin.

What's more, in the past two days, Shen Lin has been busy all day long, so he has no time to understand the status of the two of them signing the order.

"I really don't know." Shen Lin replied honestly.

"Brother, you really..." Director Li wanted to say something emotional, but he couldn't.He felt that he really couldn't find suitable words to describe his mood at this moment.

On the other hand, Factory Director Zhao said sadly, "All of us have signed an order in the past two days, and it's only a thousand dollars."

"Brother, you should be quite a lot. Your order directly raised our city's score to the first place in the province!"

Shen Lin was very clear about the quantity of his orders. When he heard the title of No. 20 in the province, he couldn't help but be stunned.The orders he signed totaled less than [-] US dollars, so how could he be ranked number one in the province?

However, these factories have only signed one order now, which is really a little less.

"It's not too much." Shen Lin didn't want to hurt the self-esteem of the two factory managers, so at this moment, he gave a vague answer.

For Shen Lin's painstaking efforts, Director Zhao and Director Li can feel it. They can become factory directors, and their IQ and EQ are very online.

But although they understood Shen Lin's good intentions, they still wanted to know the result. After all, what Shen Lin gained this time really made them curious.

"Shen Lin, how much is your order, let us hear it and be envious." Director Li took a breath and said, "At that time, I will also have something to say when I meet those few people who have changed their careers to make bamboo carvings." .”

"Yes, I also have a few colleagues, grandma's, what I said was a little irritating yesterday."

Hearing what the two said, Shen Lin felt that there would be no point in hiding it any longer, so he smiled and said, "I don't have any statistics on the exact number. In my impression, it should be no more than 20."

No more than 20, which is already a lot.

Hearing this number, Director Li and Director Zhao's first feeling was that it was too powerful. In just one day, the harvest was no more than 20. If it took longer, they would be able to earn a lot of money. Where is the bowl full...

"Director Shen, is it because your products can be sold because your quality is better than those of foreign electrical appliances?" After hesitating for a while, Director Li finally asked Shen Lin for advice.

Regarding this question, Shen Lin was very clear in his heart. As far as he was concerned, if he didn't know where his own advantages were, he would not have come out to make a fool of himself.

"Both factory directors, in terms of quality, my products are definitely not inferior to those from abroad. I was able to sign an order. In addition to working hard on quality, I also made adjustments to the shape of the product."

Shen Lin talked about adjustments, but he was actually complaining. If the classic and advanced styles of later generations are not good enough, he doesn't have to think about other things.

It is also a kettle, but now the big and stupid kettle can be compared with the electric kettle full of technology and beauty in the later generations?

After listening to Shen Lin's words, Factory Manager Shen and Factory Manager Li seemed to have some insights, but this kind of insight was too little, and they couldn't express it for a while.

"Director Shen, I will definitely visit your factory tomorrow. In addition, when you are free, Director Shen, you are welcome to come to our factory to guide the work." Director Li has the deepest understanding of Shen Lin's words.

He felt as if he had grasped something, but the grasp was a bit vague, so he couldn't get close to it.

Under such circumstances, he didn't care that Shen Lin was younger than himself, so he directly invited Shen Lin.

Regarding this kind of invitation, Shen Lin hesitated a little, and said with a smile: "Director Li, you are too polite. In the future, we will inevitably trouble Director Li. Let's learn from each other."

Director Zhao saw that Director Li was the first to speak his own words, so he said directly: "I will follow suit when the time comes, so you two don't think I'm redundant."

While the three of them were talking, the guest house they lived in was already in front of them, and before they reached the gate of the guest house, they saw a figure rushing towards them like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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