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Chapter 503 Does Director Shen Have a Date?

Chapter 503 Does Director Shen Have a Date?

For Shen Lin's politeness, if it was in the past, Sister Dan could accept it calmly, but now, she feels that it can't be done.

Because the current situation is that Shen Lin has risen with the tide, and she is no longer at the same level as Shen Lin.

Ask Shen Lin to serve tea and water, but she dare not.

"Haha, Director Shen, you've been tired all day, just take a rest, don't worry about the two of us."

While Sister Dan was talking to Shen Lin, Mi Yuan had already read a contract, and then read to Sister Dan: "The first contract is from an electrical supermarket in Gaul, the name is..."

When talking about the name, Mi Yuan paused for a moment, and then said, "Sister Dan, the name is in English, and I can't pronounce it. Why don't you write down the amount first, and I'll copy the name later."

Shen Lin knew about Mi Yuan's English proficiency. Listening to Mi Yuan's words, he immediately understood that Mi Yuan did this on purpose.

Her goal, of course, is not to embarrass that sister Dan.

Shen Lin, who had a good opinion of Mi Yuan in his heart, naturally couldn't speak, he just looked at Lu Xiaorong's classmate.

And Mi Yuan's eyes, for some reason, also looked at Shen Lin, and the moment they looked at each other, Mi Yuan quickly and embarrassingly avoided.

Sister Dan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion: "Mi Yuan, it seems that we really need to strengthen our studies in the future."

"Haha, but I think it's enough for me. After all, age is here. I can only rely on you young people to study in the future."

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Sister Dan, from what you said, I think you are still young, and sometimes you can learn things faster than me!"

While the two were talking, Mi Yuan spat out numbers one by one. Sister Dan, who had calculated a lot, suddenly clapped her hands and said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, your feeling is a bit wrong."

"The result of my calculation just now is 20 dollars!"

"This time, your order amount has exceeded 20 dollars!"

Speaking of this, she waved her hand and said, "I'm afraid our order volume today will rank first in the province."

Although Shen Lin was a little surprised by this result, he didn't think it was too incredible.Because in his feeling, it is about 20.

The reason why it is less than 20 is because of modesty. After all, if it is less than 20, it is a bit bragging to say that it has exceeded 20.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Maybe I misremembered and didn't pay much attention at the time."

Sister Dan looked at the calm Shen Lin, feeling more and more emotional in her heart, so many orders, if she was herself, she would have to remember clearly, and only someone like Director Shen could not care about this matter.

There are really not many people who are so young but have such achievements.

As thoughts flashed, Sister Dan saw Mi Yuan who was copying something, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

"Director Shen, I don't think you are too old at your age. Do you have a partner? If not, let me introduce you to one."

Hearing what Sister Dan said, Mi Yuan's face turned red all of a sudden.She was sitting next to Sister Dan. Now that Sister Dan and Shen Lin said this, the meaning was too obvious.

How will I get along with Shen Lin in the future?Shen Lin also understood what Sister Dan meant. He knew he couldn't let this person talk anymore, so he smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Dan. My son is four months old."

When Sister Dan heard this, she felt a sense of loss in her heart. She felt that if she could introduce Mi Yuan to Shen Lin, maybe the two of them would really get along.

Once two people achieve good things, then as the matchmaker between them, there will be benefits.

It's a pity that Shen Lin actually had a child, which made her wishful thinking come to nothing.In her heart, she complained that such a good man was taken away quickly, but on the surface, she said with a smile: "Director Shen is so young, I didn't expect to be a father, I really can't see it."

While the three were talking, Li Qingbo had already walked in quickly, and he said to Shen Lin, "Director Shen, did the result come out?"

"Director, it's already out. It's 20 US dollars. Director Shen just now is too humble."

Hearing this number, Li Qingbo couldn't help but smacked his lips and said: "Director Shen is too modest, but it doesn't matter, we can't count it up today, let's make up for it tomorrow. Haha!"

"By the way, how much is today?"

"Today is 15 US dollars." Sister Dan just calculated a whole number, and when Li Qingbo continued to ask, she looked at Mi Yuan with pleading eyes, and Mi Yuan also did not disappoint her companion. .

At this time, Shen Lin held the cup and helped Li Qingbo pour a glass of water.

"According to this number, I guess we will be number one again tomorrow." Saying number one, Li Qing was filled with joy.

As long as he can continue to be number one, he will definitely be rewarded when he returns.Although the credit for this is all from Mishell Electronics Factory, but he is the leader of the team, so he is naturally credited.

"Director Shen, I had a conversation with Director Zuo just now. There are some things that I want to discuss with you." At this time, Li Qingbo didn't have the slightest intention of arranging work. He looked like he was talking to Shen Lin Discuss things.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Li, what work do you have, just arrange it."

"The purpose of our visit this time is to help companies sell their products through more publicity."

"Director Li is so busy right now. I will prepare tomorrow and let all our personnel go to help. Director Shen, if you need anything, just arrange it."

"From me down, I will definitely help Mishell Electronics Factory to provide better service." Li Qingbo said firmly.

Shen Lin looked at Li Qingbo, who looked unquestionable, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Director Li, for your great help. We are feeling that we are short-handed and stretched. Your support is like timely rain to us."

Li Qingbo laughed and said: "It should be, it should be."

"Director Shen, if we have any difficulties, just mention them. Don't be embarrassed. If I can do it, I will do it for you immediately. If I can't, Director Zuo and the others will coordinate. You don't have to worry about it... ..."

Although Shen Lin had already made arrangements for tomorrow's event, Li Qingbo, who was in a state of excitement, still talked with Shen Lin for half an hour before it was over.

And just after Li Qingbo left, many people came to Shen Lin's residence, and these people were basically directors of other factories who participated in the trade fair with Shen Lin.

The purpose of their coming here is also very consistent, that is, to confirm whether Shen Lin's rice shell electronics factory has really released a satellite.

(End of this chapter)

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