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Chapter 504 Brother Helps Me Take My Pulse

Chapter 504 Brother Helps Me Take My Pulse

"Director Shen, is your order really worth 20 US dollars?" It was Director Li of the bamboo carving factory who asked this question.

Factory Manager Li, who has always been the hope of the whole village, their order volume, at the peak, was more than US$3.

Forty thousand dollars is almost their ceiling.

But now, Shen Lin and others, who are not favored by others, have exported [-] US dollars at once. This is simply an incredible thing.

Even in the eyes of Director Li, this bragging is a bit exaggerated.

Therefore, even after getting the result from Li Qingbo and others, Director Li still couldn't help asking.

In fact, the question of Director Li at this time was also a question of everyone present, so the moment Director Li raised this question, all eyes fell on Shen Lin.

Almost everyone wanted to ask Shen Lin what kind of situation this was.

Facing the eyes of Director Li and others, Shen Lin knew that there was no need to hide it at this time, so he smiled modestly and said, "It's purely my luck."

A good luck, in fact, represents all the answers.

Everyone present who heard this sentence looked at Shen Lin with incredulous eyes, because this result is really too strong.

Everyone's luck is good, why can you sell goods worth 20 dollars at once, and we only add up to [-] dollars!
After quickly looking at each other, Director Li said with emotion: "Director Shen, brother Shen, you are really too humble."

"We are able to gather here today, that is fate, please give me a lot of advice, my brother, and let me wait, gain a little knowledge, and open your eyes."

"That's right, that's right, old buddies don't hide from Brother Shen, and those of us don't come to the trade fair once or twice."

"However, none of us has achieved the same results as my brother." Old Zhao of the blanket factory, because of his different relationship with Director Li, also echoed: "So, brother Shen, please give me some advice. !"

The other factory directors were also very interested in Shen Lin's record, so they all booed with a smile.

Facing the questions one by one, Shen Lin hesitated and said, "Brothers, if I can sell so many electrical appliances, I think there are only two reasons."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, everyone became even more excited.

For them, they really want to know the reason for Shen Lin's success. Even if they can't copy it, they can at least refer to it, right?Marketing requires strategy. If Shen Lin can impart it to everyone selflessly, then this seminar will be more valuable.

"The first reason is because of quality. There is absolutely no problem with the quality of our factory's products."

Hearing the quality, the people present did not say a word, but many people dismissed it in their hearts, because the quality of the products they used for export was also of good quality.

Just when everyone thought that Shen Lin was trying to fool the past, Shen Lin stretched out his second finger and said, "The second reason is innovation."

"Among the products produced by our factory, some things are not technically difficult, but they have not even appeared in foreign countries, and they are very convenient to use."

"So, after seeing our products, we can immediately arouse their desire to buy."

"As for some products, although they also have them, the price is not to mention more expensive than ours. In terms of exquisiteness, they are still far behind."

"All of the above determine that our product will win with an absolute advantage!" Shen Lin said two reasons in one breath. Everyone who heard the second reason had different expressions.

When they heard the second reason, they knew that Shen Lin had told them the truth, but although the second reason sounded simple, it was very difficult to do.

Among other things, let's take innovation as an example. This is just a simple word, but it is so difficult that many people want to cry.

Just when Director Zhao and others were thinking about Shen Lin's words, Director Li suddenly said: "Director Shen, your brother will give our bamboo carving factory a pulse and see what we should do if we want to innovate?"

Director Li's words immediately attracted a lot of attention.

For those present, at this moment, they all wanted to know what advice a ghost like Shen Lin had for the bamboo carving factory.

After all, everyone knows the situation of the bamboo carving factory. In the face of such fierce competition, what advice does Shen Lin have for bamboo carving.

Shen Lin looked at Director Li, who gave you some advice because you were capable, and was really speechless for a while. He really wanted to tell Director Li that our friendship was just a nod. Is it appropriate for you to ask me this way?

However, I just said some innovative things, if I didn't say anything, it would seem that I was not sincere enough.In the future, people who deal with people will be indispensable. If the relationship becomes stiff, it will be hard to say.

In addition, in front of so many people, Shen Lin felt that he did not say anything, but also seemed to be boasting.

"As for the bamboo carving factory, I only have some immature suggestions. After all, I am not too familiar with this aspect."

Shen Lin said very modestly: "Speaking of it, your brother is an expert in this area, haha, just listen to it and see if you have any hints."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "I have also seen the current situation of bamboo carving, and now many factories have switched to bamboo carving."

"So, brother, the situation you are facing is that there are too many competitors and the market is so big. If you want to sell at a lower price, some things cannot be sold."

Director Li nodded and said: "Yes, the export of bamboo carvings has done well in the past two years, and now his grandma's is rushing up, and all the woodworkers in the past have started to make bamboo carvings, who the hell can you talk to for reasoning! "

When he said this, Director Li's voice was full of grievances.

Originally, I came here full of confidence, but this time, the bamboo carving industry has exploded. Some of my peers are now doing bamboo carvings in order to earn foreign exchange through exports.

This made Director Li's heart fall into the ice cellar.

Shen Lin looked at Director Li's aggrieved appearance, smiled and said: "For this, my suggestion is to innovate."

"Everyone's bamboo carvings are the same, so you, Director Li, can only compete with those people if you are innovative. When you have what others don't have, you have what others have. Only then can you compete with those people! And innovation, when applied to bamboo carvings, is innovation in category."

Shen Lin thought of some bamboo carvings in later generations and said: "Since we want to sell to foreigners, we should buy items commonly used by foreigners."

"For example, you can use bamboo to carve some famous foreign paintings, you can use bamboo to make some foreign toys, and you can also..."

What Shen Lin said made Director Li feel his eyes widened. This Shen Lin seemed to have torn a gap for the people in the dark room, and a gust of fresh air came in!

(End of this chapter)

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