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Chapter 516 Cooperation, Do We Have Cooperation?

Chapter 516 Cooperation, Do We Have Cooperation?

Walson looked at the contents of the contract, his face calm and calm, and disappeared without a trace.

The products of Mishell Electronics Factory are the most distinctive electronic products he found during this inspection.

Among them are not only products that have not yet appeared on their side, but are very suitable for the trend of life, such as air fryers; there are also automatic water dispensers and coffee pots that can produce hot water at any time, these things are very good.

It can be said that from the very beginning, he was ready to cooperate with Mishell Electronics.One of the reasons why he put forward those harsh conditions, in addition to lowering the price, also has the most important idea, which is to kick this rice shell electronics away next time.

In his feeling, at the trade fair, most of the purchases are commodities formed by the reprocessing of primary raw materials.Manufacturers of home appliances like Mishell Electronics are rarely able to export.

As for this kind of company, his first feeling is that it needs to be contained, and must be strongly contained.

Only by curbing the development of such companies can we guarantee that our country will always have an overwhelming advantage in this regard.

Damn Raloff, how could he make such a mess!

Doesn't he know that I've made my choice and I'm waiting for the big fish?If they were allowed to sign this kind of contract, wouldn't it be a mistake on my side's plan.

Thinking of his plan, Walson's cheeks twitched.

He suddenly made up his mind that he must be the first to negotiate the deal. If Shen Lin and La Luofu were allowed to sign the contract first, then this time, he would obviously be the loser.

And also a mocked loser.

"Peter, go ask someone to see where the Rice Shell Electronics Factory lives. I want to talk to their director Shen." Calling his assistant over, Walsen confessed in a deep voice.

Pete knew clearly about his boss's plan.He looked at the eager Walson, and couldn't help but said, "Sir, when are you going to meet that Director Shen?"

"Of course, the sooner the better." Walson waved his palm and said, "I will absolutely not allow this damn brown bear to grab food from my plate."

"This time, the same thing as last time must never happen again, so hurry up and find it."

Pete hesitated for a moment, and wanted to say something, but looking at the emotional boss, he finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

At the trade fair, the staff who communicated with Walson and others were on duty 24 hours a day. Although Walson and the others were a little urgent, they got a quick response.

After knowing Shen Lin's residence and phone number, Walson pondered for a moment, then used his room phone to call the front desk of the guest house where Shen Lin lived.

Five minutes after leaving the message, Shen Lin called back.

"Hi, Mr. Walson, what can I do for you?" Shen Lin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Listening to this voice, Walson felt that Shen Lin seemed a little impatient at this moment.

He has come to purchase many times, and with his understanding of Chinese, he has gradually been able to feel the meaning that the tone of voice can reveal.

Walson has dealt with many merchants. Once these merchants received his call, which one of them did not show great sincerity?

Some people even behave like crazy because of their tone of voice.

But now, when he took the initiative to call in the past, the other party was a little impatient.

In fact, Walson guessed wrong. Although Shen Lin's words were impatient at this time, there were two people listening to the phone with him beside him.

Both of them were a little nervous at this moment.

Especially Li Qingbo. Although he had agreed to let Shen Lin handle this matter by himself, listening to Shen Lin's attitude on the phone, he still felt that he was a little too used to Shen Lin.His attitude on the phone can easily make others feel that he is not sincere.

"Haha, dear Director Shen, I'm calling this time to talk about our cooperation!" Walsen's voice came again from the other end of the phone.

This time, the tone was full of enthusiasm.

Hearing these enthusiastic words, Li Qingbo was relieved a lot. After all, the fact that others were so enthusiastic showed that this cooperation is still very promising.

However, just when he was very relieved, Shen Lin said lazily: "Cooperation, are you sure we have cooperation?"

"how would I not know!"

This tone, this accent, makes people have an urge to hang up the phone.

Of course, Walson did have this impulse in his heart, but at this moment, he did not dare to hang up Shen Lin's phone.

The reason why I didn't dare was because of that damned Raloff.Shen Lin's attitude made Walson more sure that this contract was real.

Otherwise, how could the director of this small factory be so arrogant in the face of his own order and the olive branch he offered to extend to him!

How dare he neglect himself so much!

Therefore, it must be because he feels that he is useless, that's why he is so unscrupulous, and why he can't look sideways...

Thinking of Shen Lin's speech, a thought suddenly popped up in Walson's mind, that is to be insolent when he is in power.

Walson dislikes this kind of person the most, and he usually disdains to deal with this kind of person, but now, although he doesn't like it, he can only endure it.

"Master Shen, you forgot. We talked about cooperation under your exhibition booth a while ago. Our order is 100 million US dollars."

Walson took the initiative to help Shen Lin recall.

"Oh, now that I think about it, didn't I already reject that order? Mr. Walson, I remember that I should have rejected it." In Shen Lin's voice, although there was a sense of sudden realization, he refused the two people , but made it very clear.

That is to tell Walson that we directly, really have no cooperative relationship.

At this time, Walson's mentality is very good. He has already adjusted his position. He is here to poach the wall, so naturally he can't be the same as before.

"Director Shen, I think we can talk about this matter. After I got back, I reported your situation to the headquarters."

"The headquarters attaches great importance to your products, so it gave me another authorization, hoping to further cooperate with your factory."

Shen Lin didn't have much interest in such exciting conditions in Walson's view.He said casually, "Thank you, Mr. Walson."

"How about we meet tomorrow and talk about it? I'm a little tired today and I want to rest early."

As a polite purchasing manager, Walson should end the conversation when he hears that he is tired, and end the negotiation with a very polite good night.

But now, Walson could not agree.

He has become more and more sure that Shen Lin doesn't care about him so much, that means he has the confidence to reach an agreement with Lavro.

"Mr. Shen, it doesn't make sense on the phone. I don't think it's better than this. I'll be at your residence in 10 minutes. Just delay your time by 10 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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