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Chapter 517 But We Don't Want to Cooperate

Chapter 517 But We Don't Want to Cooperate
"He's really coming!" Li Qingbo asked overjoyed as soon as Shen Lin put down the phone.

For Li Qingbo, this million-dollar contract was too important. Although he left everything to Shen Lin, it didn't mean that he didn't care about this matter.

On the contrary, he is very concerned about this matter.

"He said 10 minutes, so it should be 10 minutes." Shen Lin took a sip of water from his water glass and said calmly.

As long as Walsen is willing to come, most of the plan has been successful.

Shen Lin borrowed the name of Walson's competitor, trying to make Walson realize the seriousness of the matter, but he did not expect that Walson's reaction was so strong.

This guy is really bad enough.

"Then what should we do? Shall we tidy up the room, um... um, and prepare some water?" Li Qingbo hesitated for a moment, but still raised his opinion.

He can't do without asking, after all, this kind of time is very critical.

Success or failure depends on one stroke. If they can succeed, then the number of their orders will be directly doubled.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Well, Mi Yuan hides for a while and goes back to rest. Director Li, find two more people in my room. Let's drink and wait for him."

After Mi Yuan delivered the documents, she returned to the guest house. Although her work was not that difficult to complete, her heart was still pounding after delivering the things.

Now that she heard that she was allowed to avoid him, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Walson should be tricked by her. If she saw Walson at this time, she felt that her heart would hurt a little.

However, she is willing to help him!

This unattainable man looks so strong and powerful on the outside, with black and white eyes, even the black eyeballs are particularly bright, his face has an awe-inspiring look, but he looks extraordinarily friendly and easy-going.

This made Mi Yuan have unlimited imaginations about him.

"Drinking, this... Isn't this too disrespectful?" Although most of the time, Li Qingbo was willing to let Shen Lin's temper go.

However, he had clearly stated on the phone that it would be too impolite to sit and drink while waiting for someone to visit.

Shen Lin smiled at Li Qingbo and said, "If Director Li thinks it's not suitable, then you can go to rest too, and I'll find some people to drink with me."

"Just call Lao Li and Lao Zhao and the others over."

"Since we're acting, let's play the whole set. The more calm we are, the more anxious he is! This psychological tactic must win him!"

Of course Li Qingbo was not willing to go to rest, he glanced at Xiao Xu who was standing aside and said: "Xiao Xu, go buy a peanut, cut two catties of bacon, and get a bottle of good wine."

"This... let's use the standard of five yuan for this, you can decide."

After saying this, Li Qingbo said to Mi Yuan again: "Xiaomi, you go to rest, by the way, call Director Li and Director Zhao over."

Mi Yuan agreed, and Xiao Xu left quickly.Both of them knew the general idea about this matter, so as soon as they went out, Xiao Xu said, "Mi Yuan, do you think Director Shen can succeed?"

"I don't think it's a big problem." Mi Yuan hesitated and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Xu also said: "At the beginning, I thought Director Shen's plan was a bit too risky. I didn't expect that this guy would be hooked immediately after you gave it away!"

"Tsk tsk, Director Shen really has a way."

Mi Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, otherwise, how could he be the director of the factory at such a young age."

Xiao Xu said a few words and quickly ran over to prepare the food and drinks, while Mi Yuan couldn't help but feel a little shaken when she thought of Shen Lin's calm and calm expression.When Watson hurried to the guest house, Shen Lin, Director Li and other four people were already drinking enthusiastically.

For those who drink a lot, although they know how to act, they have both wine and meat, so they just get into the show in a second.

When Walson and Pete, accompanied by the hotel staff, were about to knock on Shen Lin, he heard the commotion inside.

"How are you guys... eight horses..."

Although Walson didn't know what these people were doing, but judging from this posture, it seemed like a celebration banquet.

When the staff member called Shen Lin over, Shen Lin's face turned red, and it looked like he hadn't drank less.

If in the past, he had said he would come, but the other party had neglected his words so slowly, then Walson would have directly sentenced the other party to death.

Because there is no sincerity in cooperation at all.

But now, facing the drunken Shen Lin, Walson said patiently: "Dear Director Shen, I am really glad to see you again!"

Shen Lin hiccupped and said embarrassingly, "Mr. Walson, didn't I say it? I have something to talk about in my exhibition booth."

"It's private time now. If you come here like this, I can't explain it to my friends!"

Pete clutched his handbag and didn't say a word.His main task is to study, so at this time, he is mainly responsible for watching.

Walson was not angry because of Shen Lin's rudeness, but still smiled and said: "Director Shen, I didn't want to disturb you, but I want to go back early, and I still want to negotiate a deal with you. "

"So, I take the liberty of interrupting."

"But this time, I also brought a good bottle of red wine, the [-] Lafite, you and your friends can have a taste."

While talking, Walson took out a bottle of wine from his handbag.

The Lafite of [-] is well-known among later generations, but at this time, this so-called Lafite of [-] is also a kind of ordinary Lafite.

"You don't get rewarded for nothing, Mr. Walson, it's better not to be so polite. If you have something to say, please tell me first, in case you and I fail to cooperate!"

When Shen Lin and Walson were talking, although Li Qingbo and the others were still drinking, they all pricked up their ears and listened to the conversation between the two.

When Shen Lin said that the cooperation would not work, Li Qingbo felt that Shen Lin was going too far.

This cooperation has just been discussed, isn't it a bit too presumptuous for you to talk like this!

After all, this business has to go in both directions. If you dodge so deliberately, if you break this string, what will happen!

Not only was Walson not angry at Shen Lin's stubbornness, but he laughed and said: "Because we are leaving, our conditions are very generous. I think our cooperation will definitely be able to be achieved."

Speaking of this, Walson said without waiting for Shen Lin to speak: "Because we are short on time, please listen to our conditions first."

"This time, we are going to buy 150 million dollars from you, and the logo of the product is still your own..."

When Walsen arrived, he had already thought about the conditions. After all, this is not difficult, just a little higher than the conditions that Larov gave to Shen Lin.

Therefore, when he said these words, Walson seemed extremely confident!

(End of this chapter)

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