Chapter 519 The Big Surprise

Early the next morning, Walson couldn't wait to pull Shen Lin to file the contract as soon as possible.

After accomplishing all of this, Walsen thinks that he has accomplished all his meritorious deeds at this trade fair.Therefore, he behaved very calmly and indifferently.

But at this time, he did not leave, but silently waited for his prey to appear.

When Larov's tall body like a brown bear appeared in the restaurant, Walson greeted him with a smile on his face.

He looked at Raloff and said with a playful smile: "Oh, Raloff, my friend, how was your life last night?"

Larov looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already twelve o'clock at noon, and it was time for lunch. You asked me how I was doing last night, did you have a problem with your head?

Full of suspicion, Larov still maintained his demeanor and said, "Well, not bad, I slept well."

"Hey, you slept well, but I worked all night last night and signed a good home appliance list."

Walson said with a smile: "To be honest, the household appliances of Guoke Electronics Factory are really good. After I saw it, I fell in love at first sight, so I signed the contract that night."

Lavro frowned as he looked at the flamboyant Walson.

He and Walson are old rivals, and he still has no doubts about his old friend's vision.Looking at Walson now, this guy should have signed a good contract.

"Then, congratulations, Watson."

Lavro acted calmly. After all, this is normal. It is normal for people like them to sign a good deal.

Since Walson said to himself, then give him a blessing.

But in Walson's eyes, this stupid brown bear was just smiling. His heart should be bleeding, but he didn't show it.

"Hahaha, Lavro, my old friend, thank you for your congratulations. I believe that you will find a good partner next time."

When Walson said this, he looked at his watch and said, "How about it, have lunch together? I invite you."

In Walson's view, it is perfectly normal for the winner to invite the loser to dinner.The good news is that Lavro didn't give face at all to his invitation.

"Sorry man, I'm dating someone else." Lavro was telling the truth.

But this kind of refusal, in Walson's view, was Lavro's last stubbornness. After being robbed of his client by himself, this proud guy was so angry that he didn't even bother to eat a meal with him!

Hey, it seems that this time, his shot really made Lavro very uncomfortable.

"Okay, since you don't have time, let's make an appointment next time!" Walson patted Lavro on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you must cheer up. If you are in our business, you must first maintain a good attitude." !"

While talking, Walson staggered away. Looking at Walson who was leaving, Lavro couldn't help complaining, "This guy, isn't he crazy?"

Lavro knew that Walson said this to himself, probably because he wanted to show off.But this guy's vision is too small.

Is it worth showing off to myself by signing an order here?Thinking of the contract signed this time, a smile appeared on Larov's face.He felt that the purchase contract he signed for the company this time was definitely more than what Watson had done.

However, he also kept Guoke Electronics Factory in mind.Signing a contract can make Walson so happy. It seems that this electronics factory should still have some real materials.

However, just when Larov was thinking about going to the Rice Shell Electronics Factory, he suddenly realized that this Rice Shell Electronics Factory should produce electrical appliances. How could he order electrical appliances when he came here to participate in the trade fair? Woolen cloth?

After patting his head, Lavro threw this ridiculous idea aside.

At this time, there were not many merchants in the exhibition booth of Guoke Electronics Factory, and the number of people who came to drink water was also greatly reduced.

But in Shen Lin's office, Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing looked at the contract in Shen Lin's hand with extremely excited eyes.

Especially Lu Daqing, he originally came with a mission, and now seeing Shen Lin signing the contract, he felt an indescribable joy in his heart, the feeling of his wish being fulfilled was amazing!
"The $100 million contract is done?"

Regarding Lu Daqing's excitement, Shen Lin said slowly: "The contract of 100 million dollars was not reached, this is a contract of 150 million dollars."

For Shen Lin's ridicule, Lu Daqing didn't argue at all. He snatched the contract in his hands and looked at it carefully.

His hands trembled a little when he saw the amount of $150 million, the signatures of the buyer and seller and the witness, the detailed delivery date, and the payment details showing that the deposit had been paid.

"Ahem, Director Shen, you've given us a lot of face this time. Hahaha, I, Lu Daqing, mean what I say. You can say whatever you want to eat, anywhere!" Lu Daqing patted his chest, and said decisively: "You are satisfied this time."

Shen Lin was also in a good mood, he said with a smile: "This time the contract is signed, it is our rice shell electronics factory that makes the money. If you want to treat guests, it will take your turn. This owner must win Rice Shell Electronics Factory will do it!"

Lu Daqing laughed, and before he could speak, Li Qingbo said: "Shen Lin, don't be polite to him."

"Once the words are uttered, they will be overwhelmed. We should eat and drink. Whoever is polite to him is a fool."

Hearing these words, Lu Daqing felt helpless for a while, he pointed at Li Qingbo and said, "Okay, you old Li, you are fucking after me."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely invite this guest." While speaking, he picked up a contract, and then said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, come with me to meet our Director Ma and report to him."

"Also, we have already contacted newspapers and TV, and we are going to publicize the matter of your rice shell electronics factory."

"Haha, when your order is less than 100 million, we are still worried that the portion is slightly insufficient."

"But it's all right now. A world-renowned supermarket chain has ordered more than $200 million worth of electronic products from our factory."

"This in itself is a rare and proud news that demonstrates our electronics manufacturing capabilities. I think it may even be on the [-]pm simulcast or the daily newspaper!"

Li Qingbo originally liked to joke with his old classmates, but after listening to Lu Daqing's words, he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

"Old Lu, are you kidding me?"

(End of this chapter)

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