Chapter 52

Lu Dongsheng looked at Shen Lin with admiration.

Although he lacks social experience, he still understands some things.

Shen Lin was able to solve the problem so easily, although it was Zheng Yunhong and the others, but it also showed the boss's connections.

The boss I follow is not an ordinary person!

"Boss, do you still have iced soda? Give me two bottles." A student walked out of the school gate, wiped the sweat from his head, and shouted loudly to Lu Dongsheng.

When the business came, Lu Dongsheng said happily: "Come, come!"

While speaking, he quickly took out two bottles of iced soda from the camphor wood box, and quickly handed them to the student.

"Boss, bring me two bottles too..."

"I'm thirsty, give me an ice pack..."

Just when Lu Dongsheng was busy, Xu Laosan came to Shen Lin with a sesame seed cake. He rubbed his hands and said, "Shen Lin, just now I..."

Shen Lin knew what Xu Laosan wanted to say without saying a word. Shen Lin understood very well that Xu Laosan didn't help him at this time.

After all, Xu Laosan is just an ordinary person. Facing Zhang Sihe and others, his best choice is to run as far as he can.

"It's okay, if I meet those people, maybe I can hide farther than you?" Shen Lin took Xu Laosan's sesame seed cake and said calmly.

Xu Laosan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Shen Lin take the biscuits.

The main reason why he came here to make friends with Shen Lin was that he felt that Shen Lin was stronger than Zhang Sihe.

For this kind of strongman, he can't afford to offend a small person, and he doesn't want to offend him.

"Okay, that's really great." Youngest Xu said a few words to Shen Lin with a smile, and then walked towards his stall.

What Xu Laosan didn't know was that although Shen Lin didn't mean to blame him just now, to Shen Lin, he was just a passerby.

A passerby who happens to do business together.

Although there was an accident with Zhang Sihe, Shen Lin's business immediately exploded as soon as it opened in the afternoon.

Although Lu Dongsheng helped, Shen Lin was still in a hurry.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the things that Shen Lin brought were already sold out. Just when Shen Lin was about to clean up the stall, Zheng Yunhong and Lin Tongwei came over on bicycles.

"Xiao Shen, business is going well!" Zheng Yunhong said to Shen Lin with a smile on his face.

Shen Lin hurriedly took out the two bottles of iced soda that he was going to drink, handed them to Zheng Yunhong and Lin Tongwei involuntarily, and said, "Zheng Suo, you two drink water."

Riding bicycles all the way, Zheng Yunhong and Lin Tongwei were already sweating profusely.Holding the ice-cold soda, both of them felt a coolness, and rushed towards their bodies along the palm of their hands.

"Xiao Shen, then I won't be polite." Zheng Yunhong opened the soda and took a sip, "It's so comfortable to drink iced soda on a hot day!"

Shen Lin turned to Lu Dongsheng and said: "Xiao Lu, please say hello, I have something to say."

While talking, Shen Lin took Zheng Yunhong to a corner under the shade of the tree. After Zheng Yunhong said a few words to Shen Lin, he pointed at Lin Tongwei and said, "I've given you a scolding for this kid. , careless, if it weren't for Shen Lin and you, something big would happen."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Lin Tongwei's face.

To be honest, he didn't think much of a peddler like Shen Lin, but Zheng Yunhong had already said that if he wanted to avoid punishment, he had to cooperate with Shen Lin.

It can be said that for him now, his honor and disgrace all depend on Shen Lin's thoughts. He was mentally prepared. After rubbing his hands, he said to Shen Lin: "Xiao Shen, I want to apologize to you for this matter. Things..." Shen Lin doesn't need Lin Tongwei's apology. For him, his goal has been achieved now, and apologies and the like have nothing to do with him.

"Brother Lin, you are older than me and a colleague of my brother-in-law's. Don't think it's too abrupt for me to call you Brother Lin."

As soon as Shen Lin's words came out, Lin Tongwei's face changed a lot, while Zheng Yunhong, who was standing aside, nodded slightly.

At this time, Zheng Yunhong's evaluation of Shen Lin has gone up to a higher level.

Originally, in Zheng Yunhong's eyes, Shen Lin was a young man who could earn a small amount of money, but now, Shen Lin's demeanor made him feel that Shen Lin was a person who could do great things.

"Xiao Shen, the thing is like this." Zheng Yunhong had a judgment on Shen Lin, and he didn't hide it now, and directly expressed his thoughts.

Shen Lin listened to Zheng Yunhong's meaning, weighed it in his heart, and already had the answer.

The credit belongs to my brother-in-law, and I will still be a good young man who is brave enough to do what is right. These two points remain the same, and the other things are convenient for others, so why not do it?

What's more, although Lin Tongwei is a little more proud, Shen Lin feels that he is not bad from what he does and what he says.

He couldn't bear to ruin someone because of a small incident.

So he turned to Zheng Yunhong and Lin Tongwei and said, "Director Zheng, why bother you two to go over this trivial matter in person, just let my brother-in-law tell me about it."

Although Zheng Yunhong had long expected that Shen Lin would not object, but at this time he was very happy to hear what he said, and he was very happy in his heart.

"Okay, Xiao Shen, let's leave it at that." Zheng Yunhong turned around and was about to leave when he said this, but just as he was about to leave, he seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, Xiao Shen, you still have to help me these two days. Make a record."

"That Zhang Sihe and others are suspected of intimidating others, buying and selling by force, we are going to deal with it seriously."

If Zheng Yunhong can tell you to deal with it seriously, then it will definitely not be dealt with lightly.Shen Lin nodded and said: "This is what it should be. When the institute lets me go, just let me know."

Zheng Yunhong nodded and said, "I hope there are more young people like you who are brave and law-abiding. We can't let people like you suffer."

"If you find someone like Zhang Sihe in the future, you must report to us in time."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zheng Yunhong left.Shen Lin returned to his stall with two glass soda bottles, and said to Lu Dongsheng who was packing up: "Xiao Lu, you have worked hard today."

"Boss, I'm just showing you the stall, and I'm not tired." Lu Dongsheng wiped the sweat off his face and said honestly.

Shen Lin looked at the stalls that had been cleared up, and thought that Lu Dongsheng was a really good guy. If he didn't need to go to school, he would have let this guy be his first employee.

"This is one dollar, it's your salary." Shen Lin took out one dollar and handed it to Lu Dongsheng, saying solemnly.

Lu Dongsheng looked at the one dollar bill and didn't know what to say.Although this one yuan is not much, it is the first money he earned in Dongzhou City.

"Thank you, boss." Lu Dongsheng took the one dollar and said solemnly.

"You don't need to thank me, this is what you deserve." While speaking, Shen Lin took out another five yuan from his pocket and handed it to Lu Dongsheng: "Dongsheng, this is your bonus."


Looking at the five yuan for steelmaking, Lu Dongsheng's hands trembled a little. He never thought that Shen Lin would actually give him a bonus.

"Boss, this... this..."

"Take it, today you can protect our stall by yourself, this is what you should take." Shen Lin couldn't help but put the five yuan into Lu Dongsheng's hand.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support the big guys, if you like it, add it to the bookshelf!

(End of this chapter)

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