Chapter 53 The Silent Warmth

Looking at the roaring tricycle, Lu Dongsheng felt that his eyes were a little dry.At this moment, his heart was full of warmth.

Coming to this city to go to university, Lu Dongsheng was more in a daze.

He has a sense of urgency, a sense of urgency about how he should live, but now, he feels a kind of warmth.

Here, there are still many good people, Boss Shen is a good person.

And just when all kinds of thoughts were surging in his mind, Youngest Xu pushed the cart and walked over from him.

"Xiao Lu, Boss Shen is very nice. If you follow him these days, you can earn some money to buy books." Third Xu stopped the tricycle and said in a low voice, "But don't have any bad thoughts."

"Where Zhang Sihe is with us, many people can't afford to offend him. He offended Boss Shen, so he's going in now."

Lu Dongsheng smiled and said, "Thank you third uncle for reminding me, I will definitely work hard with Boss Shen."

While the two of them were talking, Luo Xiaoying had already put down the work in her hands, and walked towards a young man who looked like a college student.

But the man seemed a little impatient facing Luo Xiaoying.

For such a situation, Lu Dongsheng didn't take a close look at it, it was his own business and he didn't want to get involved.

After he said goodbye to Xu San, he tightly held the six yuan given by Shen Lin and walked quickly towards the school.

But in his heart, he has made up his mind, and in the next time, he must work hard with the boss Shen Lin.

Shen Lin didn't know what Xu Laosan and Lu Dongsheng said after he left, and he was going to buy goods while it was still dark today.

The matter of Zhang Sihe had already given Shen Lin a sense of crisis. He felt that his unique business might have been missed by others.

After all, there are many smart people in this world.

Therefore, while making money from his own business, Shen Lin was going to earn one more.

Familiar with the road, Shen Lin loaded the ordered goods into his tricycle, and Shen Lin made another trip to the meat store.He didn't have a meat ticket in his hand, so he was going to buy some more meat bones.

But unfortunately, the meat and bones were sold out, there was no other way, so Shen Lin bought a roast chicken for two yuan and rushed towards home.

Although he was carrying the roast chicken, Shen Lin also blamed himself a little. He was too busy these two days, and he didn't have time to feed Lu Xiaorong and the unborn child.

"Shen Lin is back." After Shen Lin stopped the tricycle, Aunt Chen greeted Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin turned to Aunt Chen and said, "Aunt Chen, have you eaten?"

"Are you ready to eat?" Aunt Chen glanced at the fragrant paper bag in Shen Lin's hand as she spoke, and a hint of envy flashed across her expression.

Roast chicken, this kid is so extravagant to eat roast chicken, he doesn't know how to live a good life, can't buy a chicken and stew it by himself?

This way you can still eat chicken soup. This kid is really a prodigal kid.

But they can make money, Aunt Chen couldn't help but turn her slander into envy when she thought of the big color TV that Shen Lin sold.

"Shen Lin, Auntie wants to ask you something, is your refrigerator for sale now?" Aunt Chen forced her eyes away from the roast chicken, and asked Shen Lin with a smile.

Sell ​​refrigerators!
How can you sell refrigerators in this summer?

Shen Lin hesitated for a while, but finally decided to ask Aunt Chen why she bought the refrigerator. If Aunt Chen needed it, then he would sell the refrigerator to her after the school season was over. "Aunt Chen, do you need to buy a refrigerator?" Shen Lin asked Aunt Chen.

"What kind of refrigerator do I need? It's so expensive, but I can't afford it. It's Director Li of our factory. The second boy in his family is getting married. Isn't it impossible to buy a new refrigerator?"

Director Li's appearance quickly appeared in Shen Lin's mind. This is a good old man who has no enmity with him.

"Aunt Chen, my refrigerator can be sold, but not now. I'm using it now. If Director Li can afford to wait, it will be a month later."

A month later, Aunt Chen made some calculations and said, "I can't make up my mind about this. When I see Director Li, I'll ask him."

Shen Lin spoke a few more words with Aunt Chen, and then walked towards his home with the roast chicken.

Aunt Chen looked at Shen Lin who was walking towards the house, and couldn't help shaking her head. She really didn't expect that Shen Lin, who was fired from the factory, seemed to have become a different character.

With the lights on at home, Shen Lin opened the door, and shouted into the kitchen: "Xiao Rong, wait a minute, I don't need to cook. I bought roast chicken, let's deal with it."

Just as Shen Lin finished speaking, there was a clang, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Hearing this sound, Shen Lin quickly walked towards the room, and saw a bowl fell on the ground, while Lu Xiaorong picked up the porcelain in a panic.

"Don't move!" The startled Shen Lin quickly walked into the room and grabbed Lu Xiaorong's hand: "Just use a broom to sweep this thing, don't cut your hands."

When Lu Xiaorong was caught by Shen Lin, she struggled involuntarily, then she took a step back involuntarily and said, "It's okay, I can't cut my hand."

"I didn't notice just now, my hand slipped the bowl..." Lu Xiaorong stroked his hair with his hand, and said embarrassedly.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Isn't it just a bowl? What is this? It's fine. You can rest outside for a while, and I will clean it."

Lu Xiaorong didn't go out, but she didn't compete with Shen Lin for cleaning either.

And when Shen Lin cleaned up the broken bowls, Lu Xiaorong seemed to think of something and said, "Shen Lin, you... How is your business today?"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, Lu Xiaorong's words made him feel a little strange in his heart, because Lu Xiaorong's tone of speech was somewhat hesitant.

What's happening here?
Thoughts flashed quickly, but on the surface, Shen Lin still smiled and said: "Not bad, today should be the same as yesterday."

Asking about Shen Lin's business situation was actually a casual excuse, but Lu Xiaorong was still shocked when he heard Shen Lin say that this time it was the same as yesterday.

After all, this is more than 1000 yuan!
In the factory, according to his own salary, it would take at least two years to earn the 1000 yuan, but Shen Lin could earn so much money in one day, which made Lu Xiaorong happy. , felt the gap again.

Thinking of her own examination results today, she felt a little more hesitation in her heart. After a moment of pondering, she changed the subject and said, "You should be quite tired today. You should take a rest. Meal is almost ready."

While talking, Lu Xiaorong's hand suddenly touched the bottle of salt, and the moment the glass bottle tipped over, a lot of salt was spilled out.

Fortunately, Shen Lin had quick eyes and hands, otherwise, the salt shaker would have fallen to the ground.

"I... I didn't see it." Lu Xiaorong said to Shen Lin apologetically while tidying up.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who was in a hurry, and felt more and more that Lu Xiaorong had something to hide from him at this time.

Could it be that his mother-in-law Xu Hongying is looking for something else?
Thoughts flashed in Shen Lin's mind, but he said calmly: "It's okay, just be careful later."

(End of this chapter)

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