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Chapter 521 Rice shell, an international famous brand

Chapter 521 Rice shell, an international famous brand

Fifteen or sixteen people came to Xiangxue Factory this time, and they sat at two tables in a single room.But with Qi Yuanbai, the director of the factory, shocked, it's not too messy.

After everyone sat down, Qi Yuanbai's eyes fell on the brand-new black and white TV, and he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that this place to eat is also equipped with a TV."

"It's also because you are here, Director Qi, otherwise, this VIP room wouldn't be opened casually." The waiter in charge of serving the food said with a smile.

Although it is recognized that the waiters in state-run restaurants have ugly words and ugly faces, it is also to whom.

For example, for the director of a large factory like Director Qi, they are still very face-saving, and the service is meticulous and very good.

After all, Director Qi and their person in charge are also old friends.

Looking at the waiter's smiling face, Director Qi smiled and said, "Thank you director for me, and just say I'll buy him a drink later."

"Okay, I will bring you the message." The waiter said this, and asked considerately: "Director Qi, I don't know what you want to eat today, you are blessed, our master chef , I just stewed a goat, and the braised mutton that I made is a must!"

Director Qi has eaten braised mutton here, and knows that the master chef's craftsmanship is not ordinary. "Okay, then give us two sets."

"By the way, girl, turn on the TV for us. The news in our province is about to start. I like to watch the news."

Regarding Director Qi's request, the waiter naturally did not dare to object. Soon, the TV was turned on, and the familiar news screen was displayed in front of Qi Yuanbai.

For the young guys in the technical department, they are willing to watch the singing and dancing.Watching the news is simply a kind of torture, but for Lao Qi and Director Lei, it is indispensable.

They watch news broadcasts and local news almost every day.

Now the local news is being played, and as the news unfolds, the room becomes silent.

No one was making any noise at this time, and almost everyone was watching the news with a look of relish.

"... Now broadcast a newsletter. I... participated in the trade fair and achieved unprecedented results.... In this transaction,...exports earn foreign exchange..."

Listening to the content broadcast word by word in the news, Director Qi took a sip of water from his water glass, and then said with emotion: "I don't know if there is any contribution from Mishell Electronics Factory in the amount that was just broadcast in this news."

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of laughter.

"Director Qi, I think that if Director Shen of the Rice Shell Electronics Factory is also watching TV, he will definitely say with emotion, how come there is so much foreign exchange earned through exports, and there is no penny contributed by us!" Director Lei is very humorous replied.

Lao Lei's humor even caused a burst of laughter. For the people present, Mishell Electronics Factory is their opponent. It is absolutely normal to humor Mishell Electronics Factory.

"... at this trade fair, appliances, energy, steel... are strong..."

As the broadcast progressed, Lao Qi waved his hand suddenly, he looked at the screen quietly, and said with a cold expression: "Old Lei, did I hear it wrong just now, why did the category of electrical appliances appear in the broadcast? "

Director Lei also heard about electrical appliances, and he was taken aback when he heard about this type.

Because every trade fair, electrical appliances are basically nothing.This time, he said that the performance of electrical appliances was strong, which gave him a bad feeling.

However, when he heard Qi Yuanbai's words, he hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Director Qi, did they say something wrong?"

"We all know what's going on with electrical appliances. I think this situation is definitely a slip of the tongue." Qi Yuanbai nodded, took a sip from his water glass and said, "When I see Lao Chen from the TV station later, I must have You have to say something nice about him."

"The ratings of this TV station are quite high, especially for this kind of news release. The authenticity is the most basic requirement. If it is not true, the consequences will be too serious."

The news about the trade fair was played quickly, but after switching to other news, Qi Yuanbai always felt a little restless.

It seems that something bad is about to happen.

However, since it was a celebration banquet, as the director of the factory, if he showed uneasiness, it would disappoint everyone, so he could only put this thought aside for the time being.

"Director Qi, everyone, come, let's have a toast, and wish our Xiangxue water dispenser a big sale."

Director Lei seemed to sense that Director Qi was in a bad mood, he raised the wine glass in front of him with a smile on his face, and persuaded him with a smile.

Driven by Director Lei, coupled with good wine and good food, the originally cold atmosphere suddenly went up again.

The local news just finished broadcasting at this time, and someone came over to turn off the TV first.

But Qi Yuanbai waved his hand and said, "Let it play for half an hour first, and let me finish watching the seven o'clock news."

Qi Yuanbai's words were an order to those present, so no one turned off the TV.

Originally it was a news screen, but it was quickly converted, and the advertisement of Mishell Electronics was quickly reflected in front of Qi Yuanbai and others.

Qi Yuanbai has seen the advertisements of Mishell Electronics many times. Although he doesn't like the advertisements of Mishell Electronics, he has to admit that the advertisements of Mishell Electronics are not generally good.

Although there are few words in this advertisement, it can arouse your heartfelt desire to buy.

"Old Sun, talk to the office later and ask them to find someone to design our advertisement. This advertisement must be better than that of Mishell Electronics."

As the head of the technical section, Lao Sun doesn't care about this kind of task. After all, he doesn't need to work hard, he just needs to be a microphone.Immediately, he expressed his position happily: "Director, I will tell the office about this matter tomorrow."

Director Qi nodded and said: "Our products have come out, and the reputation of the five golden flowers is about to be obtained. If we can't come up with a suitable advertisement, it will make Shen Lin laugh at us."

"Let me tell you, in that case, we would be ashamed and thrown home."

Director Qi's words made many people present a little nervous. Although they had nothing to do with them, the words of Director Qi represented that their factory was at war with Mishell Electronics Factory.

A graphic of a clock appeared on the TV.This means that seven o'clock is about to arrive.

At this moment, a voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Internationally renowned brand, Mishell Electronics reminds you that it is news time..."

Hearing this last advertisement, Director Qi finally couldn't hold back any longer, and stood up from his seat with a bang, and said in a voice full of contempt: "Shen Lin, this guy is too shameless, this bragging What if you don’t have to pay taxes!”

(End of this chapter)

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