Chapter 522

Director Lei's face is also not good-looking!
Xiangxue Electric Appliance Factory wants to suppress Shen Lin's rice shell electronics in terms of publicity, so that the products it copied can be transformed into genuine products.

For this goal, the method they adopted was to make Xiangxue Electric Appliance Factory one of the five golden flowers of local household appliances.

Relying on the reputation of the five golden flowers, there will be a wave of publicity overwhelmingly, then Mi Ke Electronics can be pressed to the ground and rubbed hard.

Although it may not be possible, if Shen Lin's rice shell electronics factory can be knocked down in one fell swoop, at least he can earn back a little face.

But now, before they took out the five golden flowers as a promotional resource, an international famous brand came directly from Shen Lin's side.

Shen Lin, do you know what an internationally renowned brand is?Do you know that you have to pay a price for doing this?Do you know that shit can be eaten with eyes closed, but you can't talk nonsense!

You fucking play like this, you'll have no friends!

At the same time that Director Qi was furious, Director Lei also followed suit: "Director Qi, this Mike Electronics Factory is simply talking nonsense. What they do is not talking about martial arts, it is just wanton flattery, it is just..."

"I think we can't let them do what they do. If we want to unite, we must make Shen Lin, who exaggerated the facts, pay the price."

Factory Manager Lei was very excited when he said something, and when he said some things, he seemed even more impassioned. Listening to Factory Manager Lei's words, Qi Yuanbai felt that Lao Lei, at least dare to think, dare to do, dare to fight, dare to fight, and can be used as a gun Use it, it's really good!
If you want to raise people, you must raise such people, eat meat yourself, and let people like Lao Lei drink some soup properly, otherwise, who else can cooperate and support me so outspokenly.

"Yeah, tomorrow, we must jointly propose that the advertisements should not talk nonsense, and return the fucking international famous brand. Why doesn't he, Shen Lin, boast that he is a famous brand in the universe!"

When Director Qi mentioned the well-known brands in the universe, people around him laughed.A young man from the technical department laughed and joked, "Director, I'm afraid he won't have this chance. If he dares to call it like that, Cosmos Cigarettes will definitely not want him."

Hearing the stalk of Cosmos brand cigarettes, many people present laughed.After all, the comic dialogue of the universe brand cigarettes is really unforgettable.

During the Chinese New Year, Factory Director Qi just laughed out loud at this cross talk, and now hearing his subordinates link this incident with Shen Lin's advertisement, he couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Lao Qi smiled, and Lao Qi's subordinates naturally laughed more freely.

Director Lei raised his wine glass at this time and said: "Director Qi, I think the reason why Shen Lin did this must be because he jumped the wall. Think about it, when he saw our factory, it turned into five golden flowers, but he had nothing. , in this case, he has no choice but to carry out shameless false propaganda."

"Haha, come on, let's have a toast, I wish Shen Lin, a well-known international brand, go to hell as soon as possible!"

Director Qi also raised his wine glass excitedly. He said with a chuckle, "Although we can't be too concerned about other people's behavior of jumping over the wall, we can't be too careless. The next step..."

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere in the room suddenly relaxed.Although the TV was not turned off, at this time, fewer people were paying attention to the TV.

After all, the stewed mutton in front of me is so soft that it melts in the mouth. This opportunity to have a big meal is really rare.

Qi Yuanbai's three-point mind is on eating, and seven-point mind is still on the news.As each good dish was served, a blush slowly rose on Qi Yuanbai's face.

"Director Qi, come, let me toast you again." Although Director Lei had already drank several wines with Director Qi, he was still extremely enthusiastic.

"Okay, old Lei, we two have had enough drinks. You, drink more with us young people. This world belongs to us and theirs, but in the final analysis, it belongs to you young people..." Qi The factory manager waved his hand, and just stopped, when he heard the news, the voice of Mike Electronics suddenly sounded again.

"...Mike Electronics, which has worked hard to develop its internal skills, relied on its strong advantages in this year's trade fair to win a US$150 million order from Jialifu Supermarket...creating a new chapter in the export of our electrical appliance industry..." Qi The factory director's hand stopped in mid-air. He instinctively turned his head towards the TV, and saw the Mi Ke logo and various products appearing on the TV.

Seeing this, Director Qi's face turned pale. He knew very well that this time was a news event, not an advertisement time.

The news time brought such a report to Mishell Electronics, and the meaning it represents is extraordinary.


With a soft sound, a wine glass fell to the ground and shattered into pieces of glass all over the floor.

Factory Manager Qi didn't care about these things, his eyes were fixed on the advertisement, and what he thought about the most was the content of the news just released.

Entering a well-known foreign supermarket chain, an order costs 150 million US dollars, and the total orders at the trade fair have reached nearly 300 million US dollars...

These news made Lao Lei's head buzzing. Although Shen Lin's hateful face did not appear when reporting to Mike Electronics, the content of this broadcast was like a slap in the face, slapping hard Old Lei's face.

He thought of what he said just now, and he thought of the position of Mishell Electronics for itself when the time was reported just now:
international well-known brand!

Now Shen Lin's rice shell electronics can really be called an internationally renowned brand.After all, their things have been exported abroad, and it seems that they are well-known internationally. If they question it, then they may encounter Shen Lin's direct confrontation.

When the news of Mishell Electronics passed for 2 minutes, there was a little noise in the whole room.It was Director Qi who spoke, and his voice trembled: "Old Lei, did we watch the [-] o'clock news just now?"

Director Lei was full of helplessness in his heart at this time, he was naturally clear about what news he was watching.

But at this time, when Director Qi asked the reason, he knew more clearly that Lao Qi was unwilling to accept this fact at this time.

Not to mention that Lao Qi is unwilling to accept it, including him, Lao Lei, is also unwilling to accept it at this time.

With a trace of helplessness on his face, he said: "Director Qi, what we are watching is the seven o'clock news."

Director Qi actually knew very well what he was looking at. The reason why he asked Director Lei was actually a fluke.

In the eyes of Director Lei, Director Qi, who should have been respected by him, is not so mysterious now.

He is Lao Qi, he is just an ordinary old Qi, old man Qi.

"Eat first, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Director Qi stood up from his seat and said in a deep voice.

Factory Director Lei was not surprised by Lao Qi's reaction. To be honest, at this moment, he didn't even have the desire to eat.

But he is a treat, so it would be obviously inappropriate for him to walk away at this time.

"Come, come, let me drink with you."

(End of this chapter)

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