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Chapter 523 Shen Lin Forced It All

Chapter 523 Shen Lin Forced It All
Lao Lei's drinking capacity was good, but this time, he got drunk very quickly. The reason for this was of course that he was in a bad mood.

At this time, he was almost regretting his bowels. If he didn't engage in the first time and honestly served as a supplier to Shen Lin's Rice Shell Electronics, then his life should be very easy.

Although it can't be said to make a lot of money, at least it won't be like a bereaved dog, worrying all day long, right?
But on Lao Qi's side, he still can't offend him. After all, they are likely to have the name of Five Golden Flowers. Even if they can't compare with Shen Lin's internationally renowned brand, if the price is a little lower, they can barely survive.

When Lao Lei returned to the Xiangxue Factory guest house in a daze, he found that Director Qi was smoking in the room where he was arranged to stay.

Director Lei was not surprised that Lao Qi was able to enter his room. After all, this guest house was his territory.

"Old Lei, tell me, how can Shen Lin's products be sold at the trade fair and for so much money?" Director Qi was smoking a cigarette in the ashtray by his hand. There were already a lot of cigarette butts.

Obviously, the current director Qi is in a very bad mood.

Director Lei's head was buzzing right now, what he wanted most was to find a place to take a good nap.

But Director Qi came to the door, obviously wanting to have a few words with him, at such a time, he had no choice but to accompany him.

Picking up the teacup and pouring down the cold water, Lao Lei said in a daze, "Director Qi, to be honest, I am also very surprised by this situation."

"You also know that it is very difficult to export our electrical appliances. Even if it happens by chance, the target of the export is basically the brothers of Yafeila..."

Director Qi nodded, he was very clear about the situation, but Shen Lin's big order this time came from the blind spot of the electrical appliance export...

After pondering over this news, Director Qi felt that Shen Lin was really not an ordinary bully!
Qi Yuanbai took a sip of water from his teacup, and then said: "In the future, I'm afraid our life will be even more difficult."

Director Lei agreed with Qi Yuanbai's words very much. Although Xiangxue Electric Appliance Factory has the reputation of the five big golden flowers, the difference between the five big golden flowers and the international famous brand of rice shell is not 01:30 points.

Next, not to mention turning against customers and suppressing the rice shell electronics factory, I am afraid that it can survive because of the ancestors' high incense.

But Factory Manager Lei must not let Qi Yuanbai go downhill. Once Qi Yuanbai's Xiangxue Factory no longer produces the same items as Mike Electronics Factory, then the downstream factories will be the first to suffer.

"Director Qi, you can't be discouraged, this is just the beginning."

Qi Yuanbai waved his hand and said, "Okay, Lao Lei, you don't have to worry about your own affairs. I'm already on the verge of riding a tiger. No matter what, I have to produce products similar to Mishell Electronics."

"I thought about it seriously. Since it is difficult for us to compete with Shen Lin, we can only work hard on the price."

When Director Lei heard the word price, he felt a burst of pain in his heart. He knew that once he worked hard on the price, his factories would suffer.

"Director Qi, you said that as long as it is your arrangement, I, as a brother, will never say anything else."

Director Qi has already developed immunity to the flattery of Director Lei. He said noncommittally: "Shen Lin's rice shell electronics factory has the title of international famous brand, and it will take the high-end route in the future."

Speaking of this, Director Qi seemed to be afraid that Director Lei would not understand, so he explained: "It's like the cup in our hands."

"What we use here is a high-quality bone china cup. Its function is to drink water. This is like Shen Lin's product."

"And in some places, especially the cups used for drinking water in the countryside, have you ever seen them? Many of them are made of coarse porcelain, just like us." Speaking of this, Director Qi said with emotion: "Ours Although the profit is low, we can still survive. Shen Lin’s profit is high. He eats meat, and we can also drink some soup."

"Okay, Director Qi, if you say that, I am completely relieved." Director Lei slammed his right palm heavily with his left hand and said excitedly.

Although these words were kind of flattering, half of them were true. Director Lei was full of fear for Shen Lin's sudden creation of an internationally renowned trademark this time.

He really didn't know what to do next!

Now, what Director Qi said made him feel that his eyes suddenly brightened up.

Although the following days will be a bit bitter, hard life is much better than life that can't go on.

"Old Lei, the purpose of my coming to you is to discuss with you whether my plan will work or not. The other purpose is to ask you to help me and convince Lao Zuo and the others."

Director Qi's voice was full of solemnity, and he said solemnly, "Director Lei, according to the friendship between the two of us, at this time, I can only rely on you."

Factory Director Lei looked at the dignified Factory Director Qi, and knew that the reason why Lao Qi came to find him was probably only for the second purpose.

The first discussion was just to sound good to myself.

Although he knew it in his heart, he didn't say anything out of his mouth. Director Lei knew very well that at this time, he had no choice at all.

Without any hesitation, Director Lei said in a deep voice: "Director Qi, don't worry, this matter is not only your matter, but also mine."

"Although the work of Lao Zuo and the others is not easy to do, I will definitely do it well for you. I believe that as long as we act with reason and affection, they will definitely understand our difficulties."

"Of course, if someone is stubborn, I don't think we need to be too kind to them. We should let them go, let them go."

Director Qi stood up from his seat and said, "Okay, with your support, Director Lei, I can rest assured. Don't worry, our business will definitely become stronger and stronger."

"Maybe one day, when Shen Lin eats meat too painfully, we will find that while he eats meat, we also grow up."

Looking at the confident Director Qi, Director Lei nodded in agreement.But in his heart, he no longer had much trust in these words.

The halos of the five golden flowers were all shot by Shen Lin, which directly lowered the standard. They dared not compete with Shen Lin head-on, so what kind of revenge would there be in the future!
It's not bad for me to wait for others to barely survive.

Thinking of Shen Lin's rice shell electronics factory on the [-] o'clock news, Director Lei felt annoyed for a while.

If I had known this earlier, why would I want to betray Mi Ke again, and now I am making people and ghosts!

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed over and said, "Director Qi, I found you. I have a call for you."

Looking at the panting person, a thought suddenly popped up in Director Lei's mind, that this time, it might not be a good thing!Otherwise, where is the old saying that a leaky house happens to be rainy all the time?
(End of this chapter)

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