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Chapter 524 If you don't give rice shell, everyone is not convinced

Chapter 524 If you don't give rice shell, everyone is not convinced

Qi Yuanbai looked at the subordinate who ran over in a panic, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly.In his opinion, there are no weak soldiers under a strong general. A well-established company, even if it is just a gatekeeper, is at least well-trained and well-trained in the eyes of outsiders.What's more, you are still leading the people around you!
You have to teach him a good lesson in the future, the overall image of the company, if you make a mistake in a detail, it will all be ruined by you.

But after thinking about it, this young man is usually quite stable.What is the reason for such a gaffe?Could it be that something went wrong?
At this time, who will call me?

I deliberately refused to answer the call, but felt that it would not work if I didn't answer it.

After all, if you extend your head with a knife, you will also shrink your head with a knife.

Anyway, it's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

According to the number provided by the subordinate, after dialing the phone, a familiar voice came from the other side.

"Old Qi, between you and me, I won't be polite to you. I'll just tell you straight to the point. I'm afraid there will be a change in the evaluation of the five golden flowers of Xiangxue Electric!"

Hearing this, Qi Yuanbai immediately became a little anxious. Now that he is supporting him, the one who can compete with Shen Lin for a meal is the evaluation of the five golden flowers this time!
Shit, now, I took off my pants with great joy, just waiting for you and me to come and sing, but you are lucky, just give me a big blow, aren't you obviously playing tricks on people? It's too deceitful...

In a flash, Qi Yuanbai asked without hesitation: "Brother, these five golden flowers are very important to us, and besides, didn't we all agree?"

"Director Qi, we don't want to have any accidents. Think about it in another way, and you have to think for us. It was to help you brother, so you were included in the ranks of the five golden flowers."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to hear the unhappiness in Qi Yuanbai's tone, and his voice became more serious.

"But now, Mishell Electronics' foreign exchange earning orders have almost reached more than 240 million, which is on the seven o'clock news."

"Our leaders above have already made a request that we must learn from Mishell Electronics. Under such circumstances, if Mishell Electronics does not become one of the five golden flowers, wouldn't there be a problem?"

Speaking of this, the man comforted Qi Yuanbai again: "But Director Qi, don't worry, I still hope to help you when I have a chance in the future."

Qi Yuanbai's mind went blank, and he felt unacceptable to this sudden change.

However, he knew in his heart that the person on the other end of the phone was telling the truth.No matter how good the relationship is, I don't want to violate the principle and do such unfair things.That has an impact on personal prestige.

If Mishell Electronics is not one of the five golden flowers, there will definitely be many people who will stand up and speak out.

It's not that he doesn't help, but that the opponent he faces, Shen Lin, this young man, is really too tough.

Having figured this out, Qi Yuanbai sighed softly and said, "Brother, I understand, thank you for your support to Xiangxue Electric all the time."

"This is what it should be, Lao Qi's. You have to understand one thing. That is the general trend. Even if you are hard-pressed, you will not be able to stand it."

Qi Yuanbai didn't say anything more, he knew very well that what the other party said was the truth.But this truth hit him even more.

Director Lei has been by Qi Yuanbai's side all the time, listening to the content on the phone, Director Lei's face is also a little ugly.

Now, he and Qi Yuanbai have already suffered a loss and a prosperity.

Since Xiangxue Electric Appliance Factory can't become the five golden flowers, it means that their days ahead may be more difficult than Qi Yuanbai expected.

But at this time, he can't show the slightest complaint, because at this time, the factory manager Qi is already in trouble, and he can't give him another blow!
Therefore, when Qi Yuanbai put down the phone, he sincerely advised: "Brother Qi, anyway, we have decided to live a hard life, so don't be too obsessed with this five golden flowers."

"These five golden flowers don't give us much, and if we don't give us a lot, haha..."

Listening to Lao Lei's persuasive words, Qi Yuanbai didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but at one point, he felt that Lao Lei was right. The five golden flowers of this electrical appliance were really not given to them much, no. Give them a lot. "Hey, this guy Shen Lin is so damn difficult to deal with."

"Brother Qi, for the current situation, I think Shen Lin is all fucking to blame! If it wasn't for him, why would we be so passive."

When Director Lei said this, he held Director Qi's hand and said, "Let's go, it's already like this anyway, and it's useless for us to think about it."

"I think, we two brothers might as well find a place to have a good drink or two, why not Shen Lin, let's drink some wine now and then talk."

Qi Yuanbai didn't plan to drink at first, but what Director Lei said made his heart feel a little chilly, and after a moment of contemplation, he said: "It's okay, let's come here today and get drunk."

Shen Lin didn't know that his own existence had become a psychological barrier for Qi Yuanbai and Lao Lei.However, he knew ahead of Qi Yuanbai what happened on the seven o'clock news.

After hearing the name of Mishell Electronics Factory from the TV, Shen Lin's heart still couldn't help beating.

Although this report is not long, the appearance of this report is equivalent to putting a layer of golden armor on him and Mi Ke Electronics.

Although it can't be said that it is invulnerable, it is better than before. I don't know how much better it is.

Watching TV with Shen Lin, Li Qingbo and others also had a bright smile on Li Qingbo's face.

He almost finished reading the report on Mishell Electronics Factory word by word. Although the report didn't mention him a word, he knew that he couldn't get away with his credit this time.

After all, this time, I am the team leader of the trade fair.

"Director Shen, congratulations!" Li Qingbo was the first to stand up, and his voice was full of excitement.

Shen Lin and Li Qingbo shook hands heavily and said, "The achievements we have today are all due to Director Li's strong support."

"Thank you, Director Li, for your tireless support. If it weren't for your support, Mishell Electronics Factory would not be where it is today."

Hearing Shen Lin's compliment, Li Qingbo smiled openly.

Although Shen Lin's words were exaggerated, they were very useful in his heart.In any case, Shen Lin remembered everything he had done and sacrificed.

He didn't expect Shen Lin to return anything, but this was Shen Lin's attitude after all.

"Mr. Shen, my efforts are all my work. The most important thing for you Mishell Electronics to have today is your own strength."

When Li Qingbo was speaking, Xiao Xu quickly walked over and said, "Director Li, Director Zuo is calling, please ask Director Shen to answer the phone."

Hearing what Xiao Xu said, Li Qingbo didn't dare to neglect, so he used the phone beside him to call Director Zuo.

However, Director Zuo just talked casually with him, and asked him to hand over the phone to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin is not familiar with Director Zuo, but this does not prevent him from dealing with this congratulatory call.After connecting, Shen Lin thanked Director Zuo modestly for a long time before hanging up.

Both Mi Yuan and Sister Dan were sitting on the side watching TV. Although the two of them knew that the [-] o'clock press conference would report on the achievements of Mishell Electronics, after the report, they still felt that this extraordinary Shen Lin was very Horseshoe disease is about to be proud of the spring breeze!
Director Zuo took the initiative to call, which is a kind of performance.

(End of this chapter)

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