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Chapter 540 Shen Lin Can't Leave Us

Chapter 540 Shen Lin Can't Leave Us
Ma Younian regretted it a bit. He didn't sleep well in the middle of the night, so why did he come here? Although he was a little reluctant to give up the rights in his hands, he was sincere and prepared to let Shen Lin contract it.

He and the goals of these people in front of him are inconsistent!

The goal of these people is to swear to the death to guard the one-acre three-point land in their hands, so that even if Shen Lin contracts, it will not be able to achieve complete contracting.

This is purely trying to trip Shen Lin up.

But Ma Younian couldn't blame anything. Everyone was the director of the factory, and he knew that these people were unwilling to lose their positions.

Therefore, he basically said nothing the whole time.

"Guys, I think we should not only report our thoughts to the higher authorities, but also take a two-pronged approach and talk to Shen Lin."

Someone coughed and said, "If Shen Lin can agree with our plan, then the next thing will be easier!"

This person's proposal calmed down the people who had been discussing a lot.

A series of gazes focused on the person who spoke.

The one who spoke was a fat man who looked to be in his 40s, and his sleek hairstyle made him look superior.

Ma Younian had never dealt with this person, but at this time, someone had already said to him: "Director Yang, you said you were going to find Shen Lin, do you think we can convince Shen Lin if we just go there? "

"Haha, I think it's okay." Factory Manager Yang said with a smile: "Our factories all have their own characteristics."

"Even if Shen Lin has three heads and six arms, it is not easy to pinch our factories together."

"Even, if he doesn't do some things properly, he will be self-defeating and cause trouble!"

"In this way, I think, he has to consider the consequences."

Although Director Yang said these words very implicitly, Ma Younian could still hear the threat implied in these words.

As someone who had dealt with Shen Lin several times, although Ma Younian felt that what Director Yang said was not unreasonable, he felt that Shen Lin would not necessarily give in on this matter.

After all, with Shen Lin's temper, it was almost impossible for him to be led by the nose.

"Lao Yang is right. There are more or less thorns in each of our factories. On weekdays, even we can't completely manage these thorns, let alone Said it was Shen Lin."

Someone else said with emotion: "We have so many factories, so we don't know how many thorns there are. As the saying goes, one key opens one lock. If Shen Lin wants to manage this factory well, he still has to rely on us in the end. "

"Yes, I think so too..."

All kinds of discussions came and went one after another. Listening to these words, many people's eyes began to flash with anticipation.

"Aren't you afraid that Shen Lin won't contract the contract?" Ma Younian couldn't help but ask after hearing what everyone said.

These words were really in Ma Younian's heart at the moment.But when he said what was in his heart, he found that everyone around him looked at him with a trace of smile.

"Old Ma, are you confused? Do you know what status Shen Lin will have once contracted our factories!" Tu Zixing had drank with Ma Younian in the past, and Ma Younian invited him So at this time, he didn't have too many scruples about Ma Younian.

Ma Younian suddenly fell silent after hearing Tu Zijie's words. Of course he knew in his heart that once Shen Lin contracted all their factories, his status would be basically the same as that of the director of the General Iron and Steel Plant.As for the person in charge of the General Iron and Steel Plant, a stamp of his foot was enough to make the entire Dongzhou tremble!

If such an opportunity is in front of him, even though he knows that this contract is not easy to do, he will definitely express his opinion immediately: Do it!
"Then the question is, how do we talk to Shen Lin?" Because Ma Younian didn't speak anymore, everyone present directly approved the proposal to negotiate with Shen Lin.

Director Yang said with a smile: "I think, if one or two of us go there, Director Shen won't pay much attention to it. We should go together."

"As for the reason, of course it is to learn from Director Shen about earning foreign exchange through export."

Tu Zixing nodded and said, "Okay, then follow what Lao Yang said. Let's go to the hardware machinery factory to find Shen Lin early tomorrow morning."

"Although we can't stop Shen Lin from contracting, we must listen to our opinions on how he wants to contract."

While speaking, Tu Zixing raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "Come on, let's have a toast. I hope that tomorrow, this matter can be finalized smoothly."

Holding up the wine glasses in the air, Ma Younian looked at the energetic Tu Zijian and the others, feeling more confident in his heart.

He felt that according to the normal rules, Shen Lin might make some concessions. After all, it was not an easy task to contract so many factories.

Ma Younian, who had a drink, stayed in the guest house.In the early morning of the next day, under the hospitality of the waiter, he drank two bowls of Hu spicy soup, and he followed the big team and drove several jeeps to the rice shell electronics factory.

Although it was not the first time he came here, Ma Younian could clearly feel the changes when he came to Mishell Electronics Factory.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that there is a long row of large trucks waiting to pull goods outside the Mike Electronics Factory, which makes people envious to death!
Among the people present, even the No. [-] Cable Factory, which has a relatively good factory profit, is not so easy to sell its products now, not to mention, there are so many cars waiting outside to pull goods.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" As soon as they reached the gate of the Mike Electronics Factory, they were stopped by security guards in standard uniforms.

Tu Zixing has also been observing the situation of the rice shell electronics factory. After being stopped, he said with a smile: "I am Tu Zixing, the director of our second cable factory. These are..."

"We came here this time because we have something to discuss with Director Shen."

As the names of the factory directors were announced, the security guard in charge of the door was also a little surprised. After all, he saw so many factory directors all at once.

"Factory directors, our factory director Shen hasn't come yet, why don't you wait a moment and I'll call our factory office first."

The security guard's words, in the eyes of everyone, also had the right meaning.So everyone looked at each other and agreed.

Four or five minutes later, the news of Tu Zixing's arrival reached Shen Lin's home by phone.

Shen Lin, who was lying on the bed teasing his son, heard that so many factory directors came to see him, and felt that these people definitely did not come to visit him.

He smiled and said to Cheng Zhenyuan on the other end of the phone: "Director Cheng, what do you think they want to do?"

"Director Shen, I think they have bad intentions, or I ask them to leave first, and say that you are not free now." Cheng Zhenyuan said on the other end of the phone.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Forget it, anyway, meeting will be indispensable in the future, it's better to meet."

(End of this chapter)

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