Chapter 541 You think too much

Shen Lin put down the phone and started to get up. Lu Xiaorong, who was wearing a floral apron, held a cooking shovel in his hand and said, "Are you leaving now?"

"Several factory managers came over and said that they came to learn from us the experience of earning foreign exchange through export."

Lu Xiaorong immediately said disappointedly: "Hey, these people are really, my cakes haven't been baked yet!" While speaking, she glared at Shen Lin again, if it wasn't for this guy who insisted on letting herself sleep for a while , How could there be no time to eat!

"It's okay. I'll go after dinner and let them wait a little longer. It's not a good thing for them to come anyway."

As soon as Shen Lin heard Lu Xiaorong sigh, he said as if nothing had happened.

Lu Xiaorong didn't expect that Shen Lin would say such a thing, and hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll bake it right away, and you quickly pour out the porridge from the pot."

After suffering deeply, you will have a deeper sense of happiness in a comfortable and comfortable life, and you will regard all daily life as a kind of enjoyment.

The daughter-in-law was making pancakes in the kitchen, and the son was sleeping under the quilt. Shen Lin squeezed his son's tightly clenched fists and smiled contentedly.

When he finished the meal, Lu Xiaorong also came over with a plate of scallion pancakes. Lu Xiaorong, who had eaten more than half of it soon, saw Shen Lin eating slowly, and couldn't help urging: "Isn't it waiting for you?" looking at you?"

"Wait, I didn't ask them to wait." Shen Lin ate a few mouthfuls of cucumbers with relish, and said with a smile: "It's because they are willing to wait, what does it have to do with me."

Looking at the lazy Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong didn't say anything. As far as Lu Xiaorong was concerned, since Shen Lin knew it well, she would never interfere.

When Shen Lin came to Mike Electronics Factory, Tu Zixing and others had changed their tea twice, and some had even gone to the toilet three times.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan talked and laughed happily on the surface, and his words were nice, but the factory directors present had already felt the contempt from Shen Lin.

But this time, although they came aggressively, in fact, they were still at a disadvantage in some matters.

So even if he was dissatisfied, he could only swallow his anger.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, because I had something to do earlier in the morning, so I came a step late, and please forgive me, all factory managers!" When Shen Lin walked in, he smiled and clasped his fists at everyone.

Looking at the young Shen Lin, Ma Younian felt a little bit more emotion in his heart. He is so young and has achieved the achievements that everyone looks up to now, but he is much better than himself.

If he had achieved Shen Lin's achievements in Ma Younian, he wouldn't have to come here early in the morning.

Tu Zixing is the leader of these people, so at this time, he will naturally be the first to speak. This not only represents his status, but also expresses an attitude to everyone.

"Master Shen has a lot of work, isn't it normal? Those of us who came here have something to discuss with Director Shen."

Tu Zixing laughed and said, "I hope Director Shen doesn't think we're presumptuous."

Shen Lin looked at the grinning Tu introspection, and said with a smile: "Director Tu, we used to be friends, so if you have anything to say, feel free to say it."

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight." Tu Zijian smiled and said, "We all admire Director Shen very much!"

"Speaking of which, you are the most talented young man I have ever seen. Whether it is Paris Street or your electrical store, those are amazing achievements!"

Shen Lin listened to Tu Zixing's flattery with a smile, and he knew very well that although Tu Zixing was praising himself at this time, it was not the time to see him.

However, Shen Lin didn't worry too much. He knew very well what these people were looking for him for, so at this moment, he seemed very calm.

"As for the arrangement that the higher-ups want Director Shen to contract our factory, we wholeheartedly agree with it. Speaking of which, we are very excited!" Tu Zixiang's voice was full of passion: "We feel that as long as Director Shen can contract If we take over our factory, it’s not impossible for our wages and bonuses to double in the future!”

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Tu started to praise me again, the hat he put on me is too high!"

As soon as Ma Younian heard Shen Lin's words, he could immediately feel that the young man in front of him didn't look young, but his conversation was no worse than the old guys like them.

You see, he insisted on calling Director Tu's compliment to him a compliment. This is Shen Lin's excellence.Praise, this is clearly the attitude of superiors towards subordinates.

As soon as Shen Lin came up, he showed Tu introspection his favor, and returned it back calmly.

"Director Shen, what I'm saying is from the bottom of my heart." At this point, Tu introspected his voice with a hint of emotion: "We people, this time we are here to express our opinion to Director Shen!"

"Although there are still difficulties of one kind or another in our factory right now, and there are even some thorns that cannot be taken care of. I always feel that our big factory has been annexed and contracted by your small factory. I feel very uncomfortable, but Director Shen Don't worry, leave these to us!"

"Even if there are huge difficulties, we will not let you down, Director Shen. We will do it if we have the conditions, and we will do it if we don't have the conditions to create the conditions. As long as it is a production task assigned by you, it will be 100% completed!"

Having said that, Tu Zixing waved his arm, and said extremely firmly: "Director Shen, I can issue a military order for you."

"If you can't complete your task, you can ask me."

Shen Lin listened to Tu Zijian's statement with a smile on his face, without any change in expression.The people present basically understood the meaning of Tu introspection.

Although on the surface, it was Tu Zixing expressing his position to Shen Lin, and he would definitely obey Shen Lin's arrangement, but in fact, this was not Tu Zixing's demonstration to Shen Lin?
He was clearly telling Shen Lin that if he and others did not support him, you would never be able to accomplish many things!

After Tu Zixing finished speaking, many people's eyes fell on Shen Lin's face. From everyone's point of view, this time is the most critical time.

Tu Zixing and the others had already seen it all. Next, it was up to Shen Lin to react.

But when everyone looked at Shen Lin full of expectations, they saw that Shen Lin's eyes were narrowed, there was a lot of content hidden in it, and there seemed to be a faint smile on his face.

This kind of smile seemed to show that Shen Lin was not angry.

However, in the eyes of many people, this kind of smile can actually represent another meaning, that is, Shen Lin at this time is not ordinary anger.

"Director Tu, thank you for your support to me. To be honest, I was really moved when I heard what you said."

Shen Lin finally spoke, and when he opened his mouth, it was to thank Tu Zixing and others, but at this time, no one would believe that Shen Lin would thank Tu Zixing. Everyone would rather believe that Shen Lin was speaking ironically.

Even Tu Zijian felt that Shen Lin was speaking ironically at this time.

After pondering for a while, I heard Shen Lin continue: "Director Tu, your brother attaches so much importance to me and has such high hopes for me, I am very, very moved, but there is one thing, I am afraid I will let you down Dude's expectations."

Shen Lin looked at Tu Zijian, and said in a very emotional voice: "I'm afraid I will disappoint your expectations, because I really don't have the ability to contract so many of our factories."

"So, everyone's factory still needs everyone's hard work. Of course, if you need me to Shen Lin in the future, just ask."

"As long as I can do it, I will do my best, and I will never refuse." Shen Lin's last words were categorical.

But the people present were completely silent at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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