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Chapter 542 Not a person inside or outside

Chapter 542 Not a person inside or outside

When Ma Younian heard Shen Lin's words, he felt like a bolt from the blue, directly hitting his head. He couldn't believe what he heard was true, but it was indeed true of.

Factory Manager Shen said that he didn't want to contract the factory of himself and others at all, how could this be possible!
Although Ma Younian wanted to fight for some power for himself, the unlucky situation of his own factory had already made him feel exhausted.

Now, he originally thought that Shen Lin would definitely contract. After all, contracting more than a dozen factories at once, and nearly twenty factories, would be a step up to the sky.

As long as the combination is good, Shen Lin can immediately become a character who is enough to make everyone tremble.

With such a great benefit, Ma Younian felt that if he put it in front of his eyes, he would never give up.But she never expected that Shen Lin was not interested in this at all.

how is this possible?Did I hear wrong!

Not only Ma Younian, but even Tu Zijian was in a state of bewilderment at this time. He had 1 reasons to feel that what Shen Lin said was insincere, but Shen Lin just said these words.

Is what he said true or false?
Tu Zixing was dubious.After trying to calm down, he coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Director Shen, some things are not to be joked about."

"Director Tu, what I just said is from my heart. I really didn't joke with you on this matter."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said seriously: "Besides, I'm not in the mood to joke about this kind of thing."

Tu Zixing looked at Shen Lin who was frank and frank, and he was afraid for a while. He just thought of the great benefits that this matter had brought to Shen Lin, and in order to promote this matter, no matter how uncomfortable Shen Lin was, he still had to accept himself. human condition.

However, he had calculated thousands of times, and he never expected what consequences would be brought to himself and others if Shen Lin refused to contract.

Although it was Shen Lin himself who said that this was not a contract, but once someone connected this matter with the gathering of himself and others, it was very likely that there would be an unbearable consequence.

Thinking about it, Tu Zijian felt chills in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that Shen Lin's wrist was much better than he thought.

No wonder he can have such impressive achievements at such a young age, it seems that his reputation is really well-deserved.

After a moment of hesitation, Tu Zixing knew that at this time, he had no other choice.

To make a concession, you must make a good concession. You must not let the people above feel that it is because of your own troubles that you made it like this.

In that case, I may be in trouble!
After a little hesitation, Tu Zixing has already made the choice that is most beneficial to him, even if he admits to being cowardly, he must not throw the matter here!
Once he messes things up, he will be the one to suffer, not Shen Lin.Therefore, Tu Zijian tried his best to put a smile on his face.

"Director Shen, I'm afraid you misunderstood us just now. We came here this time to connect with you and express our sincerity in wanting you to contract."

"I don't know about other manufacturers, but for our cable factory, as long as Director Shen is contracted by you, we will not go west if you let us go east; we will never go west if you let us beat dogs!"

Tu Zixing said while observing the changes in Shen Lin's expression. When he found that Shen Lin hadn't expressed anything to him, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

This Shen Lin is too difficult to deal with!

It seems that this guy who has a lot of money on his chest is simply not letting the rabbit out of his sight. If he just says these things to no avail, then he will be the one who will be unlucky next. "Of course, I will abide by your arrangements, Director Shen. If you feel that you need me to serve the cable factory, I will have no problem. If Director Shen, you feel that our cable factory no longer needs me, I can go As for other places, I still have this sense of the overall situation."

"Not only me, but everyone who followed me also meant the same thing."

Speaking of this, Tu Zijian looked at the factory directors who followed him and said, "Is everyone right?"

Some people think silently, of course not, you are so self-assertive and careless, who gave you the right to speak for us!
Helpless, those who can come here are not fools, they naturally know the reason for Tu Zixing's sudden change of mind.

While lamenting that they shot their own feet with a stone, none of them dared to say a word, so as to save the pot of destroying the contracting plan and hit themselves.

"Director Tu is right, that's what we mean."

"Director Shen, we are here to serve you, as long as you need it, just tell us."

"Factory Manager Shen, don't worry, as long as you contract our factory, you dare not say anything else. At least one thing we can guarantee is that we will never cause you any trouble during the contracting process."

"Haha, Director Shen, we will be your most loyal subordinates from now on, if you need anything, just tell us."

Ma Younian also followed suit. Although he didn't know what effect his statement had, he still had to make a statement.

It's just that his heart is full of emotion at this time. He and others came in a mighty way. It is obvious that the comers are not kind. He wants to pass this negotiation and keep his rights in the contract.

Unexpectedly, a few casual words from Shen Lin made the plan of himself and others go bankrupt, and they all lowered their stance, begging Shen Lin to take over.

Looking at this posture, it seems that as long as Shen Lin is awake, the whole world wakes up; once Shen Lin falls asleep, the whole world snores with him.

What the hell is this?
A series of gazes focused on Shen Lin at this time, but Shen Lin, who had made up his mind a long time ago, would take such a huge burden on his shoulders just because of a few statements.

"Director Tu, factory directors, I really can only appreciate your kindness." Shen Lin said solemnly: "Not contracting your factory is definitely not my whim decision, but our discussion and research. ,The results obtained."

"We are really powerless to contract such a factory all at once, so I can only thank you for your trust in me, but I have to refuse."

"Please also understand me."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Tu Zixing was disappointed, but he was also greatly relieved, as long as it wasn't because of the arrival of people like himself that made Shen Lin decide not to contract.

"Director Shen, are you really not going to contract?" Tu took a breath and said solemnly.

"Yes, Director Tu, we really don't plan to contract." Shen Lin said: "I was going to report to the higher-ups today, but I didn't expect that you had already rushed over with all the factory directors."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Tu Zixing said that if you don't want to contract the contract, you should have said it earlier, so that we would not talk about it for nothing, and almost fell into the wrong person.

(End of this chapter)

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