Chapter 55 Subtle changes

Shen Lin fell asleep quickly, but Lu Xiaorong, who was in the next room, couldn't fall asleep at this time.

She was obviously very sleepy, but the problems in her mind had been bothering her all the time, making her unable to make up her mind for a while.

Her hand gently landed on her smooth belly, and she didn't feel anything strange.But she knew very well in her heart that her stomach was already different.

Because there is already one more person in my stomach.

A small villain who is very close to him is conceived in his stomach.

There have been some changes in Lu Xiaorong's thoughts, and even Lu Xiaorong himself did not feel this change clearly.

When he heard the news that he was pregnant from Dr. Lin, all Lu Xiaorong thought in his heart was whether he should have this child.

But now, this idea has undergone a huge change. Whether or not he should have this child has silently changed into how he should tell Shen Lin.

If Shen Lin knew that he had a child, how would he react?
joy, or...

Amid these countless flashing thoughts, Lu Xiaorong fell asleep. In the dream, she dreamed of a girl with two braids, who was running wildly around her, while she kept talking Be careful.

Everything is so beautiful, everything is like that...

While Lu Xiaorong was enjoying the life in her dream, she suddenly felt someone pushing her, and when she opened her eyes, it was Shen Lin.

"Xiao Rong, I've already prepared the meal, you should hurry up and wash up, it's time to go to work after dinner."

When Shen Lin said this, he patted Lu Xiaorong on the shoulder and said, "I'll go to the stall first, and I'll bring you delicious food tonight."

While speaking, Shen Lin hurried out.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's leaving figure, and her face turned red for a moment. She never thought that she would sleep so dead.

This... If someone who is familiar with him hears about this, he will laugh himself to death.

But after the embarrassment, a smile appeared on her face.His right hand lightly landed on his lower abdomen, and Lu Xiaorong said to himself in a weak and almost inaudible voice: "Did you hear that, the one who spoke just now is Dad."

Shen Lin didn't know that Lu Xiaorong was talking to his child right now. At this time, Shen Lin was riding a tricycle in a hurry and rushed towards the normal college.

Compared with the engineering college, Dongzhou Teachers College is also a junior college, but it is much larger than the engineering college in terms of reputation and scale.

When Shen Lin's motorcycle tricycle arrived at the gate of the Teachers College, several small stalls had already gathered at the gate of the Teachers College.

There is Xu Laosan's biscuit stall, Luo Xiaoying's wonton stall, fried dough sticks, and other snack stalls.

There are no small stalls like Shen Lin's at this time.

Xu Laosan and the others were busy before Shen Lin came, but when they heard the sound of Shen Lin's motorcycle, they all raised their heads to greet Shen Lin.

Whether you know it or not, as long as Shen Lin makes a sound, he will respond with a smile.

Lu Dongsheng had already been waiting at the gate of the Teachers College. When he saw Shen Lin coming, he immediately went up to meet him.

The money he earned yesterday made Lu Dongsheng so excited that he tossed and turned all night without falling asleep.

For him, Shen Lin's reward not only ensured his material security, but also increased his self-confidence.

"Boss Shen." Lu Dongsheng greeted Shen Lin while following Shen Lin to place the stall on the ground.Shen Lin smiled at Lu Dongsheng and said, "Dongsheng, I have already told you, just call me Brother Shen. When did you come?"

"I've just been here for a while." Lu Dongsheng wiped the sweat from his brow and responded with a smile.In fact, Lu Dongsheng had already been here for half an hour at this time.

Shen Lin didn't ask too much, the most important thing for him and Lu Dongsheng now is to set up their own stalls.

Thanks to Shen Lin's design, within half a quarter of an hour, a long row of stalls had already been placed on the main road to the left of the gate of the Teachers College.

Thanks to the scarcity of vehicles now, Shen Lin occupies a small half of the sidewalk, but it will not cause any congestion to the traffic.

"I didn't eat, so I went to Mr. Xu's for two pancakes, and Luo Xiaoying's for two wontons." While speaking, Shen Lin unquestionably handed Lu Dongsheng two dollars.

Lu Dongsheng rubbed his hands together and said, "Brother Chen, just one serving, I've already eaten."

"Boy, come eat with me. We seem to be busier today than yesterday. Can you do it if you don't eat more?" Shen Lin said without doubt, "Hurry up, are you still hungry?"

In fact, Shen Lin had already eaten a lot at home, but Lu Dongsheng's situation made him feel that when he was helping Lu Dongsheng buy food, he had better take care of the young people's self-esteem.

That's why Shen Lin said that he didn't eat either.

Lu Dongsheng hesitated for a moment, then ran towards Xu Laosan and Luo Xiaoying.In just a few minutes, he came over with two large bowls.

"Brother Shen, the wontons given by Luo Xiaoying are much more than those given to others." Lu Dongsheng said in embarrassment while putting down the bowl.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We are all doing business together, so we naturally take care of each other. You don't have to worry too much. If you really feel sorry, then you can wait for Luo Xiaoying to come to our place to buy things. Now, let's give her a little more."

Lu Dongsheng smiled, handed Shen Lin a biscuit, and ate it quickly.

Lu Dongsheng ate the big bowl of meat wontons just twice during Chinese New Year, but now, following Shen Lin, he ate the wontons before it even opened.

Just as Shen Lin finished eating a bowl of wontons, a Pian San motorcycle roared over.The motorcycle stopped not far from Shen Lin's stall, which made Lu Dongsheng a little wary.

Just when he was afraid that someone would stop them from setting up a stall, he saw a young man getting off the side of the Pian San motorcycle.

"Shen Lin, business is good!"

Shen Lin seemed to be Xu Ruibing, so he smiled and handed over several bottles of frozen orange soda, "Brother Xu, I'm just earning a living."

"Okay, don't cry poor with me, if you only earn a living, we people should be hungry." After Xu Ruibing looked at Shen Lin's motorcycle tricycle, he smiled and said: "Shen Lin, you promised me something, but you must remember that when you have an engine, think about me."

"Okay, no problem." Shen Lin agreed, this matter is not difficult for Shen Lin, not to mention that Xu Ruibing is giving him a business.

While the two of them were talking, they saw a small white car with its windows closed whizzing over from a distance.

"Tsk tsk, we don't even have this small car in the bureau! Does the car have an air conditioner?" Xu Ruibing, whose eyes were shining brightly, said enviously in his voice.

From the aesthetic point of view of Shen Lin's later generations, this car doesn't look very good?But in this era, a small car is already quite powerful.

Just when he was about to speak, the car stopped in front of him, and a man in his 30s walked towards Shen Lin quickly.

Before Shen Lin could react, the man had already grabbed Shen Lin's hand.

PS: The new book sets sail, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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