Chapter 56 I Found You

Shen Lin was really surprised when a man grabbed his hand.

Just when he instinctively wanted to shake off the palm that was grabbing him, he heard the man say excitedly: "Comrade Shen Lin, thank you!"

Seeing the excited expression of the middle-aged man, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, a woman holding a child also got out of the car.

This woman looked to be in her 30s, and she wasn't too beautiful in appearance, but her whole person was filled with a quiet aura.

She was wearing a white dress, she looked slim and tall, and she was a bit out of place with the surrounding environment.

The child she was holding seemed to be only two or three years old. The moment she saw Shen Lin, she stretched out her arms towards Shen Lin.

Seeing this child, Shen Lin understood somewhat, because this child was the one he saved.

He held the child for a full hour yesterday.

And the one who followed the woman out of the car was Lin Tongwei, whom Shen Lin was familiar with. He nodded towards Shen Lin as soon as he got out of the car.

"You are……"

"I'm Xiao Yang's uncle." The middle-aged man said excitedly, "If it wasn't for you this time, I...I'm afraid I'll be guilty for the rest of my life."

Speaking of this, a trace of tears appeared in the man's eyes.

Looking at the man's expression, Shen Lin felt that this man must have been under tremendous pressure, otherwise he would never have been like this.

After all, men don't flick their tears easily!Especially middle-aged men.

The woman in her 30s smiled at Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen Lin, thanks to you and Officer Chu this time, otherwise we don't know when we will be able to find Xiao Yang again."

When Shen Lin heard this, he thought it should be 30 years later.But on the surface, Shen Lin still said modestly: "This is all as it should be. I believe that anyone who sees this situation will not be able to help but rush forward."

"Mr. Shen Lin, my name is Zhong Tianyang, and I'm working in our city now. If you have anything to do in the future, please feel free to contact me."

While speaking, the middle-aged man took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Shen Lindao: "This is my contact information."

Zhong Tianyang and Shen Lin were stunned for a moment when they heard this name.

In the memory of the previous life, there is this person's name.It's just that like many people, he knows his name, but Zhong Tianyang doesn't know him.

Now, the contact information given by this person is extremely precious.

Shen Lin took the note with the contact information in both hands, and said with a smile: "Okay, I have something to do in the future, I must ask you for help."

Zhong Tianyang looked at the smiling Shen Lin, and suddenly felt that Shen Lin was being polite to him.

He said he was asking himself to help, but in fact, he didn't need to help himself.

Just when he was about to speak, the woman holding the child had already pulled out a wad of money from her pocket.

"Shen Lin, I know this money is nothing compared to your great kindness to our family. It's just a small gesture. Please accept it." As the woman spoke, she handed over the stack of money that was all from the Great Unity come over.

This is at least 1000 yuan!

If I accept this money, it means that today's small goal has been completed.

But how could Shen Lin want this money!

This is just a small goal for a day, how could he lose his personality for such a little money?
"You two, I can understand how you feel." Shen Lin's expression became extremely solemn, and he said in an unquestionable voice: "But I can't accept this money." "Although I need money very much, But I can’t change my principles just because of money.”

"I help save people because of my conscience, so I can only express my gratitude for your money, but I cannot accept it."

All the people around, whether they were students or parents who came to see them off, were shocked when the stack of unity was brought out.

After all, thousands of yuan is not a small sum in this day and age.

Among them, many people admired Shen Lin, thinking that this person really made money this time, but they didn't expect that Shen Lin didn't want it.

And he also said such righteous words.

The woman held the child in one hand and the money in the other, and she didn't know what to say at this moment.But at this moment, her favor towards Shen Lin has suddenly increased a lot.

"Shen Lin, I know that you didn't save people for money, but after all, this is our wish, and you have to let us express it." Zhong Tianyang said this with a more serious expression.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhong, I can understand your feelings, but I have my own principles."

"The reason why I don't hesitate to help with this matter is because of my own conscience, not for money."

"So, please don't embarrass me."

When Shen Lin said this, he smiled and said: "If you really feel sorry, you can invite me to have more meals in the future."

Zhong Tianyang shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, since you have already said this, then we have to be respectful rather than obedient."

"Shen Lin, I've been a little busy these two days, after a while, I'll treat you to dinner."

While speaking, Zhong Tianyang looked around twice, got into the small white car, and left with the child's mother.

Before Lin Tongwei left, he secretly gave Shen Lin a thumbs up. For Lin Tongwei, Shen Lin's performance today made him admire.

After Xiaobai Che left, Shen Lin took out the note and carefully read it twice before carefully putting it in his pocket.

"Brother Shen, are my idol, and I will become someone like you in the future." Lu Dongsheng said with a blushing face.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Dongsheng who looked extremely respectful, and thought to himself, what should I tell this child?Just when he was hesitating, he heard Xu Laosan say: "Boss Shen, you saved this kidnapped child, didn't you go to Dongfeng Inn?"

"It's at the Dongfeng Inn." Shen Lin glanced at Xu Laosan, and said in his heart that the news about this past is quite well-informed.

And just when he looked at Xu Laosan, a trace of horror had already flashed across Xu Laosan's face.

But immediately, Xu Laosan said: "Boss Shen is amazing."

What Shen Lin didn't know was that when he started to greet the shoppers, Xu Laosan said to the people around him with some fear: "Don't mess with Boss Shen, I heard that the human trafficker in the Dongfeng Small Hotel has legs. It's all broken."

"Tsk tsk, Boss Shen looks polite, but he didn't expect to be so powerful."

The vendors around had looked at Shen Lin differently, but now that they heard Xu Laosan's words, they all had more fear in their expressions.

Shen Lin didn't care about these things, he was too busy with his business, so he didn't have time to talk about these things, but those who sold things had slowly centered on Shen Lin's stall, and a lot of gaps had appeared.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support the big guys, if you like it, add it to the bookshelf!

(End of this chapter)

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