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Chapter 57 Lu Xiaorong's Crisis

Chapter 57 Lu Xiaorong's Crisis
Shen Lin worked for Dongzhou Teachers College for three days, Dongzhou Vocational College, Shen Lin worked for three days, Dongzhou Business School...

Taking advantage of the beginning of the school season, Shen Lin has a small goal almost every day, especially in the days of Dongzhou Normal School, Shen Lin almost makes two small goals a day.

In less than ten days, Shen Lin's savings had already reached tens of thousands of yuan.

Although the money was saved separately, looking at the increasing numbers in the three passbooks, Shen Lin became more and more motivated.

But as the school season came to an end, Shen Lin knew that his days of one small goal a day were coming to an end.

Although he was full of reluctance, he had to think about how to do his own business while he was busy.

"Boss, take a rest. The peak period is over, I can just watch the stall by myself." Lu Dongsheng looked at the high sun above his head and said to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at the sparse crowd, nodded lightly and said: "Okay, then you can work harder."

Opening a bottle of iced soda, Shen Lin drank while thinking about the way ahead.Although he is busy these days, he still has to do the next step.

For example, he has gathered a lot of second-hand electrical appliances through Photon and others. Although most of them don't have time to repair them now, they are enough to support his second-hand appliance recycling shop.

And he is also optimistic about a store, which can be used as a place to open his own store.

If there is anything in this life that makes Shen Lin unsatisfied, it is his relationship with Lu Xiaorong, which seems to have not made much progress these days.

Although he could feel Lu Xiaorong's closeness to him, this kind of closeness always gave him a kind of estranged gratitude.

Lu Xiaorong seemed to be hiding something from him.


A roar of motorcycles roared from a distance, and with the roar, Shen Lin saw a Pian San motorcycle approaching from a distance.

The driver was Chen Meng, while Chu Feng was sitting in the back of the car.

"Brother-in-law, your hands are all healed." While speaking, Shen Lin looked at Chu Feng's arm.

Chu Feng waved his hand lightly and said, "Except for not being able to do heavy work, everything else is fine."

Chen Meng sat on the side, and he said to Chu Feng with a smile: "Chu Suo, if I say you, you should rest for two more days."

"Zheng Suo said that you can't go to work until you fully recover. Fortunately, you came to work in just a few days."

Although Shen Lin knew that his second brother-in-law's promotion was a certainty, but when he heard Chen Meng's words, he was still taken aback.

But Chu Feng smiled and said: "Even if I can't stay at home, I still feel that I can recover faster if I go to work."

"Shen Lin, according to the article issued in the bureau yesterday, Chu Suo is already the deputy director of our Chengnan Police Station." Chen Meng saw Shen Lin's doubts, and he said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, this is a good thing, why don't we find a place tonight and have a good drink."

"Let's wait two days. Your second sister went out for training these two days and hasn't come back yet." Chu Feng said with a smile, "This time, I must toast you a few glasses."

Although Chu Feng is loyal to Microsoft, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know the ways of the world.

He knew very well in his heart that Shen Lin played a very important role in the reason why he was able to become the deputy director this time.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, he wouldn't be able to become the deputy director at all on his own.

So from the bottom of his heart, he was full of gratitude to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "That's fine. My business here is almost finished. Let's drink freely then." "I'll get two bottles of good wine. It's not expensive and I won't return it. Brother Chen must come!"

Chen Meng knew in his heart that Shen Lin was being polite, so he said with a smile: "Okay, I will definitely participate when the time comes, Shen Lin, don't dislike me for drinking too much."

While talking, Chen Meng envied Chu Feng in his heart.

As one of the parties involved, he is well aware of Shen Lin's role in the arrest of the trafficker.It can be said that without Shen Lin, Chu Feng would never have such an opportunity.

Now, the criminal suspect wanted by the provincial department has already had Chu Feng register with the bureau leader, and I heard that after a period of training, he will be promoted.

And this kind of promotion, no one can say anything else, because Chu Feng has enough qualifications and more credit.

A great contribution can benefit Chu Feng a lot.

Why don't I have such a brother-in-law?
Chen Meng's heart was full of envy for Chu Feng. Of course, more of his envy was hidden in his heart.

After chatting for a while, Shen Lin and Chu Feng began to think about opening their own shop. He didn't know that Lu Xiaorong was facing a big test at this time.

In the second workshop, under the guidance of his master He Chaoying, Lu Xiaorong has been able to operate the machine tool familiarly. Although there is still a big gap with the master in many things, Lu Xiaorong can indeed be independent.

He Chaoying is very satisfied with her apprentice. Lu Xiaorong is not only good-looking, but also smart and has a good personality. In He Chaoying's opinion, Lu Xiaorong should not be Chen Hongying's daughter at all.

These two people are like the sky and the earth.

"Xiao Rong, you are learning very fast, and you are almost catching up with me in making this screw." While speaking, He Chaoying took a sip of water from his big vat and said, "But this is not a place for you to stay for a long time. "

"Look, the people who were assigned with you and said they want to exercise have all gone to new positions and have been promoted."

"You are also a cadre, so it's not a problem here."

Lu Xiaorong also respected her master with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with a smile: "Master, I think it's actually quite good to be here."

"Very good, Xiaorong, I know you don't want to embarrass your family, but it's really not suitable for you to stay here for a long time."

When He Chaoying said this, he pondered for a while and said: "Let's find a way to operate while the old factory manager still has a little relationship."

Lu Xiaorong was not talking. She knew that her master did all this for her own benefit, but she was clear about her father-in-law's situation. At this time, if she went to find her father-in-law again, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?

"Lu Xiaorong, I just came from the factory, and I have a letter from you." A worker came out from the workshop door and said loudly to Lu Xiaorong.

Hearing that there was a letter of her own, Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment, she could no longer remember how long it had been since she had received a letter.

Who wrote the letter to myself now?

Just when Lu Xiaorong was puzzled, he saw the workshop director walking in with a gloomy face.

In the entire workshop, there were not many people who were not afraid of the director of the workshop, Luo Youcai. Someone even gave Luo Youcai a nickname, the Black Faced God.

That is to say, the director has a gloomy face all day long.

Even a veteran like He Chaoying didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of Luo Youcai, let alone a junior like Lu Xiaorong.

"Lu Xiaorong, pack your things and go to the boiler room!" Luo Youcai said with a trace of hesitation in his voice after he glanced at Lu Xiaorong.

And the decision he announced suddenly caused an uproar among all the workers who were working.

(End of this chapter)

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