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Chapter 551 Little Shenzi Is A Little Crazy

Chapter 551 Little Shenzi Is A Little Crazy

Shen Lin left without looking back!
For Shen Lin, in today's negotiations, he actually had no intention of reaching any results. In his opinion, since these villagers opened their mouths, there was no need for further negotiations.

Who gave them the courage to take half of their own profits at once.

Cheng Zhenyuan followed behind Shen Lin with a look of embarrassment. For him, what happened today was also not so pleasant.

Although he had already made a decision, many of the people negotiating today were from the village, and some even had a good relationship with him.

But now, those are all gone.

From today onwards, although he will not become a street mouse in the village, everyone shouts and beats him, but there is one thing that cannot be changed, that is, his actions today are obviously on the opposite side of the villagers.

He is not afraid of this, but the relationship between the village and Shen Lin may not be easy to restore.

After Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan got into the car, Shen Lin turned his head to Cheng Zhenyuan and said, "Director Cheng, what happened today has put you in a difficult situation."

"Director Shen, this is what I should do. I am the deputy factory director of Mishell Electronics, and I cannot forget this role. I should stand up to protect the interests of our factory."

Shen Lin smiled and didn't say too much, regardless of whether Cheng Zhenyuan's words were sincere or not, but fortunately, his current attitude is very clear, he has made a choice without hesitation, and chose to stand with him.

"Director Cheng, it doesn't feel good for you to stay in the village. I think so. We have already signed a contract with the General Iron and Steel Factory."

Shen Lin said calmly: "From today onwards, the hardware machinery factory will be contracted by us, and you will go to the hardware machinery factory as the branch director."

Director of the branch of the Hardware Machinery Factory!
When Cheng Zhenyuan heard this position, a trace of excitement quickly flashed across his face.He already knew the name of the Hardware Machinery Factory, and knew that it was much stronger than the Liyuan Village Light Bulb Factory.

This is also one of the two factories that Shen Lin named to be contracted. If he becomes the director of the hardware machinery factory, then he will be in charge of the hardware machinery factory in the future.

For Boss Shen's entrustment of such a heavy responsibility, Cheng Zhenyuan's heart quickly rolled over a torrent of gratitude, and he was a little speechless for a while, not knowing what to say!
"Thank you, Director Shen, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job."

Seeing Cheng Zhenyuan's expression, Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's very good to have the confidence to do a good job, but to manage the hardware machinery factory well, confidence alone is not enough."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "The problems existing in the hardware machinery factory are not only the lack of innovation in the current production equipment, but also their management system, which lacks a corresponding reward and punishment mechanism."

"For example, in the management of this factory, most of them eat from the same pot, whether they do it or not, and whether they do it well or not,..."

Shen Lin knew the hardware machinery factory very well, so he told Cheng Zhenyuan a lot about the hardware machinery factory in one breath.

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Cheng Zhenyuan's face became more and more solemn, and he even subconsciously picked up a notebook and recorded it.

However, Cheng Zhenyuan thought while recording. With Shen Lin from the Hardware Machinery Factory, would he care about the Liyuan Village Bulb Factory?
Although Shen Lin had put a lot of thought into this factory area, to Shen Lin, this factory area might not be that important anymore.

As thoughts flashed one by one, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that Li Hongqi's plan might really come to nothing this time.

Li Hongqi didn't think that Shen Lin would be willing to move away. After all, many people knew that the Rice Shell Electronics Factory was in their village.

Once the Mishell Electronics Factory moves away, the impact on the Mishell Electronics Factory will be very large.He, Li Hongqi, had experienced a factory relocation back then. The oil extraction factory run by his village went from prosperity to depression precisely because of the relocation.

If Shen Lin moved the factory this time, he might end up in the same way.

As long as there is a slight possibility, he will never be willing to move the factory.

After Shen Lin left, Li Hongqi and others not only did not disperse, but also gathered together for a meeting.Before the meeting, some people had already begun to feel anxious. These people all had family members who worked at Mihu Electronics Factory.

Just now, Director Shen has announced in public that these people have been fired. If Shen Lin refuses to budge, and Li Hongqi's dividends are hopeless, what should their family members who work in the rice shell electronics factory do? ?That is tantamount to losing his wife and losing his army.

"Everyone, Shen Lin's reaction was very intense!" Li Hongqi teased leisurely while drinking tea.

"However, the more intense this little Shenzi's reaction is, the more it shows that we just hit his vital point."

When Li Hongqi uttered the three words "Xiao Shenzi", everyone present was stunned for a moment. They obviously hadn't adapted to who this little Shenzi was.

But immediately, there was a burst of laughter. After all, the people who can sit here are not fools. When they heard the word "Xiao Shenzi", they immediately understood what Li Hongqi meant.

"Yes, what Uncle Hongqi said is absolutely correct. The more Xiaoshenzi reacts violently, the more it means that we have stabbed his vitals, and that's why he's going into a rage!"

"Haha, if he wasn't in a hurry, he wouldn't be like this."

"Uncle Hongqi, as soon as you talk about Xiao Shenzi, I won't be afraid immediately. What's so great about Shen Lin? He's not superhuman, he's different from us!"

The laughter and discussions below brought a smile to Li Hongqi's face, and he said with a smile: "We can't be afraid of Shen Lin."

"Don't think he has two brushes in business, but everyone should remember that this is Liyuan Village, and that factory is our light bulb factory."

"On our territory, don't say that Xiao Shenzi doesn't have three heads and six arms, even if he does, no matter how much he jumps up and down, he still can't get out of the palms of us Tathagatas!"

Having said that, Li Hongqi patted the table and said, "We will not give an inch to our conditions."

"Moreover, we have to make Xiao Shenzi pay for his arrogance!"

"Didn't he say that those people in our village who didn't go to work should be fired? Then when he comes to beg us, Xiao Shenzi must compensate everyone who has been fired in our village by 2000 yuan."

"If he doesn't agree, then the light bulb factory in our village can no longer be rented to Xiao Shenzi."

The villagers, who were still a little apprehensive at first, immediately felt at ease after hearing Li Hongqi's statement.

2000 yuan!
This is the salary of two years of work. Uncle Hongqi is really not ordinary and generous.

Cool, really proud!No wonder he is the head of the whole village.

Look at Uncle Hongqi's face, with a loose air that is under control, serious and casual, with a look of power in his hands and the destiny of the whole village.

"Uncle Hongqi's words are too good. Haha, Xiao Shenzi is shooting himself in the foot with a rock. I really want to see how ugly his face will be then."

"That's right, when the time comes, we'll ask Xiao Shenzi to come next to us and give us the money in person."

Li Hongqi listened to the discussion below, and the smile on his face gradually increased. He knew that he had stabilized the situation.

As for the additional rewards, it's not his own money anyway, so he, Li Hongqi, wouldn't care about it.

He believes that as long as you persist, you will win.

(End of this chapter)

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