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Chapter 552 Give Little Shen a Little Pressure

Chapter 552 Give Xiao Shen some pressure

One day, two days, three days...

Time passed quickly, but Li Hongqi did not wait for the news of Shen Lin bowing his head at all, and even these few days, he had never seen Shen Lin at all.

Even Cheng Zhenyuan, whom he identified as a traitor, has been leaving early and returning late these days, and has never seen anyone.

I heard that apart from eating at home every day, I don’t interact with neighbors.

Of course, in Li Hongqi's view, the reason why Cheng Zhenyuan didn't associate with his neighbors was because he was a traitor, and he really had no face to strike up a conversation with his neighbors.

But although Li Hongqi was as stable as Mount Tai, those who followed him couldn't sit still.

Especially those villagers whose families used to work in Shenlin's Rice Shell Electronics Factory are having trouble sleeping and eating at this time, because their wives and children are starting to make noise.

These people were a little afraid of Li Hongqi from the bottom of their hearts, so they didn't urge Li Hongqi when they came over, but reminded Li Hongqi by beating around the corner.

For example, quietly went to Li Hongqi's house to smoke a cigarette, pretended not to care, pointed to the light bulb and said, seeing this light bulb, I thought of the light bulb factory in our village, and I didn't know that in our village, so far So far, how many light bulbs are produced by ourselves.

This kind of words sounded like a few words of emotion, but in fact, the meaning to be expressed was tacitly understood by the people present.

It's just that, facing this kind of roundabout cliché, most of the time, Li Hongqi doesn't need to express his opinion, but just laughs.

He knew as much as those who came to inquire about him.Shen Lin didn't give in, nor did he intend to talk to him.

In this case, he is also powerless.

But this kind of powerlessness, he couldn't explain it clearly.So all he can do is pretend to be stupid.

But there is always a day when he can't pretend to be stupid, so on the surface, Li Hongqi has always looked confident, but in fact, he has become very irritable in his heart!

"Has Aunt Fat done anything special recently?" On this day, Li Hongqi called a neighbor of Aunt Fat over and asked quietly.

The neighbor tried his best to remember it, and then said with a hint of doubt: "Brother Hongqi, I really haven't found any difference between Fat Auntie and the past."

"By the way, I heard that Fat Aunt no longer works in the light bulb factory in our village. Well, she seems to have been transferred to the hardware machinery factory."

What the neighbor said made Li Hongqi raise his eyebrows, his heart beat faster, and suddenly it became even stronger!
Fat aunt actually went to the hardware machinery factory, this... this is not a good omen.

After walking back, forth, left, and right with both hands behind his back, Li Hongqi made a decision: "Go find a few people, and just tell me what I said, and ask them to follow me to our light bulb factory."

The neighbor was obedient to Li Hongqi. Hearing his orders, he thought that he had another way to get Shen Lin to pay, so he immediately called four or five people over.

When these people saw Li Hongqi, they were all very respectful, some offered cigarettes, some lit a fire, and flattered and flattered them with great joy.

"Come on, come with me to the light bulb factory in our village!" Since the conversation with Shen Lin broke down, Li Hongqi basically called the rice shell electronics factory a light bulb factory.

As soon as he said these words, someone immediately beamed with joy and asked impatiently: "Uncle Hongqi, is there any good news?"

The person who spoke was the young man who had just lit a cigarette for Li Hongqi. Li Hongqi looked at the young man full of expectations. Although he felt a little contemptuous in his heart, he smiled on the surface and said, "If there is anything good, go and see it Got it!"

"In addition, this time when you arrive at the Mihu Electronics Factory, you all must listen to me and hold your chest and head high. Don't be timid." Having said this, he solemnly asked: "You must remember, then It’s our factory in Liyuan Village, it’s called the Light Bulb Factory!”

"Don't worry, Uncle Hongqi, we will never forget what you told us."

Hearing the unanimous response, Li Hongqi was relieved a lot.So, a few people walked towards the rice shell electronics factory in a mighty way.

Outside the Mishell Electronics Factory, there are still a lot of trucks pulling goods, and even some masters who are waiting to pull goods are gathering together to play chess to pass the time of anxious waiting.

"Have you seen that there are so many trucks pulling goods from the rice shell electronics factory, how can Shen Lin be willing to give up this good business? Let me tell you, Shen Lin is just a bluff to us now."

While greeting some acquaintances, Li Hongqi said: "The negotiation with Xiao Shenzi is like a spring. If you are weak, I will be strong. As long as we have confidence, as long as we don't give in, we will win this victory in the end." It's us."

Those who followed Li Hongqi were relieved when they saw the bustle of the Guoke Electronics Factory.

How could Shen Lin be willing to give up such a prosperous factory?He was all bluffing.

When he came to the gate of the factory and was stopped by the security officer, Li Hongqi waved to the young man behind him. The young man came directly to the security department and said confidently: "This is our light bulb factory in Liyuan Village. Why, let's go to our own territory and take a look, can't we?"

The workers of the rice shell electronics factory basically knew about the lion's mouth in Liyuan Village.

They were not from Li Yuan Village, so they were disgusted with Li Yuan Village's greedy behavior, not to mention, what Li Yuan Village did was threatening their jobs.

If Boss Shen really quit, it would be difficult for most of them to find such lucrative jobs!
Therefore, in the face of Li Hongqi's provocation, the security officer who stopped them was not annoyed, but responded neither humble nor overbearing: "This is indeed your light bulb factory in Liyuan Village, but the lease has not yet expired, you come here Here, you are also a guest."

"Well, let me give you a notice. Whether you are allowed to enter or not is up to the leaders of our factory to decide."

The young man in Li Yuan Village stared and was about to lose his temper, but was stopped by Li Hongqi who was standing behind him: "Okay, since you said so, then call Shen Lin and ask him to come and talk to me."

The rice shell electronics factory is very close to Li Yuan Village, so the security guard also knows Li Hongqi, and knows that this is the person behind the scenes.

Instinctively, he didn't like Li Hongqi very much, and he didn't pay much attention to Li Hongqi's words.

After a phone call, the security officer stepped aside and said, "The factory leader agrees with you to go in, but I have to remind you, be careful along the way and don't break things."

Hearing such instructions, Li Hongqi's face twitched. Who is he, that it is his turn to be instructed by a small security guard?
He snorted and didn't speak. In fact, he asked the people below him to speak and asked Shen Lin to come over.

It's a pity that those young people who followed him didn't understand what he meant in time.

"Where's Shen Lin?" After humming twice, seeing that no one responded, Li Hongqi had no choice but to put down his airs and asked the security officer.

"Director Shen is in the office, but he doesn't have time to receive you right now." The security officer's tone was very stiff, which made people angry.

"Okay, boy, you can talk. When our village takes back the factory, you can go home." Li Hongqi couldn't see Shen Lin, so he could only vent his grievances on this young man.

And the security officer smiled and said: "Hey, I will follow the factory when the time comes, and you still can't control me, so I don't need you to worry about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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