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Chapter 595 What is Turning Decay into Miracle

Chapter 595 What is Turning Decay into Miracle
Shi Yuanfeng muttered, and left unwillingly!

For such a result, Shi Yuanfeng was not satisfied in his heart, so he was full of slander against Shen Lin in his heart.

Skills are not as good as people, but also hard to support a fart!

Even if you make such a decisive choice, we can't abandon the great benefits promised by Jinpeng Commercial Building because of you, right?

Just wait, it's definitely not just our family who came to ask you to terminate the cooperation, I don't believe it, you dare to be so tough on every family!
After Qiangzi watched Shi Yuanfeng leave, he said bitterly: "Brother, this Shi Yuanfeng is really a despicable villain. A while ago, in order to enter our rice shell electric appliance store, their Shuangmao did not say bad things to us, so much so that they almost knelt down. Kowtow..."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Qiangzi, just wait, Shi Yuanfeng is only the first, but he won't be the last."

"The next thing you need to do is to strengthen communication with our suppliers and tell them that our rice shell electrical appliance store in the provincial capital will definitely become the leader in the home appliance industry just like ours in Dongzhou."

"I hope the goods they supply here, even if they can't offer the same discounts as Dongzhou, please treat us as the same as Jinpeng Commercial Building."

Listening to Shen Lin's instructions, Qiangzi hurriedly said, "Okay, brother, I understand."

While the two were talking, a staff member in the office quickly ran over and said, "Director Shen, just now Feiying Radio called and said they wanted to terminate the cooperation with us in the provincial capital."

Qiangzi's face twitched, and the sudden call was like a slap in the face, hitting him firmly in the face.

"Did you tell them that our shopping mall is going to open at the same time as Jinpeng Commercial Building?" Shen Lin asked the staff.

"Director Shen, I've already said it, but they said..." The voice of the staff member suddenly stammered.

Although Qiangzi knew that this was not a good thing to say, he still couldn't help asking: "What did they say?"

"They said... they said that even if we opened, we would not be able to compare with Jinpeng Commercial Building, so they are more willing to cooperate with Jinpeng Commercial Building."

Although the staff spoke cautiously, Qiangzi could still feel that when the staff answered the phone, the tone on that side might be even worse.

"Okay, I see." Shen Lin waved his hand towards the staff member, indicating that the staff member could leave.

Although the staff were old employees transferred from the rice shell electrical store, they still felt extremely depressed at this time.

To him, Shen Lin waved his hand, as if he had been granted amnesty, and rushed over.

Originally, Qiangzi thought that Shi Yuanfeng's attitude was bad enough, but who knew it could be even worse.This Flying Eagle radio, isn't it a dog's eye to look down on people...

"Brother, I blamed me for not doing a good job, which is why we are so passive." Qiangzi lowered his head and reviewed Shen Lin.

"Qiangzi, it doesn't make any sense for us to pursue who didn't do a good job. For us, the most important thing now is to stabilize our position."

"What we have to do is not to make those people laugh at us, but to make those people turn around and cry and beg us."

"Put the work you're doing for a while, and then follow my arrangement. Don't worry, after we open, it's up to them to beg us."

Shen Lin patted Qiangzi's shoulder and said, "At that time, you can demote them however you want. Isn't it much better than criticizing me here?"

Shen Lin's words were extremely peaceful, but Qiang Zi's expression gave rise to a lot of expectations.

He looked at Shen Lin and said, "Brother, can we really beat Jinpeng Commercial Building this time when we open our business? Their place is better than ours, and they keep learning from us." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Who said their place is better than ours? Let me tell you, the location of Jinpeng Commercial Building is not as good as ours."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said again: "They just learned how to draw a ladle by comparing gourds, and just taught us a superficial lesson. Do you think they can really be better than us?"

"Also, when you discuss prices with our suppliers next, you can negotiate according to the tiered price."

Qiangzi looked at Shen Lin in a daze. He really didn't know what a ladder price was!

Shen Lin patiently explained again: "The so-called tiered price means selling [-] pieces a month is one price; selling [-] pieces is another price!"

"The more we sell, the lower the price they will give us."

While remembering the tiered price that Shen Lin said, Qiangzi said: "Brother, I know, but tens of thousands of pieces a month, this is simply impossible."

"You can divide between one thousand and ten thousand. In addition, let me tell you, it is not impossible to sell [-] pieces a month."

After Shen Lin finished speaking, he said to Qiangzi: "Go ahead, it's just these few days, our place should be lively."

Qiangzi looked at the bustlingly renovated factory building, and finally walked towards the office quickly without saying anything.

He doesn't know how to make this place lively, but for him, the most important thing now is to implement the tasks assigned to him by Shen Lin one by one.

After Qiangzi left, Shen Lin turned his attention to the factory building that was being remodeled.In fact, the decoration at this time is really too simple.

Not to mention the decorative wallpaper on the ceiling, even if it is on the ground, it is basically a layer of cement.And the wholesale market is even simpler. There is a roof on the factory building, as long as it is under the factory building, it can be made into booths next to each other.

This kind of situation, let alone the wholesale shopping mall in the later generations, which is more than six floors high and covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, even compared with the shopping malls in the county town of the later generations, it is not worse than 01:30 points.

But now this condition can only be gradually improved.

Originally, Shen Lin didn't intend to attract investment immediately, he wanted to wait until it was formed, but with the arrival of several calls to terminate the contract, Shen Lin realized that if we don't let this place become lively, we don't know what the hell is going to happen!
After making up his mind, Shen Lin picked up the phone and called the sales chief of Hongying Silk Factory directly.

The sales section chief is a mid-forty-year-old mistress who works in a hurry, but facing Shen Lin, her expression is full of respect.

The reason for this is naturally her job, which is now in Boss Shen's hands.

"Section Chief Xu, I want to place an advertisement in the newspaper, can you contact me?"

When Xu Fengying heard Shen Lin's request, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She can really do this.

"President Shen, don't worry, my natal niece works in our daily newspaper, and I can handle the advertising for you right away."

Looking at Xu Fengying who looked happy, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, then you can contact their people, and the advertising fee can be negotiated."

"By the way, talk to your niece from your natal family, it's best to give us a page."

(End of this chapter)

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