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Chapter 596 Boss Shen, let's show some face

Chapter 596 Boss Shen, let's show some face

Negotiate, stabilize suppliers, and expand new suppliers!

These few days, Qiangzi is so busy that he wants to use his busyness to make himself forget about those mistakes before.

Of course, Qiangzi's hard work for so many days is still very fruitful.His hard work also played a big role. Many suppliers who had a good relationship in the past made it clear that they would be impartial.

Of course, among them, there are also many suppliers, because they are more optimistic about Jinpeng Commercial Building, they chose not to cooperate with Mishell Electric Mall.

Qiangzi, who walked out of the room, was going to report his work to Shen Lin, but before he walked a few steps, he found that the factory area was extremely lively.

Especially the location of the office area, which was surrounded by people, three floors inside and three floors outside!

what's the situation?Although this place is being remodeled, why are there so many people!

Out of curiosity, Qiangzi quickly walked towards the office area. What he thought in his heart was that if there was anything, he would go and help.

"Please let me pass." Qiangzi couldn't get through when he reached the position ten meters away from the office area, so he could only ask the person in front for help.

Standing in front of him was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s. The man turned his head and glanced at Qiangzi, and then said angrily, "Brother, do you understand what is first come, first served? Line up!"

queue?Do you have to queue to enter your own office area?
Qiangzi was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, someone shouted again: "Don't squeeze, first come, first served here, let me tell you, neither we nor the people in front will let you pass."

"If you don't line up, you won't even get in!"

At this moment, Qiangzi was completely confused. He pointed to the office area and said, "Brother, what are you doing here in line?"

"Hey, that's funny. You've come here to squeeze forward, and you still ask what we are doing here?" A middle-aged man in his 30s said with contempt: "Don't you want to get free money here?" The store, just for fun?"

Free shop!
The shops in these four weeks are free!
When Qiangzi heard this, his head was a little dazed, and he questioned in disbelief: "Are the shops here free?"

"Yes, the boss said that for half a year, all the shops are free to use, and you can leave at any time if you are not satisfied." The middle-aged man in his 30s said: "I don't believe it, you didn't come here for this."

"What are you pretending to do? Hurry up and queue up. I heard that there are only a hundred seats left. You might be able to make it if you queue up."

"I shouldn't be able to make it, let's go!"

Hearing these gossips, Qiangzi was a little confused. At this moment, he saw a newspaper that had fallen on the ground. There is a line of words: free shop, no rent, come and grab it!
Looking at the big red characters, Qiangzi finally understood something in his heart.

No wonder there are so many people here, no wonder no one is even allowed to jump in line, no wonder...

Just when Qiangzi was thinking that this trick should be written by Shen Lin, someone shouted loudly: "Look, someone has come out!"

Following the sound, Qiangzi saw a man holding a red paper come out excitedly, but before he could see the man clearly, the surrounding people had already surrounded him.

"Dude, what's your contract like?"

"Brother, is it really free to use for half a year, and you can leave at any time, is it true that you don't charge a penny?"

"Brother, is all this true? It's really great. Oh, I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing..." Following these questions, people inside heard loudly: "Everyone, I will give you Say, everything said in the advertisement is true.”

"This wholesale market, in order to gather popularity, really doesn't charge for half a year. If you think you can do business here, you can do whatever you want within half a year. If you think it's not good, you can leave at any time."

"Oh, it's rare to not collect rent for half a year, and it's not windy or rainy!"

"I heard that when it opens, there will be a grand performance here. By then, tsk tsk..."

"Go, I heard that there are not many left. If you miss this village, you will lose this shop!"

Following the man's appearance, the people around became more excited, and some even complained to their companions: "I said let's do it earlier, you have to wait, it's all over now, isn't it too late?"

"If this kind of opportunity to make a fortune, neither of us can grasp it, grandma, our work is really in vain!"

The man's companion looked distressed: "Who has encountered a free shop before, who knows that it is actually true! Hey, I am not free!"

All kinds of comments came and went one after another, and the people around wanted to shop for free, and they became more urgent.

Qiangzi was just lamenting Brother Shen's good skills, and when he wanted to find a place to squeeze in and have a look, he saw the person who got the free shop come out.

At this moment, Qiangzi realized why he heard this person's voice so familiar. It turned out that this person was Guangzi's father!

"Second uncle, why are you here?" Qiangzi looked at Father Guangzi who was holding a copy of materials in his hand, and was a little dazed for a moment.

When Father Photon saw Qiangzi, he was taken aback for a moment, then randomly patted Qiangzi on the head and said, "I'm kidding your uncle again, don't you know I'm here?"

Qiang Zixin said what do I know, but his more than one year of experience has also made him understand the truth that there is no need to rush in doing anything, so he said to Father Guangzi: "Second Uncle, let's talk outside. "

Squeezing out from the crowd, Qiangzi brought Father Photon to a quiet area, and then said, "Second Uncle, what's going on?"

"You really don't know, or you're just pretending to be stupid. I'm here to grab the shops. Isn't this arranged by Boss Shen? He said that the shops are free, and we are afraid that the popularity is not enough. Let us come here to fill up the number of people."

Father Guangzi said with a smile: "Boy, not only I am here, but your father is also here, haha, he is over there, I will hand it over to him later."

Taking the shop for free, and getting so many babysitters, Qiang Zi looked at Father Guangzi, feeling speechless for a while.

And Father Guangzi said: "Qiangzi, in fact, Boss Shen doesn't need to find us babysitters at all. You don't know how crazy those people who saw us receiving free shop just now, tsk tsk, free things , every eye is red."

"Hundreds of shops, half of them disappeared in just a short while."

"Hey, I was going to come here a few more times, but it seems hopeless. It costs five yuan a day, and I also get free rides, free food, drinks and shopping around. It's really hard to find such a good thing."

Looking at Father Guangzi who was full of emotions, Qiangzi didn't know what to say anymore. He looked at more and more people gathered, and at this moment, there was only one thing in his heart.

Boss Shen's method is really too strong!

(End of this chapter)

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