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Chapter 597 It's Like A Night Spring Breeze Comes

Chapter 597
"Dong dong dong..."

"Comrades in front give way, let our tractor pass by!"

"Lao Li, didn't you settle down at the farmer's market? Why did you come here again? Aren't you an insatiable old fellow? You have such a good place, and you even fight for us to eat."

"Brother Chen, it's nice to meet you, hahaha..."

Listening to the hustle and bustle around him, Ge Lirong felt like he was dreaming.

Hongying Silk Factory is often called Hongying Factory by people.This factory, which cost Ge Lirong more than ten years of youth, carried the whole process of her transformation from a girl to a mother of two children, and now it has turned into a big market full of people!
If someone had said this to Ge Lirong half a month ago, she would have thought that the person was talking in her sleep.

But now, everything displayed in front of her made her realize clearly that all of this is true.

And the one who accomplished all these changes was the Factory Director Shen who seemed to be omnipotent in Li Fengjuan's mouth.

In Li Fengjuan's mouth, this Director Shen is too powerful, he is like a god-man, as if there is nothing in this world that he doesn't know.

Starting from scratch, he built a factory within a year. He now owns a large shopping mall and a whole street of facades...

But what reassures Ge Lirong is that Director Shen will not give up lightly after making such a big scene. He will definitely do a big job here.

Just when Ge Lirong was wondering if it was possible for her to earn 150 yuan a month, she had already arrived outside the tube building of her home.

Before entering the door, I saw my man pushing the car and walking over talking and laughing with others.

It wasn't someone else who was joking with his man. As soon as Ge Lirong saw her, a trace of fear flashed in his heart.Because this person is none other than her eldest aunt.

A person who gives Ge Lirong a headache when he sees it!

After all, the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law often quarreled over trivial matters, and once they almost got into a fight.

Ge Lirong remembers very clearly that after the last consultation, the two parties agreed that they would try their best not to violate the river water in the future.

This eldest aunt has not been here for more than a year, and she came to the door suddenly, is it because the visitor is not kind!

Just when Ge Lirong was full of thoughts, the eldest sister had already seen Ge Lirong, her expression froze for a moment, and she greeted warmly: "Sister and sister, I'm off work."

When quarreling, I wish I could scold you like a dog, but now I'm like a relative I haven't seen for many years, I'm just a chameleon!

Thinking of this, Ge Lirong felt more and more that he should not take it lightly, and said with a frosty face: "Why are you here? Sit at home."

Although Ge Lirong was very indifferent, at least he didn't refuse his sister to enter the door.This relieved her husband.

It's a good sign that the situation I was worried about didn't happen.

"I don't have anything to do here, I just miss you and Xiaotian, so come and have a look." The eldest aunt finished speaking affectionately, then smiled and glanced at the younger brother.

what? What?See me and my son?Ge Lirong almost vomited. Are you afraid of sticking your tongue when you say that?Although I was contemptuous in my heart, I was embarrassed to show a cold face again.

"Sister, look, you didn't say anything in advance so I could go buy some food." "Hey, we're all from our own family, wouldn't it be enough to stew it all in one pot? Is it worth the trouble to prepare the dishes?"

The two walked in the door talking and laughing.Although the atmosphere was good, Ge Lirong was still a little uneasy.

This eldest aunt is a bit abnormal today, what is she trying to do!
Just when she couldn't figure it out, she heard the eldest sister say: "Sister and sister, sister asks you something."

"Sister, tell me, we are our own family, so feel free to talk about anything." Ge Lirong said enthusiastically at this time.

"Okay, then I'll say it, Lirong, I want to ask, do you still have those shops that your factory received for free?" The eldest sister stroked her hair and asked Ge Lirong pretending to be calm.

Ge Lirong is very aware of the habits of the eldest sister, and seems to care nothing about touching her hair. In fact, the eldest sister should be a little nervous at this time.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be at a loss and touch her hair subconsciously.

"Sister, I really didn't care about this matter. I have been training these days." Ge Lirong thought about the shop, and said guiltily.

At the same time, a trace of emotion rose in her heart. This eldest sister with a heart higher than the sky has always had her eyes high above her head, so where did her arrogance go?

But, can I do it for her?
"Then can you ask for me, if there is one, it's best to leave one for my sister, don't worry, I will never let others help me for nothing." The eldest sister said solemnly: "Should express I will definitely express my heart.”

"Lirong, do you have any acquaintances, ask them?"

Ge Lirong said, I'm just an employee being trained, and I really don't have any acquaintances, but seeing her husband's solemn expression, she can only say: "Then I'll ask later."

"Don't look back, don't you have a phone downstairs? Hurry up and call and ask." The elder sister urged anxiously: "Didn't your brother-in-law go to sea? He wholesaled some goods, but he couldn't find them." shop."

"I heard that the shop in your place is free, so I hurried over there. Unexpectedly, people have already finished receiving it!"

"Many people say that the market is really good, it's unimpeded, and it leads in all directions. It's a gathering place for the flow of people and information. As long as it's open, you can definitely make money. Lirong, you have the right to give your sister a hand. Now Go ask."

Ge Lirong had no choice but to go downstairs and make a phone call.But at this time, she also felt relieved, at least, this elder sister didn't come to cause trouble for herself.

While rejoicing, Ge Lirong still had some joy in his heart.

This kind of joy is naturally because of my own factory, and even my eldest sister's family, said that the location of the shop changed by the factory is good, and then Boss Shen will definitely be able to make money.

But now Boss Shen doesn't charge rent, how can he make money?
Ge Lirong only knew Li Fengjuan, so he called Li Fengjuan who lived in the factory, but Li Fengjuan quickly asked for help, and then returned the call, saying that he had found a shop for him.

This made Ge Lirong overjoyed, and the eldest sister said goodbye happily. Before leaving, she held Ge Lirong's hand, apologized sincerely, and thanked her very much.

For these thanks, Ge Lirong didn't take it seriously. What she felt was that after her eldest sister, it might be difficult for her to speak out in front of her confidently.

"Daughter-in-law, I originally thought that once your factory was contracted, it would fail, but now it seems that your factory is going to develop greatly!" Ge Lirong's husband said with emotion: "At least it will not be a problem to pay you wages. .”

(End of this chapter)

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