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Chapter 598 Xiao Shen is not simple

Chapter 598 Xiao Shen is not simple

In fact, it was Lan Weidong who paid the most attention to the changes in Hongying Silk Factory.

Lan Weidong knows Shen Lin's situation very well. He has been in business for many years. Lan Weidong has a habit of studying the family history of his peers and even his opponents. Shen Lin is no exception.As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.It is also based on this situation that Lan Weidong is deeply jealous of Shen Lin, a rising star.

It is really not easy for Shen Lin to start from scratch and accomplish such a big business in a short period of time, so of course it should not be underestimated.

If possible, he would definitely not want to confront Shen Lin, but the electric appliance market is an attractive piece of cake, he is really optimistic about it, and when the time and place are at the right time, he must not quit directly because of Shen Lin .

In that case, he wouldn't have to hang out in the provincial capital!

Shen Lin's development of the shopping mall first made him unable to find a suitable venue, and then used Shen Lin's method to operate it. He didn't believe that under such circumstances, Shen Lin still had any way to solve it.

The benefits of this offer, the services that should be available all show their attitude, the door-to-door delivery, the...

It can be said that he is going to do the same with what the rice shell electrical store did in Dongzhou, and move them all over to use. Under such circumstances, he feels that Shen Lin probably has nothing to do while his Qiqiao is smoking.

However, what he never expected was that he still underestimated the brains of this kid. This guy not only rented a factory that was almost out of production, but also turned the factory into a wholesale market.

However, when he heard about Shen Lin's plan, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it takes a long time for a wholesale market to grow.

Merchants alone is enough to give many people a headache.

Even if Shen Lin uses all kinds of tricks to start this wholesale market, it will be a few days later.

After all, the popularity of customers and shopkeepers cannot be gathered in a day, it takes a long time to accumulate.

But now, he was really confused by the huge free store in the newspaper!

The shop is actually free of charge, and you have the right to use it for half a year. Think about it, it's like picking up money for nothing.

Although he clearly knew that Shen Lin was his opponent, Lan Weidong couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw the promotion of getting the shop for free.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Just as Lan Weidong was looking at the propaganda that took up half of the newspaper, Ma Jindong walked in.

Ma Jindong rubbed his chubby belly, stroked around and around, the smile on his face was gone.

He saw the newspaper in Lan Weidong's hand at a glance, shook his head, and sighed again and again: "This kid, he is not ordinary. I heard that just yesterday, the people who came to pick up shops at their place were all in line. Over there on the three turns!"

Lan Weidong didn't say a word, he knew that although Ma Jindong's words were a bit exaggerated, they were not all exaggerations.

It's such a good thing to get a store for free, no wonder so many people loot it.

Ma Jindong saw that Lan Weidong didn't speak, so he comforted him: "Lao Lan, don't be discouraged, even if they do it there, Shen Lin's rice shell electrical store will at most be on par with us."

"In other words, we are the ones who have the advantage. After all, here, we have a lot of home court advantage that he doesn't have."

Listening to his old friend's comfort, Lan Weidong waved his hands and said, "Old Ma, you don't need to comfort me. I can bear this kind of thing."

"However, Xiao Shen still has some real skills."

Speaking of this, Lan Weidong stood up and said: "Let's go, let's go over and see what the Hongying Silk Factory has made him toss."

Ma Jindong opened his mouth, wanting to stop his old friend from doing this, but being familiar with Lan Weidong's character, he finally followed Lan Weidong, who was carrying his coat, and quickly walked out of the room.The distance from the Textile Building under renovation to the Hongying Silk Factory is actually not too far, but the location at the second corner is the prosperous area of ​​the entire city, and the Hongying Silk Factory seems a bit out of the way.

However, the surrounding area of ​​Hongying Silk Factory is relatively wide, and the transportation is relatively convenient, and it is not too far from the railway station. These are also not small advantages.

Along the way, Lan Weidong didn't say much, while Ma Jindong also kept his mouth tightly shut. He knew that his friend now didn't need his comfort.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the entrance of the wholesale market, which was full of traffic. At this time, the entire market, except for the construction workers and the wholesale stores that had been sorted out, was lined up with a long line of tractors, pulling all kinds of goods forward.

The unknown Hongying Silk Factory suddenly became lively.

Some even waited anxiously on the side of the road, smoking because the car couldn't get in for a while. More than a dozen security guards in uniform, looking uniform, and majestic, were constantly directing the car to move forward.

It looks orderly here, full of thriving life everywhere.

Lan Weidong got out of the car, the belief in his heart that he must win was not as enthusiastic as it was at the beginning.

Originally, he felt that he was ready for everything, and everything was prepared, but now, he realized that he seemed to be short of something.

"A few days ago, this place was not like this. Hey, who would have thought that it would change so much." Lan Weidong pointed at the lively scene, full of emotion.

Not only he sighed, but Ma Jindong's heart was also full of emotion.

However, he comforted Lan Weidong and said: "Shen Lin has put in so much effort, at most he is on the same starting line as us."

"Old Lan, at a time like this, you can't be discouraged."

"Why am I discouraged, I'm just lamenting that my first plan has failed like this." Lan Weidong walked forward with Ma Jindong while talking.

While the two were talking, someone suddenly walked over from not far away and smiled at the two of them, "Boss, do you want a shop?"

Want a shop?Ma Jindong froze for a moment, and then looked at the mysterious person.

"How do you pay for this shop?"

"Boss, if you want a shop, I'll give you a little discount. This is a shop that I had to wait for a whole day early in the morning the day before yesterday. You give me 500 yuan, and I will transfer this place to you for free."

There was a hint of cunning in the man's voice: "Your boss, don't think things are expensive, you have seen how prosperous this place is."

"Haha, if you want 500 yuan for half a year in other places, no one will promise you at all. This is equivalent to paying less than half of the rent."

Lan Weidong said in a deep voice: "If you exchange shops like this, Shen Lin doesn't care?"

"Director Shen...Where does Director Shen have time to take care of this?" When the man heard Lan Weidong mentioning Shen Lin, he was taken aback for a moment, and then argued.

Looking at the man's appearance, Lan Weidong showed a trace of doubt on his face.

Why does he feel that this person seems to have a slight relationship with Shen Lin?But it's a bit different. After all, how could such a person who earns money by being a second-hand businessman have anything to do with the dignified Factory Manager Shen?
"We don't want it." Lan Weidong walked forward while speaking.

The man didn't stop him either, and he wiped the sweat on his forehead only after Lan Weidong and the others walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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