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Chapter 60 The old lady is not finished with you!

Chapter 60 The old lady is not finished with you!

Fang Boyuan looked around twice, and then said: "Auntie, I know what you mean, how about it, Director Bai is out for a meeting, why don't you come to my office first, and we two have something to talk about first? "

Seeing Fang Boyuan who was full of sincerity, Xu Hongying forced a smile on her face and said, "Okay, I'll come to your office."

After Xu Hongying sat down, Fang Boyuan poured Xu Hongying a glass of water, then turned the fan to the highest gear, and then said: "Auntie, you are so busy, do you want to go to Director Bai to tell Xiao Rong?" thing?"

"That's right, I want to talk about Xiaorong. Although Xiaorong is not as good as you as a college student, she is also a cadre. I can't say anything if I ask her to go to the workshop, but it's not bullying to ask her to go to the boiler room." ?"

When Xu Hongying said this, she stood up abruptly and said, "Even if he is the director of the factory, Lao Bai can't bully people like this."

"Auntie, I know about this." Fang Boyuan said calmly, "Even if you go to the factory manager, nothing will change."

Having said that, he turned to Xu Hongying and said, "As long as Director Bai says that he is going to focus on training Xiaorong so that she can grow up as soon as possible and take on heavier burdens, what do you say, auntie?"

"Can you say no? This arm can still be twisted over the thigh."

Xu Hongying's stomach was full of anger, but at this moment, she felt that the resentment in her heart poured out quickly like a ball being pricked by a needle.

"Bo Yuan, what do you think we should do?" Xu Hongying asked Fang Boyuan after taking a breath.

Fang Boyuan didn't speak immediately, but filled Xu Hongying's quilt with water, and then continued: "The one that Director Bai doesn't like is the old factory director. As long as it's Xiaorong and the old factory director's family, it doesn't matter. Everything is fine."

"I can also help to talk."

"By the way, Auntie, Factory Manager Bai said before that as long as Xiaorong has no relationship with that family, she can be transferred back from the workshop at any time." Fang Boyuan helped his glasses frame and said with a smile.

Xu Hongying put down the teacup and said, "Bo Yuan, I'm counting on you. This time is also an opportunity. Xiao Rong and that scoundrel Shen Lin just took advantage of this opportunity to end it."

While speaking, Xu Hongying hurried out of Fang Boyuan's office and walked downstairs.

As Fang Boyuan watched Xu Hongying leave, the smile on his face grew a little bit more. He felt that with Xu Hongying's help in this matter, the probability of success increased a little bit.

Lu Xiaorong, don't insist anymore, what a good life is there to live with a bastard like Shen Lin.

Xu Hongying went downstairs in a hurry. As soon as she walked downstairs to the office building, she ran into Dr. Lin in a white coat with a list in her hand. After seeing Xu Hongying, Dr. Lin greeted her: "Hongying, I can I found you, come here, let me tell you something?"

"What do you want from me?" Xu Hongying looked at Dr. Lin, who was about the same age as her, but whose maintenance was much better than her own, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

"Hongying, I just heard the news that Xiaorong has been transferred to the boiler room. You have to find the factory leader. How can you do this? That girl Xiaorong is just pregnant, so she is not suitable for working in the boiler room."

Dr. Lin said a little indignantly, but she didn't notice at all that when she said that Lu Xiaorong was pregnant, Xu Hongying was already in place.

"Hongying, what's the matter with you?" Dr. Lin asked in a low voice after not hearing Xu Hongying's reaction for a long time.

Xu Hongying took a breath and said, "You...what did you just say?"

Doctor Lin looked at Xu Hongying, who was a little dazed, and said with a smile: "Oh, I'm so happy. I just told you that you are going to be a grandma."

"Hurry up and find the factory manager, Xiaorong can't go to the boiler room."

Xu Hongying looked at the smiling Dr. Lin, and couldn't help roaring, "I'm so happy."

After saying this, she turned her mouth like a machine gun and said to Dr. Lin: "My child is Aunt Lin, today's matter is over if you talk about it here."

"Let me tell you, you must never speak out again."

Dr. Lin was stunned, and she said with a hint of strangeness: "What's going on with you two? Why don't you tell me about this good thing?" Xu Hongying did not answer Dr. Lin's question, but looked at Lin closely. The doctor looked like he would give up if Dr. Lin disagreed.

Facing Xu Hongying's staring eyes, Dr. Lin felt that there must be something going on, she immediately waved her hand and said, "Okay, okay, I just don't say anything."

Xu Hongying was not talking, but walked quickly towards Lu Xiaorong's workshop.

At this time, Xu Hongying's mind was filled with the news of Lu Xiaorong's pregnancy.

How did you get pregnant?If Xiaorong was allowed to give birth to this child, then his family could only be tied to Shen Lin's family.

In that case, when will my family have a bright future.

When will Xiao Rong be able to divorce Shen Lin.

If the child is to be born, is Fang Boyuan still willing to have Xiaorong?Are you still willing to marry Xiao Rong?
This marriage must be divorced.

"Where's Lu Xiaorong?" After walking into Lu Xiaorong's workshop, Xu Hongying, who didn't see her daughter, almost roared.

Luo Youcai, who was arranging work, said, "Xu Hongying, I've already given Xiaorong a vacation, so hurry up and discuss with Xiaorong what should I do?"

"Okay, thank you Director Luo." Xu Hongying was about to leave as she spoke.

"Where are you going?" Luo Youcai saw that Xu Hongying was not going in the right direction, and asked Xu Hongying loudly.

He felt that Xu Hongying had gone the wrong way, so at this moment, he wanted to remind Xu Hongying.

"I'm going to find Shen Lin's father. Our little Rong is all because of him. If he doesn't give us an explanation, I won't agree." Xu Hongying didn't look back, and her pace was a little faster, but her But the words were full of decisiveness.

Luo Youcai felt that he had a toothache for a while, but he never thought that Xu Hongying wanted to go to the old factory manager to make trouble.

He has worked with the old factory manager for many years, and he knows that the old leader is a person who wants to save face. Now that he has retired because of his health, he is already aggrieved enough. If Xu Hongying makes such a fuss, then his old leader...

Thinking about it, Luo Youcai felt a little chilly.

He shouted to Xu Hongying: "Xu Hongying, the old factory manager is not in good health. When you get there, be careful what you say."

It's a pity that Xu Hongying didn't respond to his words at all. Xu Hongying, who was striding like a shooting star, disappeared without a trace in just a few steps.

Luo Youcai patted himself on the head. Although he was a little annoyed at this moment, he also knew that annoyance alone would not solve the problem.

He said to a young worker who was walking towards him: "Xiao Li, go to Lu Xiaorong's house to find her, and tell her to go to the old factory manager, where did her mother go to make trouble?"

The young worker never dared to hesitate about the instructions of his workshop director. After agreeing, he quickly ran towards the family courtyard.

And just when Luo Youcai was expecting Xu Hongying to stop talking nonsense, Qiangzi, who was playing cards in the tertiary factory, also heard the news that Lu Xiaorong had been assigned to the boiler room.

He has earned a full 50 yuan from Shen Lin. It can be said that the good life during this period is all because of Shen Lin.

Now that he heard that Lu Xiaorong had suffered such unfair treatment, how could he remain indifferent.Throwing the cards in his hand, he said, "I'm going out for a while," and rushed in the direction of Shen Lin's stall first.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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