Chapter 61

Lu Xiaorong didn't know that Xu Hongying had already known the news of her pregnancy.She didn't even know that Xu Hongying was already walking towards Shen Lin's house aggressively.

At this time, Lu Xiaorong was sitting on a stone pier, looking at the letter he got in the reception room when he entered the factory.

The letter was sent by Science Fiction World magazine. In addition to a letter that had adopted her work, there was also a remittance slip and a copy of the latest issue of Science Fiction World magazine.

In the past, Lu Xiaorong often looked for magazines in Science Fiction World to read, but this time, she really did not expect that her work could also be featured in Science Fiction World.

Looking at the position on the first page of Science Fiction World and the four big characters Wandering Earth, Lu Xiaorong was still in a daze.

She knew very well in her heart that if she only talked about writing, what she wrote would definitely not be published in such a magazine.

Now, the reason why this sci-fi world publishes this article is entirely because of the story Shen Lin provided to him.

Authors, Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong!

Seeing the two names juxtaposed, Lu Xiaorong showed a slight smile on his face.

Because of the bad mood of adjusting work, this moment has completely disappeared.

And the content on the remittance slip also made Lu Xiaorong feel a burst of joy in his heart.

460 binary!

This is based on 20 yuan per thousand characters!

Wandering Earth with more than 2 words, I gave myself 460 yuan!
Although Shen Lin had already earned a lot of money, the 460 yuan still made Lu Xiaorong feel extremely happy in his heart.

This is not only equal to her annual salary, but what makes her even more happy is that she earned the money herself.

Wouldn't it be better if I were a writer myself?

Lu Xiaorong quickly threw this idea aside as soon as he thought of it.As a Lu Xiaorong who loved reading novels since she was a child, she really dreamed more than once that she could become a writer.

When she just graduated, she had worked hard in this direction, but it was a pity that all the manuscripts she submitted ended up sinking into the sea without any waves.

This is also the reason why Lu Xiaorong finally gave up his dream of being a writer.

After reading the Wandering Earth in the magazine, Lu Xiaorong's mood suddenly improved a lot.Most of the depression that was assigned to the boiler room disappeared at this moment.

But at this moment, she still has a trace of hesitation in her heart. She doesn't know about this matter, what should she do next?
If you can keep writing, then you don't have to go to work.

Thinking of making a living from her beloved writing, Lu Xiaorong suddenly lost confidence in her heart. She knew very well that she was just a supporter on this wandering earth.

The most important person is Shen Lin.

"Xiao Rong, I found you. You... hurry up and take a look. Director Luo said, your mother has gone to find the old factory manager." The worker Xiao Li who ran over said out of breath.

Looking at the sweat on the young worker's head, Lu Xiaorong didn't bother to say thank you, and her heart skipped a beat.

My mother ran to find her father-in-law. For Lu Xiaorong, this matter was like a bolt from the blue.

She is very clear about her mother's behavior. Now that her mother is looking for her father-in-law, there is definitely something going wrong.

Thinking of his father-in-law's body, Lu Xiaorong didn't care about other things, and quickly ran towards the family courtyard.

The young worker surnamed Li said a word of caution to Lu Xiaorong, and then sat on the rock and began to pant.At this moment, he saw the envelope that Lu Xiaorong put on the stone and the magazine of Science Fiction World.

"The latest issue of Science Fiction World!" Li Yutong is also a science fiction fan himself. He will buy and read almost every issue of this Science Fiction World magazine.According to his experience, Science Fiction World will not be released in their city until at least the [-]th of this month.

In other words, there are still eight days to go!
But now, in the hands of Lu Xiaorong, there is actually the latest issue of Science Fiction World, this... This is really unbelievable.

Could it be that Lu Xiaorong sent someone to send it from Xichuan.

With thoughts in his mind, Li Yutong habitually opened the magazine. No matter what he said, since the magazine fell into his hands, he would read it first.

Anyway, it was Luo Youcai who asked him to come out, and Luo Youcai wouldn't do anything to him if he went back later.

But when he turned to the first page of the sci-fi magazine and saw the author's name under the four titles of Wandering Earth, he was completely stunned.

Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong!

What the two of them wrote actually entered the world of science fiction!

The sci-fi god is actually by my side!

How is this possible?This... this can't be true.However, although the names of Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong will collide, the matter of putting these two familiar names together as authors can only happen to this couple.

I want to take a good look at what the two of them wrote.

Li Yutong opened the first page of the book, and read it with anticipation. After reading it, he was completely intoxicated by it.

The earth began to leave its original orbit, and a centrifuge was added to the earth...

Lu Xiaorong completely forgot that she still had magazines. She hurriedly walked towards the old family's courtyard one kilometer away from the factory.

As the old director of the factory, Shen Lin's father lived in the old family area of ​​the factory, which was a courtyard on the first floor with three bedrooms and two halls.

Originally, Shen Lin's father wanted his Shen Lin to live at home, but at that time, Shen Lin didn't want to live with his parents anymore, so he insisted on moving out.

There was no other way, Lu Xiaorong had no choice but to move out with Shen Lin.

Because Shen Lin didn't work properly in the past, Lu Xiaorong spent very little time here with his parents-in-law, but from the bottom of his heart, Lu Xiaorong respected his father-in-law very much.

When Lu Xiaorong rushed over in a hurry, he saw a lot of off-duty workers standing in his small courtyard on the first floor of the father-in-law's house, and some people were pointing there at this moment.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong walk in, many people had strange expressions on their faces.However, these people still automatically made way for Lu Xiaorong.

In the yard, Shen Xingye, who was a little frail, was lying slumped on a chair placed on a grape arbor.But her mother Xu Hongying's voice was full of harshness at this moment.

"Old factory manager, I didn't want to talk about today's matter, but now, I have to say it!"

"Do you know, my daughter, your daughter-in-law Lu Xiaorong has been assigned to the boiler room."

"Old factory manager, I married my daughter to your Shen family in the hope that he can lead a good life, but take a look, what does your son look like, can she give our Xiaorong a good life?"

"Marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating, now not only do you not have enough food and clothing, but you also suffer from this kind of trouble. Tell me, should I come over and talk to you about this matter."

Just when Xu Hongying was talking vigorously, a woman who appeared to be in her 60s came out of the room with a glass of water and handed it to Xu Hongying with both hands.

But before she could speak, Xu Hongying waved her hand, and the water glass fell to the ground.

Ps: New book sets sail, qiudalaomenzhichi
(End of this chapter)

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