Chapter 602

"Chief Shi, what you said, I can almost hear cocoons in my ears these days." Qiangzi looked at Shi Yuanfeng, and said lightly: "But I have only one answer, and that is too late."

"So Section Chief Shi, where are you from, go back there."

Shi Yuanfeng's face twitched, but years of sales experience had already made him forge his face into an iron wall, even if he was angry, he could still pretend not to care.

"Brother Qiangzi, I know you are angry with me, you can kill or cut whatever you want, but brother, you can't act on your will."

When Shi Yuanfeng said this, the smile on his face grew even more: "Brother, now is the time when you and Jinpeng Commercial Building are competing with each other the most."

"What are you competing for? Isn't it based on sales, and what is your sales based on? Isn't it our products!"

"Think about it, we are willing to make the price the same as that of Jinpeng Commercial Building, which means that you, Mi Ke, can sell more goods and earn the same profit as Jinpeng..."

Qiangzi is not a person with weak will, but at this time, hearing Shi Yuanfeng's sincere statement, he couldn't help but feel a little bit moved.

After all, what Shi Yuanfeng said seems to have some truth.

At this time, Mi Ke also needs help from all sides.

In Qiangzi's mind, when all kinds of thoughts were surging, he heard a knock on the door: "Manager, there is a reporter from the Daily News, who said he wanted to interview you."

Newspaper reporter, interview yourself?Qiangzi was a little dizzy.

Although he was not without experience in dealing with newspapers, but at that time, his most important thing was actually to ask the newspapers to help him place advertisements.

But now, this is an interview!
Although I don't know what the Daily News came to interview, but in Qiangzi's view, this must be a major event involving the opening of Mishell Electric, so he immediately agreed: "You invite them to come here."

Shi Yuanfeng was also surprised when he heard about the reporter's interview.But he didn't leave immediately, but sat on his stool with a smile.

In just 2 minutes, a young woman in a beige dress with a notebook in her hand walked in first.

The moment the girl walked in, both Qiangzi and Shi Yuanfeng couldn't help applauding secretly, this girl is really beautiful!
The big eyes, together with the broken hair cut into small waves, give people a sense of confidence and rationality.Behind the woman is a man holding a camera.

Because the woman in front was too eye-catching, this man looked a bit ordinary.After the two walked in, the woman smiled and said, "I'm Yang Wenqian from the Daily News, may I ask, are you the manager of the Mishell Electric Store?"

Qiangzi stood up unconsciously and said: "I am the manager, haha, everyone likes to call me Qiangzi, you can call me Qiangzi."

"Manager Qiangzi, I want to do a survey on the rise of our electrical appliance market this time. I heard that Shen Lin, the general manager of our rice shell electrical appliance store, is also in the provincial capital. Excuse me, it's convenient for me to interview him?"

Hearing that he was not interviewed, Qiangzi breathed a sigh of relief.

But while he breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a sense of loss in his heart.

"Reporter Yang, I can't make the decision on this matter, why don't you wait a moment, and I'll ask our director Shen for instructions." Qiangzi hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

Yang Wenqian nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trouble you."

Qiangzi was about to pick up the phone, but looking at Yang Wenxi who was in his office, he said directly to the reception staff who followed: "Xiao Li, pour water quickly, I'll go see Brother Shen."

While speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Shi Yuanfeng, wanting to let Shi Yuanfeng leave in his heart, but it seemed impolite to expel people like this in front of Yang Wenqian.

In the end, Qiangzi nodded towards Shi Yuanfeng and left quickly.Shi Yuanfeng looked at the leaving Qiangzi and secretly figured out how to persuade Shen Lin after Shen Lin arrived.

After all, in this matter, only by convincing Shen Lin can it be considered a success.

"Excuse me, are you a customer of the rice shell electrical store?" Yang Wenqian had actually noticed Shi Yuanfeng a long time ago, and asked Shi Yuanfeng after Qiangzi left.

Shi Yuanfeng was surprised by Yang Wenqian's words. He didn't expect that this reporter would talk to him first.

After a little surprise, he said with a trace of solemnity: "Yes, I am the sales section chief of our Shuangmao TV."

Hearing Shi Yuanfeng's position, Yang Wenqian's eyes became more concerned.

While flipping through her little notebook, she said, "Meeting is worse than meeting by chance, Section Chief Shi, this time, we mainly want to do a research article on two electrical shopping malls that are about to open."

"You should have contact with both of them, so I really hope to hear a few words from you. You don't think I'm reckless?"

Hearing such a pleasing and beautiful woman talking to him so intimately, Shi Yuanfeng felt a burst of relief in his heart.

"Hahaha, of course I don't mind, it's my honor."

Yang Wenqian said: "Chief Shi, as far as I know, two large electrical appliance stores, Jinpeng Commercial Building and Rice Shell Electronics Store, are planning to open on the same day. They can be said to be two heroes competing for the market."

"So, which one do you prefer?"

Originally, Shi Yuanfeng thought that talking with a beautiful woman should also be a pleasure in body and mind, but he never expected that this young girl would be such a question that caught him off guard when she opened her mouth.

Shi Yuanfeng found it really difficult to answer this question.

But after thinking for a while, Shi Yuanfeng smiled and said, "We are actually optimistic about these two shopping malls."

"First of all, let's talk about the rice shell electrical store. The rice shell electric store has experience, and its sales in Dongzhou have been very good. This time, although they may not be able to compete with Jinpeng, they can also dominate the home appliance industry. A place."

"As for Jinpeng Commercial Building, although it is a newly opened commercial building, it has a huge resource advantage. Now, with the support of the three shareholders, he has not only prepared a large investment in publicity, but also prepared a large profit. "

"So, I think the situation is clear at a glance."

After Shi Yuanfeng said this, he let out a long breath in his heart. He felt that the bullying he had received from Qiangzi had finally recovered at this moment.

Yang Wenqian seemed to be very satisfied with this answer. She wrote it down and said with a smile: "Chief Shi, it seems that you have more confidence in Jinpeng Commercial Building."

"However, I have learned about the Mishell Electric Store. They have advanced business ideas. Don't you think this is something they can add points to?"

Shi Yuanfeng glanced at the door and found that the door was still ajar, so he said in a deep voice: "Reporter Yang, the business philosophy of the Mishell Electric Store is good, but the operation method of the Jinpeng Store is not weaker than that of the Rice Shell Electric store."

This sentence, Shi Yuanfeng did not lie, he went to Jinpeng Commercial Building some time ago, and found that Jinpeng Commercial Building has been copying the rice shell electrical shopping mall in these respects.

Now that it has been copied, in Shi Yuanfeng's view, there is no distinction between the two sides.

(End of this chapter)

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