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Chapter 603 Two Powers Rising Together, Who Is The King

Chapter 603 Two Powers Rising Together, Who Is The King

"Thank you for your answer. It seems that you are more optimistic about Jinpeng. If so, why did you come to Mi Ke again?" Yang Wenqian quickly wrote a lot in her notebook and asked again.

Shi Yuanfeng pondered for a while and said: "We want to sell more products, Reporter Yang, do you think this reason is valid?"

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps. Shen Lin, who was wearing a short sleeve and looked very casual, strode in.

He ignored Shi Yuanfeng, but said to Yang Wenqian: "Reporter Yang, welcome to come, I am Shen Lin!"

When Yang Wenqian saw Shen Lin, there was a gleam of light in her eyes. She heard Shen Lin's name like thunder, and she had heard it too many times!Moreover, as a person who pursues the quality of life, she can be regarded as a loyal fan of Mi Ke.

"Director Shen, I've seen your photo, but I didn't expect you to be younger than the one in the photo, which really surprised me!" Yang Wenqian stretched out her hand as she spoke.

Because Yang Wenqian is a beautiful female reporter, Shen Lin didn't intend to shake hands at first, but now that she saw someone offering her hand, Shen Lin also shook hands with her.

After shaking hands, Yang Wenqian immediately said, "Director Shen, we are here this time mainly to interview you."

"Before we came to you, we had already interviewed General Manager Lan of Jinpeng Commercial Building. Would you like to know what General Manager Lan thinks of your competition this time?"

I have to say that this reporter Yang's words are quite sharp.When Shen Lin heard Yang Wenqian's question, he smiled and said, "What did he say?"

"General manager Lan said that Jinpeng Commercial Building has the right time, place and people. This time, it will open on the same day. It will definitely spread its wings and see all the mountains and small ones."

"How do you feel about General Manager Lan, Director Shen?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "General Manager Lan's lofty sentiments are still very admirable, but I don't regard Jinpeng Commercial Building as our main competitor."

"Some time ago, I met General Manager Lan, and he said the same thing. I only replied to him, that is, wait and see."

Yang Wenqian quickly recorded Shen Lin's words in the notebook, and said with a smile: "Director Shen, if you are asked to say a word to General Manager Lan at this time, what are you going to tell him?"

Listening to the obviously provocative words, Shen Lin thought that although Yang Wenqian was a little girl, her level was not low.

This is obviously to make the two sides quarrel, so as to increase the spectacle.

"Those who learn from me live, and those who imitate me die!" Shen Lin was not polite, and said straightforwardly: "Although General Manager Lan may not be able to listen to it, I still hope that he can read my words."

"Okay, I will definitely bring your words to General Manager Lan." Yang Wenxi said with a sly smile and said, "At least, he can read it in our newspaper." "

"Director Shen, I hope to have an exclusive interview with you. I wonder if you have time now."

When this rice shell electrical appliance store opened, there was an interview for free. Shen Lin felt that this was actually a very cost-effective publicity, and of course he would not refuse.

Shi Yuanfeng stood on the side, listening to the conversation between Shen Lin and Yang Wenqian, he felt a burst of emotion in his heart, among other things, the courage of this director Shen is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, in his feeling, it seemed that it was very normal for Shen Lin to say such things, because Shen Lin had the qualifications to speak like this.

The interview lasted for half an hour, and after the talk, Yang Wenqian felt very satisfied.Although Shen Lin avoided many problems, even so, Yang Wenqian got a lot of first-hand information.

When Yang Wenqian and others left, Shen Lin asked Qiangzi to give two gifts, two new electronic watches produced by Mihu Electronics Factory.Originally, Yang Wenqian was not too interested in such an electronic watch. After all, the price of this thing was not too high and the style was very ordinary.

But when she opened the package and looked at the electronic watch full of design styles of later generations, her eyes lit up, and she immediately fell in love with it.

At this moment, she even felt that the mechanical watch she was wearing on her wrist was clumsy and heavy.

"This electronic watch has a lot of functions. Not only is it waterproof, but it also has alarm clock and timing functions. Tsk tsk, I have it, so I don't have to worry about falling asleep in the future." The camera reporter following Yang Wenqian said with emotion .

"It's just that Director Shen is a little too low-key, and he doesn't like to have his photo appear in the newspaper. He doesn't even know that, as his opponent, General Manager Lan has put on several poses."

Listening to her companion's sarcasm, Yang Wenqian smiled and said, "As a young millionaire, I think it's good for him to keep a low profile."

"Millionaire? Hey, Xiao Yang, you are already an old calendar. I have a friend who works on the import and export side. When I was drinking the day before yesterday, I heard from him that the orders from Director Shen's export only There are millions of dollars."

"Tsk tsk, and what they export are all electronic products."

"Combined with the rice shell electrical store, Director Shen's net worth is now more than ten million. If the money is deposited in the bank, he can lie down and live."

The words of her companion made Yang Wenqian feel a little more in her heart.In her heart, she knew more about the thoughts of this director Shen.

"Hey, it's a pity that this Director Shen is so young, why did he get married so early? If he hadn't married so early, he and Xiao Yang would be a good couple!"

Faced with the teasing words of her colleague, Yang Wenqian almost instinctively countered with a few words, but in her heart, a sentence appeared involuntarily:

Huanjun Pearl shed tears, hating to meet when she was not married.

I am not married, but that director Shen already has a wife.

"Didn't we always think about the topic when we came here? I think I know what to use for the topic this time!" Yang Wenqian changed the subject and said, "Look, it's called the two powers, who is the king, how about it?"

"I think it's ok, it's better to have two more photos for both parties, or let the art colleagues draw a picture." That's because Shen Lin declined the reporter who took the photo, and said with emotion: "It's a pity that Boss Shen doesn't like taking pictures. "

Yang Wenqian also felt it was a pity, but now she can only say: "Just use a logo of Dapeng and Guoke."

Just when the two left with excitement and anticipation, Shi Yuanfeng had already walked in front of Shen Lin, and said with a smile: "Director Shen, we are very sincere when we come this time, what happened last time... "

Looking at Shi Yuanfeng who was about to explain, Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "Section Chief Shi, I have already said what I should say before."

"We don't want our partners to be half-hearted."

"So, there is no cooperation between us."

While speaking, Shen Lin turned around and left!

(End of this chapter)

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