Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 624 We all have rice shells

Chapter 624 We all have rice shells
In the early morning, Shen Lin still got up at seven o'clock in the morning. It's not that he didn't want to go early, it was because he was too tired yesterday, and today he still had a busy day, so Shen Lin simply turned off the alarm clock and slept more peacefully. for a while.

Shen Lin is currently living in the small guest house of Hongying Silk Factory. Although it is a guest house, there are only a few dozen houses. Shen Lin lives here, but it is quiet.

After hastily washing up, Shen Lin came outside the rice shell electrical store.

Ordinarily, it has been confirmed that the door will open at 3 o'clock, and more than [-] catties of eggs were distributed yesterday. Most people should not come to queue again after [-] o'clock.

However, when Shen Lin came to the door, he found that the door was already crowded with people.

These people are mainly old ladies in their 60s and [-]s. On this lukewarm morning, they chatted and laughed calmly with baskets in their hands, as if they were waiting for the opening of the rice shell electrical store.

From the calm expressions of these people, Shen Lin could tell that most of these people came to collect eggs.

But it doesn't matter, so many people gather together, that is popularity, and that is something that many people can't ask for.

For example, Jinpeng Commercial Building, now there are basically no people in Jinpeng Commercial Building, it looks deserted, it doesn't look like it just opened.

Shen Lin ate a simple breakfast, and then walked into the crowd in a leisurely manner, wanting to listen to people's discussions on the Mike Electric Mall.

"Oh, why haven't you opened the door yet!" An old man who looked to be in his 50s was wearing a blue jacket with four pockets, and two pens were hanging in the pockets on his chest.

From the looks of it, he was a man of knowledge.

"The opening time of their shopping mall is obviously nine o'clock. It's not that they came late, but we people came too early."

"That's right, we people can't wait!"

"Could it be okay if you don't come early? Look at the long queue in this line. If you don't come earlier, we can still get the eggs!"

"This commercial building is really real. Since the eggs are being distributed, why don't you finish the job and send it to my home directly?"

Listening to these discussions, Shen Lin was a little speechless. The purpose of delivering eggs by himself is to gather popularity. If it is specially delivered to your home, what is it called?

However, Shen Lin didn't care about these. He wandered among the crowd and listened to other people's opinions.

"Let's wait until we buy TV sets, and I'll tell you, everyone needs to know their names first."

"In this way, you can apply for a membership card. With the membership card of this rice shell electrical store, you can not only enjoy their special products, but also exchange things."

"I heard that one hundred of their membership points can be exchanged for a hot water dispenser, and one thousand can be exchanged for an automatic water dispenser, which is still from Mishell."

"Points are good, but it's too difficult to collect points. If you want to get 1000 points, you need to spend [-] yuan! After all, buyers are still not as good as sellers!"

Listening to this discussion, Shen Lin had a thought in his mind, that is to get some cheaper exchange items for membership points.

Things like toilet paper and handkerchief towels, in this way, the points can be easily cashed out!

When Shen Lin was silently thinking about how to improve, someone said: "Second brother, I heard that Jinpeng Commercial Building is also doing group buying, why don't we go to Jinpeng Commercial Building to compare and see their prices?" Not expensive."

Known as the second brother, he was a dark and strong man, wearing a gray-brown top, giving off a very sturdy feeling.

He snorted and said, "Let's not go to the Jinpeng Commercial Building. The products in the Mike Electric Store are the best and guaranteed."

"You don't know. Yesterday, my neighbor bought a TV. After buying it, he found a little problem. He replaced it with a new one immediately without saying anything."

"The service attitude is good, tsk tsk, and he didn't even say anything embarrassing, so I settled on MiKe Electric. Not only is it cheap, but its quality is guaranteed." The person who advised him still refused to give up and said, "But... Brother, it’s crowded here and the queue is too long, when will it be my turn!”

"It's not too late for a good meal. The queuing shows that everyone has confidence in this place. I think the queuing also shows from the side that the common people recognize this place. This is actually a good thing."

"Why is there no one in Jinpeng Commercial Building? There must be a reason for it."

Hearing these words, Shen Lin's heart relaxed a lot.Gold cups and silver cups are not as good as the reputation of the common people. This advertising effect is too great!

Once this situation is formed, unless something goes wrong, people's shopping habits will generally form a kind of inertia.

However, the more I face this situation, the more I have to maintain the reputation and benefits of the Mishell Electric Store.

The person who persuaded him finally chose to stay.Shen Lin didn't say anything to the customers who purchased, but hurried back to the electrical appliance store.

At this time, in the electrical appliance mall, all the employees have arrived, and Qiangzi, who is the person in charge of the store, is taking stock of yesterday's work.

Although most people were extremely tired yesterday, everyone was given a bonus of 50 yuan, which still made most people feel extremely excited.

For everyone, a bonus of 50 yuan is equivalent to half a month's salary, so they are also full of expectations for today.

Just when Qiangzi's comments were about the same, Shen Lin walked over and said: "If everyone is united, the profit will cut through the gold. Let me emphasize one more point."

"We are an electrical appliance store, and our job is to serve. Therefore, no matter who we are, no matter what situation we face, the most important thing we should keep is a smile."

Shen Lin said solemnly: "If you can't serve with a smile at work, you will be given a verbal warning for the first time, and you will be fined ten yuan for the second time; and you will be transferred from your current position for the third time."

Although Shen Lin didn't say much, but for Shen Lin, all the employees felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

After all, it was Shen Lin who paid them their salaries and bonuses.

After Shen Lin made the request, Qiangzi and Lu Xiaoshan came over. The two of them are now in charge of the specific affairs of this shopping mall.

"Brother, I have already contacted several manufacturers, and they also hope to strengthen cooperation with us." Lu Xiaoshan whispered: "There are also several factories that cooperate with Jinpeng Commercial Building, and they also want to cooperate with us."

"Yes, but we want to get a more favorable price than Jinpeng." Shen Lin ordered in an unquestionable tone: "After all, our shipment volume is not comparable to that of Jinpeng Commercial Building."

Lu Xiaoshan nodded and said: "If those people insist on the same price as Jinpeng Commercial Building, then let's not talk to them at all."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Of course, there must be a distinction. For manufacturers of some rare commodities, we should make a little concession, just a little."

After Lu Xiaoshan and Shen Lin finished talking, Qiangzi ran over and said, "Brother, I went to the Jinpeng Commercial Building early this morning to have a look, and found a banner hanging there."

"What about the discounts we have, they also have them there, welcome new and old customers to visit them."

Hearing Qiangzi's introduction, the corners of Shen Lin's mouth turned up, and he sneered secretly. It seemed that the Jinpeng Commercial Building was really rushed, and even used this kind of banner.

But this method is actually an act of admitting defeat.

"Don't worry about it, this kind of cleverness is useless. Quickly arrange it and prepare to open the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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