Chapter 625 We Are Benchmarking
Shi Yuanfeng was full of hope for Jinpeng Commercial Building's performance on the second day, because it was related to his future.

If Jinpeng Commercial Building can perform better than yesterday, if Jinpeng Commercial Building can cheer up, then there is still hope for him.

Although it can't keep up with Lao Zhuo's sales of [-] TV sets, he can finally explain it to the superiors.

If he can't even explain it, then his life will simply be impossible.

So early in the morning, Shi Yuanfeng didn't even eat, and immediately rushed towards Jinpeng Commercial Building.Although Xiao Fang's eyes were sleepy, he knew that at this time, he couldn't be negligent in the slightest.

Shi Yuanfeng is under a lot of pressure now, and loses his temper at every turn. If he acts too lazy, then he is too ignorant and has no winks!

"Section Chief, are you looking over there?" Just as Shi Yuanfeng was looking at the empty square in front of the Jinpeng Commercial Building, Xiao Fang saw a banner.

The content on the banner made Xiao Fang feel a little uncomfortable, because the content was really embarrassing!

There are some in the rice shell electric store, and we have them all here!

What kind of publicity is this? You are clearly putting yourself in a position to compete with the Mishell Electric Store.And this kind of benchmarking sounds good, but in fact, it clearly tells everyone that I am not as good as the rice shell electric store.

Otherwise, why would you use other Mishell appliances as a reference?Isn't this equivalent to making a big advertisement for your opponent in disguise!
However, when Shi Yuanfeng saw this situation, not only was he not angry, but a smile appeared on his face and said: "Yes, it seems that this time there is hope."

"I don't want Jinpeng Commercial Building to have the same sales volume as the Mishell Electric Mall. As long as there are half of them, no, no, no, I will be satisfied with one third!"

Speaking of this, Shi Yuanfeng said to Xiaofang: "Although some decisions are made by the higher-ups, if there is a problem in the implementation process, then we may be the ones who suffer!"

Xiao Fang understood Shi Yuanfeng's meaning, and he intentionally showed extreme anger and said, "Section Chief, it's completely unreasonable for the higher-ups to do this."

"You used to cooperate well with the Mishell Electric Store, but the factory let us cooperate with Jinpeng Commercial Building. Now it's fine, and if something goes wrong, you still need us to deal with it. It's really hateful!"

Shi Yuanfeng was very satisfied with Xiao Fang's performance, he pretended to smile bitterly and said, "What can we do? Who told us to run sales."

"Let's go, let's go eat something." Shi Yuanfeng said to Xiaofang.

Xiao Fang's stomach was also growling a little at this time, and when he heard that he had eaten, he immediately cheered up again.But since he was standing on the same line as Shi Yuanfeng, he had to put himself in Wei Shi Yuanfeng's shoes at this time.

"Section Chief Shi, can we go to the rice shell electric store to have a look?"

Shi Yuanfeng stopped speaking, and the smile on his face disappeared all of a sudden, just like a face-changing performance, suddenly became cold.

"Xiao Fang, I'm afraid to go, I won't be able to eat."

This sentence made Xiao Fang feel cold, knowing that what he said just now was really not level.But at this moment, there was also a trace of slander in his heart, that is, you are afraid that you will not be able to eat, so aren't you afraid to wait a while and then spit out the food yourself.

Although he thought so in his heart, Xiao Fang didn't dare to talk nonsense, he hurriedly said: "Section Chief, let's go eat now."

I don't know if he was in a good mood, but this time for breakfast, Shi Yuanfeng ate three sesame seed cakes abruptly, looking like he had a big appetite.

After eating a full meal and resting for a while, Shi Yuanfeng took Xiao Fang and walked towards the rice shell electrical store.

Although the two of them really disliked seeing the Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall, they still had to go.When he arrived outside the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall, what Shi Yuanfeng saw was still a sea of ​​people. This sight made Shi Yuanfeng's face look ugly again.

When he came this time, what he wanted to see was the decline in popularity of the Mishell Electric Mall, but he didn't expect that there were still so many people.

"Section chief, most of these people should come to collect eggs." Xiao Fang hesitated for a while, and finally reassured Shi Yuanfeng.

"Hmph, Lan Weidong seems to be quite capable, but he was made into this by Shen Lin's trick. In the future, there will probably be more people delivering eggs at the opening."

When Shi Yuanfeng was feeling emotional, he saw Lao Zhuo walking over with a person.Seeing Shi Yuanfeng, the happy Lao Zhuo laughed loudly and said, "Old Shi, are you here too?"

At this time, Shi Yuanfeng was very unwilling to meet Lao Zhuo, because meeting this person would be more humiliating to him.

However, there were some things that he didn't want to do, so he didn't want to do them. After seeing Lao Zhuo, even though he felt uncomfortable, he still insisted: "Old Zhuo, just come and see."

"Do you want to see if the popularity of the rice shell electric store has decreased? Let me tell you, once the popularity increases, it will form a virtuous circle and become more and more prosperous."

"Haha, you don't know, our factory manager called me last night and said that after I go back, he must buy me a good meal."

"I cleared half of the inventory in our factory yesterday. Hehe, I think soon, our factory will have to work overtime for production."

Shi Yuanfeng's stomach ached when he heard Lao Zhuo's words. He knew that Lao Zhuo was just trying to anger himself.Immediately snorted coldly: "Old Zhuo, don't be too happy too early, have you heard of the latecomers?"

"Now Lan Weidong and the others have launched a new promotion. Although the Mike Electric Store is very powerful, not everyone will buy it here."

Lao Zhuo chuckled and said, "Is that what you said about admitting defeat?"

The slogans hung in Jinpeng Commercial Building actually have nothing to do with Shi Yuanfeng, but now, when Lao Zhuo said this, it made people feel that they had double-cat TVs, and they also asked Lao Zhuo and his factory Throw in the towel.

" are a slanderer. If Lan Weidong hears you talking about him like that, he will definitely end up with you."

Shi Yuanfeng pointed at Lao Zhuo and said, "Old Zhuo, be careful what you say."

Lao Zhuo smiled and said, "Jinpeng Commercial Building Haier Mi has opened, it seems to have become the leader of the industry, now? Why do you say that there is a rice shell electrical store? We all have such slogans, so it's not like admitting defeat."

"Old Shi, tell me, isn't he going to the Mishell Electric Store to promote himself, so as to put himself in a weak position, what is it?"

"To put it bluntly, this is benchmarking, but we all know that the benchmarking is the weak looking for the strong to match, but there are no strong people who look for the weak to match."

At this time, Shi Yuanfeng was really a little dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say.He didn't expect that Lao Zhuo, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was also in the same way when it came to reason.

It's downright nasty.

"Old Zhuo, benchmarking may not be useless." Shi Yuanfeng said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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