Chapter 63 The Man Hiding Behind
When Photon found Shen Lin, Shen Lin was sitting under the sun, watching Lu Dongsheng sell things, while writing and drawing, deleting, deleting and modifying his plan.

He didn't know that the family was in a mess now.

"Brother Shen, why are you still resting here?" Guangzi said out of breath, "Something happened at home."

Shen Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately equated the accident at home with that of Lu Xiaorong.

"What's the matter?" Shen Lin stood up from the pony all of a sudden, and asked Photon almost growling.

At this moment, Photon felt his heart tremble.He had made many exchanges with Shen Lin, but this was the first time he met Shen Lin who looked like this.

A trace of fear rose in his heart for no reason.

"Brother Shen, that...that white-eyed wolf has a bad intention, he...he wants to transfer his sister-in-law to the boiler room." Taking a breath, Guangzi hurriedly explained to Shen Lin.

Although he didn't pay much attention to working in the factory in the past, Shen Lin knew very well what the boiler room was for.

That place is dirty and tired, and it's summer now, many times in it, it can even make people faint from the heat.

By doing this, Bai Bin actually wanted to push Lu Xiaorong to a corner.

After being reborn, Shen Lin has been weighing the comparison of his own strength with that of Bai Bin, knowing that it is too early for him to take revenge at this time, but he did not expect that Bai Bin is pressing harder and harder at this time.

Getting Lu Xiaorong to the boiler room would have killed Lu Xiaorong and his unborn child.

Too deceiving!
Looking at the angry Shen Lin, Guangzi took a breath and said, "Brother Shen, when I came, I heard that your mother-in-law ran to your house to make trouble with the old factory manager."

"Uh... um, I also heard someone say that Baiyanlang has let the wind go, saying that as long as Lu Xiaorong divorces you, not only will he not let Miss Xiaorong go to the boiler room, but he will also work in the factory."

"Your mother-in-law... She should be going for a divorce."

Shen Lin took a deep breath, he knew in his heart that no matter how anxious he was about this kind of thing, it would have no effect.

The most important thing for him now is to keep calm.

Only by keeping calm can we calmly deal with the current situation, and only by keeping calm can we solve the problem.

"Photon, thank you for traveling so far to inform me!" While speaking, Shen Lin took out a bottle of orange soda from the camphor wood box and handed it over: "Come on, how about this iced soda? "

Photon felt that his throat was itchy, but he was also surprised by Shen Lin's attitude at this time.

Brother Shen, shouldn't you be very anxious now?How did he calm down so quickly? Does he have a solution to the problem.

"Dongsheng, take a look at the stall, I'll come as soon as I go." Shen Lin greeted Lu Dongsheng, then kicked off his three-wheeled motorcycle, and ran towards his home quickly.

In a clean and spacious office, not only is the ceiling fan spinning crazily, but a desk fan is also blowing the wind beside the main seat.

A fat man in a white vest was holding a folding fan in his hand. While fanning the wind, he muttered, "This damn weather, when can I turn on the air conditioner, I'm so hot."

And when the fat man was talking, someone said: "Factory manager, I think according to your level, you should be equipped with an air conditioner in this room. You have worked hard for the development of our factory. If you If there is no need for an air conditioner, then everyone has something to say."

Hearing these loyal words, a smile appeared on the fat man's face.

He knows that it doesn't matter how many people who say this are sincere, what matters is that this person listens to him.

This alone is enough. "Hey, that old guy Shen Xingye still hasn't stopped. If I use the air conditioner now, how will he react to me if he doesn't know how to go up there?"

The fat man waved his fan and said, "It's better to wait for a while, this weather, after a while, sometimes it will pass."

The person who spoke said with a chuckle: "Director, old Shentou doesn't have time to take care of your affairs now, he, but the backyard is on fire now."

The fat man threw the fan in his hand and said, "There is a fire in the backyard, what's going on, tell me about it, and it will make me happy."

The man said with a smile: "Director, you don't know yet? As soon as the news of Lu Xiaorong's transfer to the boiler room comes out, tsk tsk, it will be very lively."

"Xu Hongying has already gone to look for old Shentou, forcing old Shentou to change her daughter's job, otherwise she will divorce."

"Now, it's already causing trouble at Old Shentou's house."

Speaking of this, the man chuckled and said, "Director, tell me, old Shentou has been awe-inspiring all his life, and now that he has encountered such a thing, will he be pissed to death?"

"Hey, I've already had a stroke. I think it's too miserable for such a thing to happen again."

Hearing the words of his subordinates fanning the flames, the smile on Bai Bin's face increased a bit. He held the fan in his hand and said to the person who was speaking: "Yes, this idea is really good!"

"Why don't you say it all? Don't offend the scholars, don't offend the scholars! Fang Boyuan doesn't look like a good guy at ordinary times, but once he becomes ruthless, he's not just a black guy."

"You, learn more from him in the future."

The speaker secretly scolded Fang Boyuan in his heart, at such a time, he would compete with him for favor, but he also knew that it was really not the right time to speak ill of Fang Boyuan at such a time, so he said with a smile: " Changzi, I can't learn by studying, but my loyalty to you is definitely beyond Fang Boyuan's."

"The weather is so hot now, and you can't do the job as the factory manager. I think you might as well mediate the conflicts between the workers' families now. Is this also your responsibility as the factory manager?"

The smile on Bai Bin's face increased more and more.He thought about mediating the conflict by himself, and the smile on his face grew a little bit more.

When Shen Xingye saw himself, what should he look like.

Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed!
But in the end, he still waved his hand and said, "If I have to deal with such trivial matters, then I, the factory manager, am not too free?"

"How about this, you take someone over there to see if there is any trouble. If so, you can help Xu Hongying say a few words."

When Bai Bin said this, he stood up from his seat and said: "Marriage is free, and one wrong step cannot ruin the girl's life."

"A bastard like Shen Lin, we will let him have nothing."

As Bai Bin's confidant, He Mingzhi, the factory owner who was mentioned just now, nodded quickly and said, "Director, I'll go and follow your arrangement."

"Old Shentou used to be the director of the factory, but if his thinking slipped, I think I should correct him."

"Helping those who are behind has always been my advantage."

Seeing He Mingzu striding out of his room, Bai Bin smiled leisurely and contentedly. He picked up his fan and fanned himself while singing: "I was watching the mountain scenery from the tower, and I heard the chaos outside the city. Flags Zhaozhan turned around, but it turned out to be soldiers sent by Sima..."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support, the bosses have not added it to the bookshelf, please add it!

(End of this chapter)

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