Chapter 64 Make a big fuss

The old factory area, the Shen family!

The people clustered around, looking at the resolute Chen Hongying at this moment, talked one after another.

Most people admire Shen Xingye, the old factory director.Because although Lao Shen is a bit domineering, he is fair and fair, and he is very popular.

"What Chen Hongying did is a bit too much."

"No, I think Chen Hongying is also a bit dishonest. You have a lot of ways to get your child divorced. Why do you have to come here to make trouble with the old factory manager?"

"I think, Chen Hongying did it on purpose. But Shen Lin really didn't live up to it, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten to this point..."

Chen Hongying looked up at Shen Xingye. At this moment, she felt that the victory was already in her hands.

Even if he was afraid of Shen Xingye, that was a thing of the past, and now Shen Xingye couldn't do anything to him.

This marriage, divorced today, no one can tell.

"Old factory manager, tomorrow I will take my daughter and you take your son. Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau together, arrive at 08:30, don't be late." Chen Hongying's words became more and more unquestionable.

Shen Xingye's hands were shaking. Although he kept telling himself to be rational at this time, Chen Hongying's words deeply hurt his self-esteem.

He felt that his head was a little black, and he knocked hard on the crutch he picked up casually, and Shen Xingye said loudly: "Okay, it's not too late, just leave!"

"Old man, you can't do this." Zhao Honglian already sensed that something was wrong with Shen Xingye, she quickly supported Shen Xingye, and then said to Chen Hongying with a trace of pleading: "Hongying, I know that Shen Lin in our family is not right. Fighting, but...but the two of them have been married for so long, can't give them a little time, I beg you, let's break up this marriage first. "

When Zhao Honglian said this, she couldn't help crying.

For her youngest son, Zhao Honglian is the most distressed.She really couldn't imagine her son's situation after divorce.

So, at this moment, she didn't care about her own dignity, and directly begged Chen Hongying.

As Shen Xingye's wife, Zhao Honglian has always been a respected character in the factory area.Over the years, although Zhao Honglian has never been arrogant, in the eyes of many people, Zhao Honglian has never begged anyone.

When Zhao Honglian was speaking, Shen Xingye originally wanted to interrupt, but when he heard his wife begging for help, he couldn't help feeling sad.

At this moment, he didn't blame Chen Hongying too much, because all of this was because of his son's disappointment.

If the son is up to date, why does his mother need to beg for help in a low voice.

Just when Shen Xingye's heart was filled with sorrow, Chen Hongying said, "Zhao Honglian, please beg me, and I beg you too."

"Let go of our little Rong, our little Rong's life has just begun, so don't let her stay in your fire pit any longer."

"You talk like that, as if I'm being unreasonable."

Zhao Honglian's tears kept streaming down. Although she is a housewife, she also knows that there is basically no room for recovery in this situation.

But in her heart, she was unwilling to give up like this, because once Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong divorced, what would he do in the future?

"Hongying, I know this is embarrassing for you. What I beg of you is to give Shen Lin a chance. He...he is still young, and he will definitely change in the future."

When Zhao Honglian said this, she suddenly seemed to have made up her mind and knelt down on the ground: "I... I beg you."

Zhao Honglian's kneeling made the surroundings calm down all of a sudden.

Almost all eyes were focused on Zhao Honglian at this moment.No one expected that in their eyes, the eldest sister Zhao Honglian, who had always been respected, would actually kneel down.

This kind of kneeling almost made everyone's eyes widen.

Their first feeling was that they couldn't believe it.But Zhao Honglian, who was kneeling, told them with a fact that it was all true.

Zhao Honglian really knelt down to Chen Hongying for her son.

Facing the kneeling Zhao Honglian, Chen Hongying couldn't believe it.

She never thought that such a situation would happen!
Just when she was hesitating in her heart, Lu Xiaorong, who came hurriedly from a distance, also saw this situation.

Lu Xiaorong was already full of anxiety, but the current scene made her feel extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

Her mother-in-law knelt down for her mother, which made her feel a little bit at a loss while being shocked.

But at the moment of shock, he rushed over quickly and supported Zhao Honglian who was kneeling.

"Mom, get up quickly, I...I won't divorce Shen Lin." Lu Xiaorong said in a firm voice while supporting Zhao Honglian vigorously.

Zhao Honglian glanced at Lu Xiaorong in surprise, she never thought that she would hear such affirmative answer from Lu Xiaorong at this time.

For a moment, she was really filled with sadness and joy, and big drops of tears flowed down her eyes continuously.

And Shen Xingye, who was supported by his wife just now, was also full of excitement and gratitude at the moment. Lu Xiaorong's statement can be said to have completely saved his face.

Although Lu Xiaorong was not very conspicuous in the crowd at this time, she gave Shen Xingye a huge shock at this moment.

This is Lu Xiaorong!
The outside looks weak, but the heart is full of firm Lu Xiaorong.

At this moment, Shen Xingye really had a feeling that Shen Lin was really not worthy of such a good girl.

As for Chen Hongying, her eyes widened. She always felt that she had a chance of winning, but she never thought that at this moment, her daughter would say such a thing.

At this moment, incomparable anger filled her chest, and she almost roared: "What did you say? Tell me again."

"Mom, let me tell you, I won't divorce Shen Lin." Lu Xiaorong was calm, but said to Chen Hongying without flinching.

" bastard, this matter is still up to you." Chen Hongying became angry from embarrassment, stepped to Lu Xiaorong's side and said, "Go, follow me home."

"Mom, I know you're doing it for my own good. But I want to say, I'm married, and I will choose my future path."

When Lu Xiaorong said this, he took a deep look at Chen Hongying and said, "I decided to go on with Shen Lin, no matter what happens in the future."

"You...don't worry about it."

Chen Hongying felt that she was going to explode, she roared: "Shut up, come home with me today."

"I'm doing this for you, don't talk nonsense to me here."

Lu Xiaorong wasn't talking, but her expression was full of calm, strength, and uncompromising!

(End of this chapter)

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