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Chapter 652 Congratulations, the time has come for a husband to depend on his wife

Chapter 652 Congratulations, the time has come for a husband to depend on his wife

Just when Shen Lin was a little dizzy during a meeting, Lu Xiaorong was walking staggeringly, pulling Xiao Guoke with a special toddler rope.

Mi Ke, who is much tougher than ordinary children, is less than one year old and already doesn't want to be a reptile. He tries hard to stand up with the help of a toddler rope almost every day.

"Xiao Rong, why don't you let him rest for a while, let me tell you, this kid, you can't force him like this, you have to let him do it by himself."

Chen Hongying looked at the crooked baby grandson who looked like he might fall at any time, and said loudly.

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "He likes to walk, let him walk for a while, not to mention that there are mats all around him, so he can't fall."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaorong's eyes fell on the surrounding cushions.

The mat was a blanket bought from the East China Sea. Fearing that the blanket would be too hard to catch the father of his precious son, he asked someone to make a layer of cotton quilt and spread it on it.

It can be said that even if you fall down on it, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that doing so would consume too much fabric. After all, many people are reluctant to make new quilts now.

Chen Hongying smacked her lips and said, "Let me tell you, you, don't patronize being an editor, and take care of the fruit shell when you have time."

"It's such a big stall, you, the proprietress, don't care about anything, what kind of talk is that!"

"If you want me to tell you, don't dawdle in that newspaper office anymore. Come back and ask Shen Lin to arrange a manager for you. At the very least, you will also manage the rice shell electrical store together."

Lu Xiaorong didn't expect that his mother would have such thoughts.

Lu Xiaorong really didn't know what she could do if she was asked to manage the rice shell electrical store, after all, she was not familiar with these things.

"Mom, isn't it good for me to write a book? Besides, I'm not busy with work at the daily office, and my own manuscript fee is also quite a lot."

Lu Xiaorong's recent manuscript fee is indeed quite a lot, several thousand a month. At this time, it is definitely a top high income.

"Hehe, Lu Xiaorong, what are your thousands of dollars worth? Let me tell you, your current income is not even as good as your brother's."

"Xiao Shanguang's dividends are more than yours this year."

Chen Hongying glared at Lu Xiaorong and said, "Shen Lin has so much money, I don't know what will happen in the future!"

"So, the most important thing for you now is to control the financial power in your own hands. Are you in charge of the Finance General Assembly?"

Lu Xiaorong knew that what his mother said was actually for his own good.But asking her to go to Mishell Electronics to manage finances gave her a headache.

"Mom, don't worry about me. I'll just take care of my own affairs." After Lu Xiaorong finished speaking, he continued to tease Xiaomi Ke and said, "Son, call mom."

"Mom...Mom..." Little Guoke didn't know what his mother and grandma were going to say, so he yelled at Lu Xiaorong very obediently.

Chen Hongying looked at Lu Xiaorong who was not moved at all, and sighed helplessly: "Okay, I don't care about your affairs, let me tell you, there will always be times when you cry!"

"Then what, I'm going to ask Xiao Shan to get married in a few days. You can discuss it with Shen Lin and see when he is free."

Lu Xiaorong was surprised: "Mom, what does Xiaoshan's marriage have to do with Shen Lin?"

"The in-laws over there said that Shen Lin is a big man, and when picking up the bride, he must be allowed to go there in person." Chen Hongying said with a hint of pride in her words: "This is their request, and I can't refuse to agree to it." .”

Lu Xiaorong was speechless for a while, according to the rules, when Lu Xiaoshan got married, Shen Lin would at most follow him to have a meal and help out, but now it was a good thing that Shen Lin was going to pick up the bride.

But she had to support her brother's marriage, so she immediately said: "Okay, I'll ask him to spare a day later." Just when Lu Xiaorong was thinking about how her sister should express her brother's marriage, she listened. There was a knock on the door outside.

"Sister Xiao Rong, are you home? I'm Xiao Li!"

Hearing this shout, Lu Xiaorong suddenly understood that it was her colleague Xiao Li who knocked on the door, she opened the door casually, and saw Xiao Li running over quickly.

"What's the matter, you run so fast?" Lu Xiaorong asked, looking at Xiao Li, who was wearing a red jacket and sweaty on his forehead.

As soon as Xiao Li entered the door, she felt a rush of heat, and she said with a trace of emotion: "Miss Xiaorong, the heating in your house is really comfortable, much better than ours, and ours is not hot."

Lu Xiaorong smiled, she can't say that the heating in my house is actually heated by herself.So she just smiled quietly, waiting for Xiao Li to speak.

"Miss Rong, I have good news for you. Just now, Science Fiction World called and said that your novel has won an award."

"It's still the famous Hugo Award, hahaha, Miss Rong, you are really amazing, our editor-in-chief said, you will become famous in one fell swoop!"

Listening to Xiao Li's words, Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment. Although she liked her fireball rescue very much, she didn't expect that she would win the prize all at once.

You must know that even when she was submitting the manuscript, she was encouraged by Shen Lin, and with a hint of love, she submitted the manuscript paper translated by someone with a hint of love.

Her thoughts at that time were all about participation.

"Really?" Lu Xiaorong asked in disbelief.

"It's true, the magazine said that they have obtained the exact information, and they are planning to come to you for an exclusive interview!"

When Xiao Li said this, he said excitedly: "By the way, our president said that whenever you are free, you can go to the club, and he will interview you in person."

"Tsk tsk, after all, we can't take advantage of such big news."

"Sister, from now on, you're going to reach the top. Don't forget me if something good happens!" Xiao Li held Lu Xiaorong's palm, with a kind of longing for wealth and honor, not to forget each other.

For Xiao Li's enthusiasm, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Okay, if there is something good, I will definitely think of you."

Just when the two were talking happily, Chen Hongying, who had already wrapped the small fruit shell, said, "Little girl, how much is the prize money for this award?"

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Auntie, I have learned about this award, and there is no bonus for this award."

"It's an honor."

Originally, Chen Hongying was full of expectations, but when she heard that there was no money, she suddenly became depressed and said, "Hey, I thought that at least eight thousand yuan should be given, but it turns out that there is no money at all."

What her own mother said made Lu Xiaorong really not know what to say, she could only smile awkwardly at Xiao Li and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go to the newspaper office after I change my clothes."

"We can't let the bosses wait in vain."

While speaking, Lu Xiaorong walked quickly towards her room, and at the same time, there was a kind of excitement in her heart.

These days, with Shen Lin's achievements getting bigger and bigger, she began to feel pressure unconsciously.Although she didn't show this kind of pressure usually, but this kind of pressure is real.

Fortunately, now, I seem to have caught up a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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