Chapter 653

When the news of Lu Xiaorong's award reached Shen Lin's ears, Shen Lin was shocked, but also took it for granted.

In the 21st century, the novel of The Martian itself has been sought after by countless people. If the time is moved forward by more than 20 years, there will naturally be more people who follow it.

When he encouraged Lu Xiaorong to submit his manuscript, he thought it was possible to win the award, but now that he won the award, Shen Lin felt a little surprised.

After all, it's really an award!

Lu Xiaorong, who won the award, was very busy. Newspaper and TV interviews, meetings, and other activities kept Lu Xiaorong busy for more than a month before it came to an end.

But during this period of time, not only did Lu Xiaorong make many reports, but her identity also quietly changed a lot.

For example, she joined the Writers Association of Dongzhou City, for example, the newspaper office is also planning to promote her position, and for example...

However, compared with these, what Lu Xiaorong is most envious of is that on the day when the news of the award was confirmed, he appeared on the news that night, and on the second day, he accepted a special interview.

It can be said that Lu Xiaorong's fame reached a new height overnight.

"It's over." Lu Xiaorong slumped on the sofa without any grace, while nibbling on the apple handed over by Shen Lin, he said, "I feel more tiring than anything else being interviewed."

"I'd rather go and write one more novel."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong, who looked a bit haggard, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you will relax after this wave passes."

"Even your work is easier than before."

When mentioning his work, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Our president said that my future work will mainly focus on writing, and I don't have to worry about other things for the time being."

"Besides, I heard that my salary should be raised!"

Shen Lin made a surprised look and said: "Oh, is this true? It seems that in the future, I really want to eat soft food!"

"Tsk tsk, if I had known that you would be able to succeed in such a year, what kind of rice shell electronics factory would I have built, and I would just rely on you to support me at home."

"Now, what I regret the most is that I started this factory, and I am so busy every day that I don't touch the ground!"

Knowing that Shen Lin was teasing himself, Lu Xiaorong snorted and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense here, and regret founding Guoke Electronics. You don't know how many people are jealous of you now!"

Xiao Guoke was taken out to play by her grandma. At this time, there were only Shen Lin and his wife left at home. When they were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Shen Lin glanced at Lu Xiaorong who was unwilling to move at all, and took the initiative to open the door.I saw a group of people standing outside my house.

Among them, the one standing in the front is a blond foreigner with a height of more than 1.9 meters and who looks to be in his 40s.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Although Shen Lin was surprised, he was not too shocked. In his previous life, there were many foreigners who came to China. Although he didn't deal with them much, he was not timid.

The foreigner took a look at Shen Lin and didn't say a word. Behind him, a young man in a suit who looked to be in his 20s asked, "Excuse me, is this Ms. Lu Xiaorong's home?"

It's for Lu Xiaorong!
Shen Lin nodded and said: "This is Lu Xiaorong's home, may I ask who you are..."

"This is Mr. Jameson from the United States. He is here this time mainly to talk to Ms. Lu Xiaorong about film copyright." The young man said to Jameson, "Mr. , this is Ms. Lu Xiaorong's home, please come inside."

The young man's actions made Shen Lin a little unhappy. This is my home. I haven't invited you yet, so you took it upon yourself to let this person enter my home. It's really rude.So Shen Lin was not polite and directly waved his hand and said: "Brother, when did this place become your home?"

The young man has basically never encountered such a thing since he worked as an interpreter for Jameson. Shen Lin's actions made him stunned for a moment.

"This is not my home. I just followed Mr. Jameson to talk to Ms. Lu Xiaorong about film copyright. Why did you stop me?"

Shen Lin looked at this young man who spoke righteously, as if he had made a big mistake, and said with a smile: "Since this is my home, why don't you let me in, do you need to ask for my opinion? "

Shen Lin's words were spoken calmly, but in this calmness, there was an undeniable flavor.

The young man's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He wanted to lose his temper, but he finally endured it.

But Jameson, who was standing next to him, said at this time: "Hi sir, can I come into your house and talk to Ms. Lu Xiaorong?"

Shen Lin glanced at Jameson who was silent just now, looking like I can't understand Mandarin, and thought that this guy really knows how to put on airs.

Although he has a bad impression of them in his heart, he knows that if the Martian movie can be sold, it will not only benefit Lu Xiaorong from making a lot of money, but will also bring her fame to a higher level.

"Okay, you guys come with me." Having said that, Shen Lin glanced at the young man and said, before walking forward.

After confirming Lu Xiaorong's identity, Jameson still didn't speak, but let the young man speak.

The young man looked very proud in front of Shen Lin, but when facing Lu Xiaorong, he put away this pride.

"Ms. Lu Xiaorong, this is Mr. Jameson from Midimi Company in the United States. He is very optimistic about your novel, so he wants to make the content of your novel into a movie."

When the young man said this, he took out an agreement and said, "This is an agreement, Mr. Jameson, please sign it."

"Of course, Mr. Jameson's company will not use your copyright in vain. After you sign this contract, you will get 1000 yuan in royalties."

Lu Xiaorong didn't think too much about money. After all, neither she nor Shen Lin was short of money.

However, she was still full of expectations for her work to be put on the screen, so she was ready to speak directly.

It's just that the habit she has developed over the past year made her choose to listen to Shen Lin's opinion almost as a first reaction when she spoke.

Shen Lin felt something wrong the moment the young man opened his mouth.

Because from the young man's words, he didn't mention any novel at all, which means all of Lu Xiaorong's novels.

And the price of 1000 yuan, in Shen Lin's view, was even more pitiful.

Although Shen Lin didn't know how much the script was sold for in his previous life, it was definitely a hundred or a thousand times as much as 1000 yuan.

He smiled at the young man and said, "Have you finished speaking?"

"I've already finished." The young man was already a little uncomfortable with Shen Lin, but Shen Lin's words at this time made him even more uncomfortable.

"Then you can go." Shen Lin waved.

(End of this chapter)

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