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Chapter 66 I Will Let Xiao Rong Live a Good Life

Chapter 66 I Will Let Xiao Rong Live a Good Life
Chen Hongying's hands were shaking. At this moment, she was extremely angry.She didn't want anyone to know about Lu Xiaorong's pregnancy.

But now, Lu Xiaorong actually said this in front of so many people, which made her not know what to do for a while.

She really wanted to continue, but facing Lu Xiaorong who was kneeling, she felt that there was no benefit for her to persist.

Just when she was hesitating, Shen Xingye had already woken up from the shock. He stepped forward and said, "Mother-in-law, I know you don't like Shen Lin, but please give Shen Lin a chance for the sake of the child."

"If he is useless, I will deal with him!"

"Yes, mother-in-law, just give Shen Lin a chance. Xiaorong is pregnant now, so you can let them live for a while." Zhao Honglian said flatteringly, "We have nothing else to do now, so retire There's still some gold."

"We can give most of the pension to the two of them to live on."

Chen Hongying calmed down slowly, she snorted and said: "If Xiaorong is not pregnant, I can still investigate Shen Lin for a while, but now that Xiaorong is pregnant, I can't delay."

"Xiao Rong, you have to think clearly, if you live with Shen Lin until the child is born, then your life will be over." There was a hint of warning in the words.

"Divorce, killing this child, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, this is the path you should choose."

After saying these words, Chen Hongying seemed to feel that the people around her looked at her with a little bit of unfriendliness.She looked around and said, "Big guys, don't think I'm cruel. I really don't want to ruin a child's life because of one thing."

"Xiaorong is still young, and she was bluffed by one or two kind words from others. As a mother, I have to think about her for the rest of her life."

Speaking of this, she almost said at the top of her voice: "None of you want your daughter to spend her whole life with a bum who has no job!"

Shen Xingye's face turned gray!

What happened today has already put his face on the ground.It can be said that for a long time, it was difficult for him to raise his head in the factory area.

But now, even though he was willing to lose face, Chen Hongying was still relentless, which made him not know what to do.

"Mom, although you don't recognize me, I want to say that Xiao Rong is my wife, so you are my mother!" Shen Lin stepped forward slowly and said, "I just promised you that I will definitely let Xiao Rong Have a good life.”

"Now you think I'm not capable, so I promise you that within this year, I will become a millionaire householder and let Xiao Rong live a good life."

Shen Lin's words were sonorous and forceful, leaving no room for half a point.

Lu Xiaorong stood by Shen Lin's side, looking at Shen Lin's not too strong but full of firm figure, his heart was filled with warmth for a moment.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that all the worries in her heart had disappeared.

Shen Lin can definitely let himself and his children live a good life.

Just when Lu Xiaorong's heart was full of warmth, Chen Hongying sarcastically said: "Shen Lin, you promise, what do you promise me!"

"Could it be that you just use this kind of red mouth and white teeth to promise me?"

Speaking of this, Chen Hongying snorted and said: "You said that you can let Lu Xiaorong live a good life, okay, then let me see what you can do to make her live a good life."

"According to the regulations in the factory, Lu Xiaorong still has three days to hand over the work, and then he will go to work in the boiler room."

"As long as you get Lu Xiaorong transferred out of the boiler room within three days, then I will trust you."

"Otherwise, you will have to divorce."

Speaking of this, Chen Hongying glanced at Shen Xingye again and said: "Old factory manager, you keep saying that we will give you a chance, but now I will give you the chance, you won't say you can't do it?"

Listening to Chen Hongying's words, Lu Xiaorong knew that his mother was having a problem.

His father-in-law and Bai Bin are almost mortal enemies. Now that his father-in-law has retreated, how can he change Bai Bin's decision.The reason why Bai Bin hit himself was actually to take revenge on the old factory director and Shen Lin and his family.

"Mom, the thing you said is just being human..."

Just when Lu Xiaorong was about to refuse, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "Mom, I agreed to transfer Lu Xiaorong out of the boiler room in three days."

"If Lu Xiaorong cannot be transferred from the boiler room, I will divorce Xiaorong."

Shen Lin's words made Lu Xiaorong anxious for a while, and she said almost immediately: "You...don't talk nonsense..."

Shen Xingye coughed heavily, he wanted to speak, but in the end, he couldn't say anything.

In Shen Xingye's eyes, his son probably wanted him to do this.Although he didn't have any confidence, he still decided to work hard.

She doesn't need to have her own face, but Xiaorong is a good child, and the child in her belly is also her grandson.

Even if I ask for help everywhere, I still have to settle this matter.

Just when Shen Xingye silently made up his mind.I heard Chen Hongying say: "Okay, let's make a deal. I hope you, Shen Lin, can finish this matter. If you can't, then don't blame me."

Speaking of this, she said to Shen Xingye: "Old factory manager, by then, I hope you can save yourself a little face and don't play tricks again."

Shen Xingye didn't say anything, but nodded heavily.However, his expression became more and more pale.

Chen Hongying glanced at Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong, and then left a sentence that after three days, if Xiaorong's transfer problem cannot be resolved, they must divorce, then turned and left.

Chen Hongying left very resolutely, Lu Xiaorong watched his mother leave silently, but didn't say anything, just held Shen Lin's hand, appearing more determined.

"Let's go, let's go home and discuss it." Shen Xingye looked at Zhao Honglian who was leaving, and said to Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong.

Shen Lin looked at the somewhat old Shen Xingye, and a trace of sadness rose in his heart.

These days, he has not seen his parents. Rather than saying that he is busy changing his and Lu Xiaorong's life, it is better to say that he is a little afraid of meeting his parents.

In his previous life, he owed too much to his parents.He has always attributed his bad luck to his father and mother.

It was precisely because of his complaints that Shen Xingye left a few years after his divorce, before the age of 70, and Zhao Honglian also did not live for too long.

As he reached middle age, Shen Lin began to understand his parents slowly, and as he reached middle age, his heart was full of guilt for his parents.

When he started collecting trash, he thought about earning money to meet his parents, and the time for this meeting was unconsciously delayed by him.

This is a kind of guilty procrastination, a kind of procrastination that instinctively wants to avoid.

But I didn't expect that the meeting turned out to be like this.

Facing Shen Xingye's gaze, Shen Lin pulled Lu Xiaorong's hand without any hesitation, and said, "Let's go, go back to the house and have a rest."

Having said that, he smiled at the crowd watching the excitement and said, "Why don't you go back to your house and drink some water."

Shen Lin's words made everyone present smile awkwardly, and said more humanely: "Oh, Shen Lin, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first."

With these evasive words, most people turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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