Chapter 67 The Child Has Grow Up

Shen Xingye looked at Shen Lin in surprise. His youngest son's performance today had already shocked him, but he never thought that he would be able to give himself such a surprise in the end.

Even Shen Xingye himself didn't know how to make these watching neighbors leave.

He has already lost face enough, and he is not even willing to talk to these former subordinates, but Shen Lin can still smile and greet these people as if nothing happened.

Based on this alone, Shen Lin's psychological quality has improved much more than before.

"Xiao Rong, sit down quickly, don't be tired." Zhao Honglian knew that her daughter-in-law was pregnant, and didn't care about other things, so she asked Lu Xiaorong to sit down when she entered the room, and helped Lu Xiaorong pour a glass of water more quickly.

Shen Lin looked at the old-fashioned ceiling fan at home, and his heart was full of emotions. He turned on the ceiling fan casually and said, "Mom, you should also sit down and have a rest."

Shen Xingye took out a cigarette, didn't light it, but sniffed it a few times in front of his nose, and then said: "Shen Lin, I'll look for someone later, and try to transfer Xiaorong from the boiler room." come out."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I...I can't guarantee that it will be done, you have to know what to expect."

To Shen Xingye, it was not a glorious thing to say that he was not sure in front of the expectant children.

Even Shen Xingye felt extremely humiliated when he said these words.

The source of this humiliation is naturally because of his own ability.

But now, all Shen Xingye can do is to put his ugly words to the front.

"Old man, you must do this matter. You should ask for help. Let us express what we should express." Before Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong could speak, Zhao Honglian became anxious.

Of her two sons, the eldest is now serving as a soldier and has not yet married, let alone her grandson.

Now it's so easy for the youngest son to have a grandson. How could the little grandson not be born before the divorce?

What's more, the youngest son can't get divorced either.

So at this time, Zhao Honglian was the most anxious. Don't look at Zhao Honglian who is usually afraid of Shen Xingye, but now for her grandson, she rushed forward immediately.

Faced with his wife's criticism, Shen Xingye didn't know what to say for a while.

Of course he also wanted to accomplish this matter, but he knew very well in his heart that it would not be easy for him to accomplish this matter.

He is no longer the factory manager, and some of the previous relationships are basically useless.What's more, Bai Bin was making trouble.

Compared with a retired factory director, almost everyone is unwilling to offend a newly appointed factory director who holds great power.

He was already prepared to be treated coldly. The reason why he said what he said just now was not to shirk responsibility, but to give Shen Lin a vaccination.

But he didn't expect that before Shen Lin said anything, his wife would jump out first.

"I know that I will do my best on this matter. What I mean by those words is actually..."

Shen Xingye was halfway through, but was interrupted by Zhao Honglian: "Don't say anything, I'll go find someone with you, this matter cannot be delayed."

Shen Lin has experienced the tempering of his previous life, and he has already had the most profound understanding of human relationships and sophistication.He knew that when his father went to find someone to do something at this time, the most likely thing was that he couldn't do anything, and then he would be humiliated.

He would absolutely not allow such a situation to happen.

So he smiled and said: "Dad, Mom, you two don't have to worry about this matter. Since I dare to agree, I will naturally have a way to prevent Xiao Rong from going to the boiler room."

"What can you do?" Before Shen Xingye could speak, Zhao Honglian nodded to Shen Lin's head very bluntly and said, "Don't worry, your dad can just go out and run about this matter."

Not only did Shen Lin not feel unhappy about Zhao Honglian's blaming fingers, but he was even a little moved in his heart.

He knew that Zhao Honglian was concerned about his son.

She doesn't want herself to be blamed, she doesn't want herself to be hurt.They are still habitual and want to take care of everything for themselves.

Shen Xingye coughed and said, "Shen Lin, your mother is right. Although I am not sure, after all, I have been the factory director for such a long time and know some people from the main factory, so there is still hope." Shen Lin Being able to sense the concern in these ordinary words, he took a gentle breath and said: "Dad, I know you can find a few old friends, but this kind of thing can be solved without wasting effort at all, why do you have to What more trouble?"

"Then tell me, how are you going to deal with this matter?" Shen Xingye was not so easy to deceive, he glared at Shen Lin, and asked the crux of the problem directly.

Shen Lin hesitated for a while, and finally said: "There is a person who owes me a big favor, and I have never wanted to use it."

"But now, I am ready to use this favor."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin didn't hide anything, so he told the story of himself and his second brother-in-law rescuing a child who was abducted by human traffickers in Dongfeng Hotel.

Lu Xiaorong wasn't too surprised to hear Shen Lin said about it, but Shen Xingye and Zhao Honglian didn't know about it.

The two of them looked at Shen Lin in disbelief. They couldn't believe that their son had done such a big thing.

"You... Are what you said true?" Knowing the son is like a father, Shen Xingye knows what kind of person his son is, so at this moment, he has deep doubts about Shen Lin's words.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "It's true, just two days ago, that person even drove a car to find me in person, not only wanted to give me 1000 yuan, but also repaid me."

When Shen Xingye heard the 1000 yuan, he said anxiously, "You want it?"

"Isn't it the right thing to save abducted children? Why would I want this kind of money." Shen Lin said righteously: "What's more, if you want to buy me, the 1000 yuan is too little."

"Okay, you did a good job in this matter. When you go to find someone later, you must pay attention to it. You must not think that you are their benefactor, and they should do things for you."

"You must be honest and honest about your difficulties."

"Okay, I see." Shen Lin smiled and said: "Dad, you have been tired for a long time, so take a rest. If I can't do it, I will find you again."

But Zhao Honglian waved her hand and said, "It's past eleven o'clock, you two don't rush away, eat first."

While speaking, Zhao Honglian was already walking towards the kitchen at home.

Regarding the matter of eating, Shen Lin did not refuse. In fact, in his heart, ever since he was reborn, he had the expectation of eating together as a family.

It's just that the guilt from his previous life has always made him a little bit resistant to meeting his parents.

Apart from Lu Xiaorong, part of his efforts are also for his parents.He hopes that the first time his parents see him is his success.

Sitting on the sofa, Shen Lin looked wantonly at the old house where he grew up, and countless thoughts kept surging in his heart.

As the original factory manager, although Shen Xingye did things fairly, he was still allocated a house with three bedrooms and two halls according to his rank.

The house was quite spacious, and Shen Lin and his wife lived in it, and it wasn't cramped in any way, but at that time, Shen Lin didn't want to be controlled by his parents, so he didn't live in it.

Now, Shen Lin naturally didn't want to move back, but an idea had already arisen in his heart, that is, he should also find a way to get a house.

You can't let your own children be born in other people's homes.

While thinking about building a house, Shen Lin casually talked to Shen Xingye.During this conversation, Shen Xingye felt that his son was more mature and sensible than he imagined.

If before, he had been worried that his son would not be doing his job properly, then now, this worry has completely disappeared.

From Shen Xingye's point of view, Shen Lin at this time already has the potential to be a real man.He no longer has to stay awake all night for his son.

Although Lu Xiaorong was pregnant, she insisted on going to the kitchen, but in the kitchen, Zhao Honglian wouldn't let her do anything.

Lu Xiaorong, who was finally pushed out of the kitchen by Zhao Honglian, looked at Shen Lin who was talking with Shen Xingye, and suddenly realized that he forgot one thing.

The magazine of Science Fiction World, I don't know where to throw it for myself.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me, bookmark it!

(End of this chapter)

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