Chapter 666 Unexpected accident

In the not-so-spacious office, Mi Yuan stretched her muscles gently.She has been counting on the table for more than an hour, and she feels exhausted at this moment.

"Mi Yuan, I just called and asked about it. The provincial capital has already reported the amount of foreign exchange earned." A young woman in her 20s, with an apple face and a red duck down jacket, walked over quickly.

Min Yan, a new colleague from Mi Yuan's work unit, although she is not as outstanding as Mi Yuan in appearance, she is lively and cute, simple-minded, and very sincere in her dealings with others. She soon became a recognized pistachio in the work unit.

Even Director Li and others like her very much.

"How many are they?" Before Mi Yuan could ask, a middle-aged man sitting next to Mi Yuan asked in a low voice.

This time, the amount of foreign exchange earned by Dongzhou City is very likely to become the first in the province, but a few days ago, the provincial capital has completed several large projects one after another, so there is a situation where there is not much difference between the two.

As far as Dongzhou is concerned, they are working hard to surpass the provincial capital. If they can't surpass it, it will be a pity.

After all, there are not many opportunities for Mishell Electronics to soar into the sky.

Min Yan's voice was full of regret and said: "For 20 dollars, they are 20 dollars more than us!"

"We only need another $20 to pass them!"

Hearing Min Yan's unwilling voice, everyone present fell silent.

The foreign exchange of 20 US dollars may not seem like a lot, but it is actually not a small number.

If it were last year, Dongzhou would have such a figure for the whole year, but this year, with the help of Mishell Electronics Factory, their foreign exchange earnings from exports have soared and sang all the way.

Now, after maintaining his outstanding results for a year, he was about to take the first place, and he was crossed again by the provincial capital.

This kind of situation makes people feel depressed, but apart from depression, there is more helplessness.

When all kinds of thoughts were surging, someone said, "Should we find the Mishell Electronics Factory and let them think of a way."

This proposal immediately aroused many people's hearts.

After all, Mishell Electronics Factory exports a lot of products, and it is not impossible to place an advance order.

However, after this proposal was put forward, someone said: "Over at the Rice Shell Electronics Factory, although Director Shen is very cooperative with us, you also know that some things depend on the timing, not to mention the time is running out!"

Mi Yuan didn't say a word, although she also felt pity in her heart, she didn't show it too much.

At this moment, what she thought most about was what Shen Lin was doing now, and how he was doing in recent days.

Just as Mi Yuan was thinking about the news about Shen Lin that she heard recently, she saw Director Li walking in with a happy face.

"Haha, everyone is here. Have you submitted the year-end summary for the report?"

Seeing Lao Li's smiling face, Mi Yuan lowered her head gently.It seems that Lao Li still doesn't know what happened.

Just as she lowered her head, the other colleagues also lowered their heads one by one.

Everyone knows what this situation is, so in this situation, no one wants to be the first bird, and no one wants to make Lao Li's bad luck.

For a while, the scene was a little awkward.

"Mi Yuan, have you reported it?" Lao Li looked at everyone's performance and asked Mi Yuan directly.Mi Yuan is a smart person. She lowered her head and was not prepared to come forward. But now, she was called by Director Li, so she had to answer.

"Director Li, you haven't reported it yet." Mi Yuan said in a low voice.

At this time, Mi Yuan was worried that Lao Li would ask the next question, that is, what is the difference between us and the provincial capital?

Once this question is asked, although the reason for this backwardness is not on me, once Lao Li gets angry, who can say that this kind of thing has nothing to do with me at all!
Just when Mi Yuan's heart was filled with countless apprehensions, Lao Li continued: "It's fine if you don't report it, it's fine if you don't report it!"

What's wrong with Director Li, is it ironic?Does it mean that our work is not effective?
Almost all the people staring at Director Li looked at Director Li with apprehensive eyes at this moment, full of doubts in their hearts.

"Mi Yuan, we still need to change our data. Just now, we made another $40 in foreign exchange!" Director Li said with a smile while touching his head.

Upon hearing this news, Mi Yuan and the others showed shock at first, and then ecstasy.

They worked for a year, and they were ahead for more than half a year. They were about to win the first place, but they were overtaken by the provincial capital.

Such a situation made them feel very depressed, but now, just when they were feeling desperate, Director Li unexpectedly brought such good news.

It was a pleasant surprise!

"Director Li, is what you said true?" Although Mi Yuan felt that she shouldn't ask this question, she couldn't help but ask for proof.

"Of course it is true, hahaha, this is a surprise. I will give you a chance to guess who gave us $40 in foreign exchange at this time!" Director Li smiled, full of interest.

Obviously, he was in a good mood at this time!
"Did the Mishell Electronics Factory receive a new order?" Min Yan was the first to ask without waiting for others to speak.

The Rice Shell Electronics Factory has almost become the benchmark for Dongzhou's export earnings. The reason why it can hit the first place this time is all the credit of the Rice Shell Electronics Factory.

Under such circumstances, everyone will be the first to think of Mishell Electronics Factory. After all, this is an order of 40 US dollars!

"Swallow guessed wrong. Although Rice Shell Electronics Factory has the strength, but now, he doesn't have this good news." Director Li rubbed his head and said, "However, this answer is a bit close."

"Who is that? It can't be the rice shell electrical store, right?" Although Min Yan is young and playful, she still knows the big factories in the area very well.

Director Li didn't say a word at this time, he really enjoyed the feeling of his subordinates staring at him with such curious eyes.

Although the source of this feeling is not myself.

When Mi Yuan and the others had guessed several factories but couldn't figure it out, Director Li smiled and said, "This time, we should thank Lu Xiaorong."

"The award-winning novel has now sold the movie rights to a film company in the United States, and the turnover is 40 dollars."

"Now the contract has been signed, and the check has been given to Lu Xiaorong."

When Director Li said this, he smiled and said, "Tell me, is this a surprise?"

When Mi Yuan and the others heard the news, their eyes widened.

For $40, Lu Xiaorong's novel sold for so much money!

(End of this chapter)

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