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Chapter 665 Lu Xiaorong's Feat

Chapter 665 Lu Xiaorong's Feat
In the small garden of the newspaper office, when the sun shines at ten o'clock in the morning, many people who have finished their work like to come down to exercise their muscles and bones.

The small garden is lush and green, and there are small flowers in full bloom quietly.People come here for a while, and their mood will improve.There are many people who come to chat every day.

"Has the copyright of Lu Xiaorong's movie been sold?" A woman in a purple duck down jacket who was eating melon seeds asked quietly.

Her companion, a middle-aged woman wearing a newly-launched corduroy coat, looked around and said in a low voice, "No, it should have sold out long ago."

"If you want me to say, a thousand dollars is not a lot. If you have to sell it, you can sell it. If you don't like it, you can accept it. That's thousands of dollars!" The woman in the purple duck down jacket said: "Sister Zhao, you and her The relationship is good, it is a good thing to persuade her."

"After all, it's an American movie!"

The middle-aged woman known as Sister Zhao shook her head and said, "My status is different now. The winner of the international award, tsk tsk, I heard that the higher authorities have decided to let her enter the leadership of our city's Writers Association!"

"Besides, a few thousand dollars is a lot to us, but to Lu Xiaorong, it's really too little..."

"You forgot who her husband is!"

The woman in the purple duck down jacket said: "I know that Lu Xiaorong is not short of money, but if her work is made into a movie by the United States, the influence will be extraordinary!"

Speaking of this, she explained: "I also have good intentions. I am afraid that Lu Xiaorong will waste such a good opportunity!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, I heard that there are several companies who came to buy the copyright of this movie!" A middle-aged man walked over leisurely, and said with a smile: "It won't fail to sell. "

Sister Zhao said with a smile: "We are not doing nothing, we are afraid that Lu Xiaorong will suffer!"

While the three were talking, someone suddenly said, "Isn't that Lu Xiaorong? Why did she come here?"

Sister Zhao stood up quickly, and when she saw Lu Xiaorong who had just entered the door, she greeted her with a smile and said, "Xiao Rong, why are you here? Didn't the above say that you should rest for a few more days and take a good rest?"

Lu Xiaorong said: "I have something to do here, I need to find the president."

"Xiao Rong, have you sold the film copyright of The Martian?" The middle-aged woman in the purple duck down jacket couldn't help asking after seeing Lu Xiaorong.

Sister Zhao frowned, her companion has a worrying IQ, and Lu Xiaorong doesn't like to talk about it, so you still ask, isn't it obvious that you don't open which pot and which pot you don't carry?

Just when she was about to speak to help Lu Xiaorong resolve the embarrassment, Lu Xiaorong said softly: "It's already sold."

Although Lu Xiaorong's voice was very soft, everyone present heard it.

Immediately, someone congratulated: "Oh, Xiaorong, you are so amazing, and now you are starting to earn money."

"Tsk tsk, Xiaorong, do you have a beautiful knife in your hand? Let me see what it looks like. I have seen a beautiful knife in photos, but I haven't seen the real one yet!"

"Xiao Rong, how much did you sell for?"

Lu Xiaorong knew that she couldn't hide how much she sold. After all, she was going to donate the money to the construction of the library.

So when I heard this, I responded generously: "40!"

When Sister Zhao heard this number, she felt her head buzzing. Looking at Lu Xiaorong with a calm face, she felt like she didn't know what to say.

40 million!
When we talk about making money now, it’s basically tens to hundreds, and thousands are big numbers. Now you’re using tens of thousands, and it’s still 40.

"Oh, there are so many sold!" A middle-aged man who had just expressed his opinion couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Lu Xiaorong and said: "Xiaorong, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I have 40 I don't even have any money." "Hey, your copyright was sold for 40 yuan at once. I..."

After recovering from the shock, Sister Zhao said in amazement, "Xiao Rong, why didn't they give you a beautiful knife!"

"I'm talking about the beautiful knife!" Lu Xiaorong said calmly.

40!It's still US dollars. If the bank's exchange rate is used, it will be close to 200 million, and using the private exchange rate...

For a moment, everyone present was stunned.They felt that the shock wave brought by Lu Xiaorong had made them speechless.

Although their salaries have been raised, compared to their raised salaries, Lu Xiaorong's copyright fee of 200 million is really...

"Xiao Rong, it's a good thing you don't have a thousand dollars to sell your copyright. That guy named Jameson is a big fool, a big liar!" After a full minute, someone said righteously: "In the future, we must guard against them, and we must not let them get confused and take away our good things."

"That's right, I think we should take good precautions against them..."

Following the righteous discussion among the crowd, everyone became Jameson's crusaders one after another.

"Xiao Rong, who did you sell your movie rights to?" Sister Zhao said with a smile after everyone calmed down: "I think we should report this matter properly. Besides keeping everyone's eyes open, More importantly, this would have been an exciting piece of good news."

"Our things can also be bought by foreigners with money."

"Yes, Xiao Rong, please tell me who you sold it to, and we can add him to those who cooperate with integrity in the future."

"It was sold to Jameson." Lu Xiaorong said with some embarrassment: "When the person who bought the copyright from several other companies came, he gave a price of 40 US dollars."

"I think he gave the highest price, so I sold it to him."

It's still the liar Jameson. At this moment, many people feel that their brains are not enough. What's the situation?
What should we think of Jameson, what should we...

The entire leisure area was silent. At this time, President Li walked over with a smile. He saw Lu Xiaorong and said, "Xiao Rong, aren't you resting at home? Let me tell you, you don't need to worry about work."

"It's all about the body."

Hearing this, Sister Zhao felt a slander in her heart: Why didn't such care fall on me? Today, I was only 2 minutes late, so I was punished.

But she didn't dare to say it out. At this time, she quickly said: "President, Xiao Rong came to give us good news. The film copyright of her award-winning novel has been sold."

"Tsk tsk, it sold for $40!"

President Li was taken aback, and it was no surprise that it was sold, but the figure of 40 dollars is really too big.

He even wanted to ask Sister Zhao who gave her the news, are you really talking about a beautiful knife, not something else?

"Xiaorong, is it really sold?" President Li asked doubtfully after taking a breath.

He felt that a sensational news was happening.

"This is a check for 40 dollars. They paid me. I want to use this money to donate to build a library in Dongzhou. The check was handed over to President Li.

(End of this chapter)

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