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Chapter 676 Poverty Limits My Imagination

Chapter 676 Poverty Limits My Imagination

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Coupled with the wonderful performance brought by the provincial song and dance troupe during the dinner at the last annual meeting, the annual meeting of Mishell Electric has become a legend before it ends.

When many people talked about this matter, they used a sour tone. After all, such a good thing did not fall on them.

Even if there are no winners at this annual meeting, when it comes to this annual meeting, they are all excited.And the entire staff of Mi Ke is also very proud.

After all, this is my own factory. Although this year's annual meeting has become a thing of the past, there is still a chance for the next time.

With the end of various meetings and summaries, the New Year's Eve has quietly arrived. For a while, the huge city is decorated with lights and festivities, and the New Year's atmosphere is everywhere.

Although the factory was still in production, the production tasks were not so intense. Shen Lin, who had arranged the work, finally relaxed.

During the Chinese New Year, for him, there are too many things to do, too many worldly things to go, so these days, he feels like a clockwork robot, constantly turning.

Lying on the comfortable big bed, Shen Lin really didn't want to get up.

"Honey, I really don't want to go." Lu Xiaorong pouted and acted like a baby next to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin stroked Lu Xiaorong's hair, smiled and said: "I know you don't want to go, but if it were me, I wouldn't want to go either."

"It's New Year's Eve, who doesn't want the whole family to be together!"

Lu Xiaorong nodded and said in a low voice, "Why don't we go?"

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's appearance, Shen Lin scratched her nose and said, "How is it possible? You have already promised him."

"What's more, believe it or not, as long as you dare to say no, not only you, President Li, but also many people will come to our house to look for you."

Of course Lu Xiaorong believed that she was very clear about the significance of her trip this time.

"Actually, it's all my fault." Shen Lin said suddenly.

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment and said: "It's all your fault that you have so many ideas, but you don't write them yourself. Do you have to let me write them?"

"No, it's my fault that I have been busy doing other things these days, and I didn't even think about buying a house in Beijing. If we can buy a house, we can celebrate the New Year at home immediately after your mission is over."

Lu Xiaorong snorted, and couldn't help but look at her watch again, and found that it was already eight o'clock, and in more than ten minutes, if she didn't leave, she might miss the plane.

This is absolutely not allowed!

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Lu Xiaorong kissed Shen Lin's face, and then said with all his heart, "You and our mother are optimistic about Xiao Guoke, I'll be back tomorrow."

Speaking of this, she reluctantly said: "If my son wants to find me at night, you must coax him well."

Looking at the worried Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin pondered for a while and said: "How about we go to Beijing together, I will take the small fruit shell, find a hotel to live in, and come back together tomorrow?"

"Come on, you can make a fuss, but my dear son can't!" Lu Xiaorong patted Shen Lin, and refused: "If you dare to mention this, it must be impossible to get things done, and I will complain a lot .”

"Okay, I'll go first."

The car has been waiting at the door for a long time. Although Shen Lin felt a lot of reluctance in his heart, Lu Xiaorong wanted to attend the party tonight. No matter what he considered, Shen Lin could not stop him.After seeing Lu Xiaorong away, Shen Lin stayed at home for a while and then ran to his mother at the hardware machinery factory to see his son.

Little Guoke didn't know about Lu Xiaorong's business trip, and she kept giggling under Shen Hong's amusement.

"Sister, where is my brother-in-law?" Looking at Shen Hong's already somewhat bulky waist, Shen Lin asked casually.

Shen Hong said: "Your brother-in-law is a very busy person. It's New Year's Eve, and no one else is on duty, but he chose to be on duty. I beat him up and went to be on duty."

Speaking of this, Shen Hong snorted and said: "It's so hard to be a deputy director. If he becomes the director, wouldn't he throw away his family!"

Shen Lin smiled, he would not comment on such matters.But he still couldn't help but said to Shen Hong: "Sister, you may not know, I heard that brother-in-law is the director, it seems very likely."

Shen Hong, who was complaining just now, was surprised and delighted, and excitedly asked his younger brother for confirmation: "Oh, my brother, is your news certain?"

"Hey, I just heard the gossip, I don't know if it's true or not." Shen Lin and the second sister were used to bickering, and said very irresponsibly.

While the three were talking, Li Xuemei and Shen Hai came over from outside.At this time, Li Xuemei was smiling when she saw Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin, Shen Hai and I just went shopping, tsk tsk, the rice shell electrical store is still so lively." Ever since a large color TV was drawn by lottery, Li Xuemei has become more polite to Shen Lin.

Although Shen Lin looked down on this snobbish sister-in-law from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to stir up any trouble when it was Chinese New Year's Eve, so he was very polite when talking to Li Xuemei.

"Sister-in-law, since it's Chinese New Year, everyone has nothing to go to. Of course, they are willing to go to the mall. Our mall closes after [-] noon today, and it doesn't open until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year."

When Shen Lin said this, his heart suddenly moved. Although his sister-in-law was greedy for money, she was not useless.

"Sister-in-law, you also know that your siblings are going to the party today, so I just want to buy a house in Beijing."

"Please keep an eye out for me, and see if there are any courtyard houses in Beijing for sale. If anyone sells them, I will buy one."

In the past, Shen Lin had no spare money in his hands, so he didn't think about it. Now that Lu Xiaorong rushed to Beijing early in the morning, Shen Lin immediately wanted to buy a house there.

At the current price, if you buy a courtyard house, even if you don’t live there, the price will still be shocking after decades.

When Li Xuemei heard that Shen Lin wanted to buy a courtyard house, she was stunned for a moment and said: "There are also houses for sale, but there are many people in ordinary courtyard houses. Living there is really not very comfortable..."

"Sister-in-law, you misunderstood me. I mean I want to buy a whole courtyard house."

"We can spend a little more money and buy all the parts that are divided by each family. Wouldn't it be comfortable to transform it like this?"

Shen Lin's explanation made Li Xuemei's forehead twitch. Her natal family lived in a Hutong courtyard, and she felt very uncomfortable since she was a child.

But now, hearing what Shen Lin said, she suddenly felt that everything was different!

If Shen Lin's plan is followed, all the inconveniences he thinks will become very convenient.

But this method is really too expensive!

But looking at the indifferent Shen Lin, Li Xuemei felt a feeling in her heart, after all, poverty limited her imagination!

(End of this chapter)

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