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Chapter 677 Father and Son Soldiers

Chapter 677 Father and Son Soldiers

On the evening of the New Year's Eve, a day of family reunion!

In Shen Xingye's family, except for the eldest daughter, the whole family has basically gathered together.

Shen Lin, Shen Hai and his wife, plus Shen Hong who came to her mother's house for the festival because Chu Feng was on duty.

The 29-inch large color TV has been turned on, and the family is sitting around the table, eating happily.

Originally, Shen Lin wanted to hold his precious son, but in the end, because the child didn't look for him, he had to send the little fruit shell to his mother Zhao Honglian's arms.

"Shen Hong, it's only allowed this time. Next time during the Chinese New Year, even if Chu Feng is on duty, you have to go back to your husband's house for the holiday!"

Holding the wine glass, Shen Xingye educated his daughter: "I can't let my father-in-law say that my daughter has no rules."

After listening to her father's lesson, Shen Hong winked and made a face at her father, pouted her lips unceremoniously, and pretended to be angry: "Okay, Dad, you are such a cheapskate! If you don't, I will eat you What a meal!"

Zhao Honglian loves her little daughter, she smiled at Shen Hong, and said: "Hong Hong, your father is not doing this for your own good, you just need to remember."

Having said that, she turned to Shen Xingye and said, "Look at you, Chu Feng is on duty, so why don't you let Honghong stay at her husband's house by herself?"

"It's Chinese New Year, our family, it's important to have a good meal."

Shen Xingye snorted, but he didn't argue with Shen Hong any more, but raised his glass and said, "This year, our family has had a very good time. Come, let's have a toast, and wish us a prosperous year ahead."

Both Shen Lin and Shen Hai raised their wine glasses, and Li Xuemei and others also raised their drinks. After drinking the first glass of wine, the joyous atmosphere rose.

Shen Xingye mainly talked to his two sons. In fact, he mainly talked to Shen Hai.It's just that there is a big gap between the majors of the two of them. After Shen Xingye told Shen Hai some things, he didn't know what to say.

"Shen Lin, I'm going to retire next year." Shen Xingye put down his wine glass and changed the subject to Shen Lin.

My father is retiring?Shen Lin was a little surprised for a moment, he smiled and said: "Dad, I remember that according to your age, you still have a few years to retire."

"What's more, doesn't Brother Zhong also hope that you can help him more?"

Shen Xingye smiled and said, "Old Director Li is retiring this year. From now on, Director Zhong will be able to fully control the affairs of the factory."

"Whether I'm in this position or not, it's actually the same."

"What's more, with the growth of the younger generation, I am not suitable for this position, so it's better to retire early, so as to give young people a chance to use their hands and feet."

Speaking of this, Shen Xingye glanced at his precious grandson and said: "Shen Hong's child is about to be born soon, I think it's just a waste of time to occupy the position of deputy factory director."

Looking at Shen Xingye who was extremely calm, thoughts flashed quickly in Shen Lin's mind.

He knew very well that his father's body was recovering well, and according to his age, his father could still work for a few more years.

And the reason why Dad chose to step down is probably related to his own business.

He has also heard some gossip these days. Although smart people don't believe it, some words are a bit unpleasant after all.

What's more, Dad is also helping him avoid suspicion.

After such a measurement, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Dad, to be honest, I have long thought that you would be able to retire."

Shen Lin's words stunned Shen Hai, who was thinking about persuading his father. He looked at his brother in surprise and couldn't understand what Shen Lin was singing.He was against it just now, but now he is saying that he hopes his father will retire soon.

Li Xuemei kicked her husband quietly from under the dinner table, which meant to tell Shen Hai, don't talk at this time, just let Shen Lin speak.

Zhao Honglian didn't say a word. It was obvious that Shen Xingye had discussed this plan with her, and she knew her husband's purpose for doing so.

"Dad, you also know that the rice shell electronics factory has expanded too fast this year. Among other things, there are already three optical branch factories."

When Shen Lin said this, he picked up the jug to help his father fill it up, and then said in a distressed way: "Dad, do you know what I lack most now?"

"Let me tell you, I'm not short of money. What I need most now is talent."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin scratched his head and said, "Dad, Cheng Zhenyuan is in charge of the hardware machinery factory now, so I basically don't have to worry about most of these things."

"But the Second Electronics Factory and the factory in Liyuan Village, I need to worry about it myself. You don't know, in order to choose an excellent factory manager, I can't sleep every night these days."

"The factory we invested in in Shenjia Village is also planning to build, and we can't find anyone who can take care of it."

"You step back now, among other things, you can at least afford me one of these stalls. These are not a big deal to you."

Shen Xingye has already planned for his retired life, which is to take care of the children and raise flowers, but to be honest, this kind of life is not what he needs now.

In fact, what he wants most is to shine in his job, but as Shen Lin's business is getting bigger and bigger, he can't cause trouble for his children.

However, Shen Lin's words made his heart move.If I can help my son manage a branch factory, then I will not only have something to do, but also not be afraid of other people's gossip.

"Shen Lin, can I do it?" Shen Xingye was not confident at this moment.

"Dad, your ability must be strong, of course I can trust it! Let alone a small factory, even if you manage the entire factory, it is more than enough!"

"As the so-called father and son fight, I will rely on you this time."

When Shen Lin said this, he raised his glass and said, "Dad, you stepped back, but you helped me solve a big problem."

Li Xuemei touched her husband, and the next sentence was father and son, that is, brother Dahu. If she took advantage of this time to let her husband enter Shen Lin's company, wouldn't it be possible...

But Shen Hai not only pretended not to see Li Xuemei's little move, but raised his wine glass and had a drink with Shen Lin and Shen Xingye.

Such an indifferent reaction made Li Xuemei very angry, but it was useless for her to get angry again, after all, she didn't dare to bring it up by herself at this time.

"Then I'll help you manage the factory in Shenjia Village." Shen Xingye pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this factory for you."

Hearing his father's statement, Shen Lin frowned. Just as he was about to speak, Shen Hong said, "Look, it's Xiao Rong! Xiao Rong has appeared on TV."

Following Shen Hong's voice, all eyes were focused on the TV. At this moment, Lu Xiaorong and the host appeared on the huge color TV screen.

"Mom..." Xiao Guoke, who was baring her teeth and claws, also shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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