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Chapter 692 I must convince Shen Lin

Chapter 692 I must convince Shen Lin
Walson walked out of Shen Lin's room with great strides, he was full of momentum, walking like a tiger, because he had great confidence.

Shen Lin is a capable person, but this time, there is no possibility for Shen Lin to make a comeback, because Shen Lin's vitals are completely under his control!
With so many competitors still insisting on keeping his price unchanged, does Shen Lin really think that he must buy his stuff?

If it weren't for the fact that the products of Mishell Electronics are really popular; if it weren't for the products of Mishell Electronics, I would have gained a lot of benefits; if it wasn't for...

Just when Walson felt that everything was under his control, he heard someone say: "Mr. Walson, how did your talk with Director Shen go?"

Walsen looked up and found that the person who spoke to him was the person who greeted him just now.

It seems that I can't remember his name, but he seems to be very important.

As a thought flashed, Walson waved his hand and said, "I am very interested in cooperating, but Shen, he rejected my offer."

"It's a pity for a business of several million dollars!"

Li Qingbo's palms were sweating, several million dollars, if this deal is concluded, then...then my task...

Thinking of his mission, Li Qingbo hurriedly said: "Mr. Walson, I think there must be some misunderstanding. I will have a good talk with Shen Lin. You must not give up on this friendly cooperation and mutual benefit." A win-win opportunity."

Walson looked at Li Qingbo who was full of anxiety, and said with a faint smile, "I can give you a little time, but it won't be too long."

"Tomorrow at this time, if Shen does not give me an explanation, then I will only withdraw my sincerity for cooperation."

After Watson finished speaking, he turned his head and left!

"Mr. Walson, don't get excited. I'll go and persuade Shen Lin about this matter first." Li Qingbo quickly came to Walson's side and said anxiously.

Millions of business, this is a few million dollars!
As long as Shen Lin can get Walsen's order, then everything will be fine, but if Shen Lin can't get Walson's order, the situation will be very uncomfortable.

Walson ignored Li Qingbo, didn't look back, and walked out without stopping.But before leaving, he still turned to Li Qingbo and said, "Many of the same products are produced outside. I don't think the cooperation with Shen last year was quite pleasant."

"The same conditions, I will not choose him first!"

"Hehe, you tell my dear Shen, I hope he can take care of himself, otherwise, he will give up the chance of cooperation..."

After saying these words, Walson hurried down the stairs without any sign of nostalgia.

Li Qingbo wanted to chase after him and say something else, but when he wanted to chase, Li Qingbo suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have anything to say to Mr. Walson.

What should be said has already been said, and it is meaningless to say it now.

What I have to do now is to convince Shen Lin within the time determined by Mr. Walson.

In a flash, Li Qingbo walked towards Shen Lin's room, and various ways of saying it were rapidly surging in his mind.

First of all, you can't use strong!
It's useless to use force by yourself, not to mention that the factory belongs to Shen Lin, but with Shen Lin's current status, using force by yourself and him is purely to make yourself uncomfortable.

In addition to not being able to use force, I have to find a way to convince him to make him truly realize how important this opportunity is.

and also……

When Li Qingbo strode to the door of Shen Lin's room, he stopped involuntarily, because at this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed not ready yet.

Although Shen Lin was by his side at this time, if the first persuasion was in vain, then the next time...

Just as thoughts were surging in Li Qingbo's mind, he heard Shen Lin's voice: "Director Li, what can I do for you?" Li Qingbo looked up and saw Shen Lin pushing the door open and walking out. , then I realized that I was so absorbed in thinking about the problem that I didn't notice Shen Lin coming out.

After being a bit stunned, he still said: "Director Shen, I heard that Mr. Walson has already been here, so let's see how the conversation goes."

Although he already knew that the negotiation between Shen Lin and Walson had broken down, Li Qingbo's experience made him choose to ask what happened first.

In this case, the initiative is in your own hands.

Shen Lin looked at Li Qingbo who looked concerned, smiled and said: "I'm afraid I will disappoint Director Li. The negotiation failed this time."

Hearing the word "failure", Li Qingbo's expression suddenly became serious.

"Director Shen, I have repeatedly emphasized the importance of this order to you before, you... how can you not talk about it?"

Shen Lin watched Li Qingbo's expression, and said calmly: "Director Li, business cooperation is like this."

"If conditions permit, cooperation will naturally occur; if conditions are not suitable, there will be no possibility of cooperation."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "Wolsen's conditions are too harsh, so I refused. It is impossible for us to give them Kerry Fu a free job."

Walsen's conditions are harsh, which should be normal. After all, the products produced by your rice shells are everywhere.

If I were in Walson's position, I'm afraid I wouldn't give any good conditions.

"Director Shen, what is Walson's condition?" Li Qingbo asked solemnly after taking a slow breath.

"He wants us to reduce the price of each water dispenser by fifteen dollars!" Regarding this condition, Shen Lin said very straightforwardly: "If we follow his conditions, then our factory has no possibility of making money at all."

"So, we resolutely reject their cooperation partners who harm others and benefit themselves."

Li Qingbo knew the transaction price last year, so he lowered it by fifteen dollars all of a sudden. This condition is indeed a bit harsh.

However, according to Li Qingbo's understanding of the cost of the water dispenser, he felt that if Shen Lin agreed to the deal, he would not lose money, but only earn a little less.

"Director Shen, anyone who listens to Walson's conditions will feel uncomfortable. This guy Walson is simply taking advantage of the fire."

Li Qingbo knew that if he wanted to convince Shen Lin, the first point was to make himself stand with Shen Lin.

Only in this way, Shen Lin will not have too much rebellious psychology towards himself.

And when Shen Lin felt that he was speaking from his perspective, everything would go according to his own ideas.

"However, we still have an old saying that the situation is stronger than people. Now, we have too many identical products. If you insist on not lowering the price, then..."

"Then Walson and the others have no choice but to sign orders with those counterfeit small factories, and those factories will produce on a large scale after receiving the orders. Since then, it has become a vicious circle. come to a worse impact."

Having said so much in one breath, Li Qingbo felt that he was simply a genius.

This time, I should be able to tell Shen Lin to change his mind.

"So, Director Shen, I think we just need to make money."

(End of this chapter)

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