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Chapter 703 What I want is to kill chickens and monkeys

Chapter 703 What I want is to kill chickens and monkeys

Early in the morning, Shen Lin came to the home appliance exhibition area.

In view of the wonderful performance of Mishell Electronics at the fair last year, the exhibition area for Mishell at this fair is very spacious.

It can be said that as many exhibition areas as Mi Ke applied for, the above-mentioned exhibition areas are readily approved.

This kind of treatment is of course based on the outstanding performance of Mishell Electronics Factory, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for it to have this kind of treatment.

When Shen Lin came to the exhibition site of Mi Ke, a house covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters and looking more than three meters high had already stood in the middle of the exhibition area.

Compared with other booth-like exhibitions in other factories, the house with the door closed at this time gives people the impression that it stands out from the crowd.

When the employees of Mishell Electronics started to assemble yesterday, many people looked at the exhibition hall full of envy and surprise, but now, when they saw the completed exhibition hall again, they became even more jealous.

"Tsk tsk, what a big deal. I think it cost a lot of money just for this thing."

"The organizer of the exhibition is really eccentric enough to give them such a large space."

"Hehe, if you can earn millions of dollars in foreign exchange, they will give you such a big place, but can you?"

"I can't now, but maybe I can in the future. Look at Mi Ke, last year may have been its peak. If you look around, Mi Ke's business has been taken away."

"Yesterday, Xiangxue's Lao Xie signed a million-dollar order with Jialifu. Speaking of which, this order was from Mi Ke in the past."

Listening to these discussions, many people had smiles on their faces.

This is a smile to watch the excitement, but also a smile to gloat.

"I want to see, the trade fair gave them such a big booth, but they can't do anything in the end. At that time, I see where they should put their faces!"

Shen Lin didn't care about these undisguised comments. He turned to Cheng Yuzhu who was standing aside and said, "Is everything installed?"

"The factory manager, all the laying is in place. I looked at the products around me, and their products are far from ours."

"Our new products are already on the market, and they are still imitating our old products. It's really..."

Shen Lin patted Cheng Yuzhu's shoulder and said: "You tell everyone to prepare. We will open the door of the exhibition hall at ten o'clock. In addition, let people pay attention. When going up the stairs, the number of visitors must be limited."

"I know this, factory manager, don't worry." Cheng Yuzhu said, patting his chest.

Shen Lin smiled, and at this moment, a familiar figure appeared in Shen Lin's eyes.

It's Walson, and this guy is here too.

The arrival of Walson has attracted the attention of many merchants. They know very well that Mr. Walson is a big customer. Among other things, he has ordered millions of dollars worth of products from Xiangxue Factory. It's enough to make people die with envy.

"Mr. Walson, come and have a look at us, our products are no worse than Xiangxue's!"

"Sir, the price of our products is even lower than Xiangxue's. If you feel unsatisfied, we can still talk about it!"

"Mr. Watson, we are still very sincere."

Hearing these words, although Walson frowned in his heart, he said with a bright smile on his face: "Everyone, I still have something to do. If you want to cooperate with Jialifu, you can go to my office .”

"When the time comes, we can sit down and talk slowly." As he spoke, Watson came to Shen Lin's side and said, "Dear Shen, I didn't expect that you actually got the patent in advance!"

Shen Lin looked at Walson, smiled calmly and said, "No, Mr. Walson, I'm afraid you made a mistake. The patent does not belong to Mishell Electronics."

"It belongs to a company located in Xiangjiang, we just got their authorization to produce this product."

"As for other factories, if they are not authorized, they will naturally violate their rights and interests, and have nothing to do with Mi Ke itself."

Shen Lin spoke very calmly, with an innocent look on his face.

But Walson knew very well that all of this was actually manipulated by Shen Lin. If Shen Lin hadn't manipulated these things, he would have twisted his head off and kicked it as a ball.

"Dear Shen, I'm also a businessman, and I know the way of it very well."

"This time, I have to admire you, your preparation is very useful."

"However, Mr. Shen, although your products have been selling well all the time, your prices are indeed a bit inflated. You should lower them a bit and be more down-to-earth."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Mr. Walson, when I started, I also felt that the price should be lowered."

"However, since you signed the contract with Xiangxue Factory, we have to report this matter to the company that authorized us."

"Now the company that licenses us is going to fight a patent lawsuit. You know, it costs a lot of money, so they increased the price they licensed to us."

"It's not much, the price of a water dispenser has increased by a dollar!"

"Of course, our products will also make customers who buy our products feel worth the money after they get them. Please wait and see."

When Walson heard that the price had increased by another dollar, he immediately understood that this was Shen Lin's revenge on him, but this kind of revenge, Shen Lin still said it was justified and high-sounding.

"Dear Shen, why didn't you just say that you have a patent? You insisted on asking a lawyer to come to me." Walson spread his hands, looking puzzled.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dear Mr. Walson, the two of us are old friends. If I tell you directly, how much can you believe me?"

"Faced with so many products, I think you are more likely to trust them."

"What's more, if I take it out directly, it won't have any deterrent effect at all. Once I kill the chicken and scare the monkey, then someone should think twice before imitating our rice shell products for the trade fair."

Walsen heard Shen Lin's rationality, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart, this guy is too bad, the reason why he did this is to kill... to make an example!

Looking at the smiling young man in front of him, Walson felt his face turn cold.Dear Shen, don't you think that your behavior is shameless and dirty!

At this moment, Factory Manager Xie and Lao Dong had already walked towards Shen Lin quickly. The two of them walked so fast that they were breathing a little while walking.

And Li Qingbo walked over from the other side. Li Qingbo walked briskly. He quickly came to Shen Lin's side, and said in a deep voice: "You don't have to be afraid of this matter, just follow your own plan." gone."

Director Xie and Old Dong had already arrived at Shen Lin's side at this time, and Old Dong glanced around and said, "Director Shen, the order for Xiangxue Factory requires a patent authorization. In order to earn foreign exchange through export, you give Let them have one too."

Old Dong's words made the surroundings silent for a while.At this time, Li Qingbo couldn't help but want to speak, but was stopped by Shen Lin!

(End of this chapter)

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