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Chapter 704 Lao Xie, I really can’t help you

Chapter 704 Lao Xie, I really can’t help you
"Director Dong, I also want to grant such an authorization to Xiangxue Factory, but unfortunately we don't have this right!" Shen Lin stepped forward and said with a smile: "Because this patent right does not belong to our rice husk factory."

"It belongs to a company in Xiangjiang, and we are also authorized by them, so we can produce it."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin stretched his palm towards the void, and said with a helpless look: "The reason why our price is expensive is also due to the high cost. It's not that we don't want small profits but quick turnover, but that we The patent fee is too much.”

"So, I really can't do anything about this matter."

Looking at Shen Lin who looked like I want to help you too, but I don't have that ability, Director Dong's head was buzzing with anger.

His face turned even paler.

"Shen Lin, you...if you want to say that, then I..." Director Dong wanted to say something else, but he found that he had no choice at all.

Because Shen Lin said that the patent does not belong to him, but to a company in Xiangjiang.Although intuitively, he felt that there must be something inside, but the problem was that he had no way to prove that Shen Lin had lied about this matter.

What's more, they copy other people's products and make them unsalable. This in itself is unreasonable and not strong.

So that Lao Dong was so angry and anxious, he didn't know what to say.

"Old Dong, Shen Lin has already told you all what should be said. If you pester him any longer, it will be meaningless. Do you, Old Dong, really think that we are easy to bully? Let me tell you, this matter, Enough is enough for you."

Li Qingbo stood up at this time, looked around twice and said: "Everyone, I also give you a piece of advice, don't watch other people making money, just ignore it, and get in all at once! "

"You don't have a patent, and if you sell something and get returned, it's not only a waste of work, but you also need to pay liquidated damages."

"Haha, I don't know if I'm right, Mr. Watson."

Walson knows that Li Qingbo is sharpening his sword at this moment, but he can't say no to this occasion. After all, this rule is not only for their company, but also for other companies. the benefits of.

If he said that this did not exist, there would be too many people offended.

"That's right, if the contract is terminated because one party sells an unpatented product, they will have to pay liquidated damages." Walson said: "Although the amount is not too large, the impact is very bad."

The marketing personnel from various factories who had been watching the excitement were all dumbfounded at this moment.They originally thought that they just ate a melon here, but they didn't expect that this melon fell on their head inexplicably!
How could this be?We have never encountered such a thing before!
Just when everyone was muttering in their hearts, Director Xie had already grabbed Shen Lin's hand and said, "Director Shen, this time, you have to help me!"

"Otherwise, we will be in trouble this time!"

Shen Lin looked full of sincerity, like the old Xie who said that if you don't help me, I won't be able to live, and said helplessly: "Thank you, director, I really want to help you, but I really can't."

"How about I tell Mr. Walson that those who don't know are not guilty, so how about asking him not to pursue your liquidated damages?"

"Of course, I can only try it. I'm not sure whether Mr. Walson will give me this face."

Looking at Shen Lin who looked like I really can't help you, Lao Xie was full of helplessness.

His intuition told him that Shen Lin must have a solution for this matter. Don't look at this guy as young, his mind is like a hornet's nest, and his cleverness is recognized by all his colleagues.

At this moment, what he said was so high-sounding, but he was actually waiting to see his own joke.

But what if he knew this?
There was nothing he could do about Shen Lin treating him like this, and he even wanted to thank Shen Lin for his kindness.

Old Dong's face kept changing, and finally he came to Shen Lin and said: "Director Shen, as long as this order can continue, if you have any conditions, just put them forward." "We will definitely agree to it." Promise!"

Li Qingbo looked at Old Dong's appearance, and felt a sense of relief in his heart. A while ago, when Old Dong came to him, his posture and posture were as insolent as he wanted!
Haha, now the feng shui turns, and this year is coming to my house!
Look at Old Dong's face, it looks like a purple eggplant, I'm afraid that right now, I feel so uncomfortable!
Although he restrained himself well on the surface, he was already happy in his heart.

Shen Lin said solemnly: "Director Dong, I've already said that there is nothing I can do. The only thing I can help Director Xie is what I just said. As for the others, I am really powerless!"

At this moment, Old Dong felt extremely uncomfortable, but he was speechless. He knew that what he said now was useless.

After all, Shen Lin had already sealed off this road.

"Mr. Walson, I hope you can give Mr. Xie a chance. He doesn't know that there will be such consequences. Can you not hold him accountable for breaking the contract?" Shen Lin came to Walson very righteously and said.

Walson wanted to scold someone. He knew very well that the lawyer and his so-called company were actually controlled by Shen Lin. He asked the lawyer to find him, and now he was pretending to be a good person.

This nasty guy, he's a chameleon!

This thought surged in his mind, but Walson still gritted his teeth, forced a smile and said, "Mr. Shen, since it is your request, it is of course what you wish."

After saying this, he said to Director Xie, "Your Excellency, if we have to terminate the contract after one day, I will not hold you accountable."

Director Xie clenched his fists tightly. He knew that Walson said this as if he was giving Shen Lin face, but in fact it meant that he had bowed his head to Shen Lin.

These water dispensers cannot be sold in the United States and other places, and Walsen can only choose Shen Lin. Under such circumstances, there is no other way but to bow to Shen Lin.

Cursing in his heart, Director Xie had no choice but to say to Shen Lin: "Thank you, Director Shen, thank you Mr. Walson."

After saying this, he pulled Old Dong and walked outside.

Seeing Director Xie's gloomy expression, Old Dong felt a sense of irritability in his heart. He threw off Director Xie and almost growled, "Old Xie, old Xie, this order can't just be left like this!"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Lao Xie spread his hands and said as if I had tried my best: "We don't have any other good solutions."

"Shen Lin has blocked all our paths."

Old Dong rubbed his forehead vigorously, before taking a few steps forward, his body swayed, and he almost fell to the ground. He held on to the railing and said, "I'll think of a way again, I can't let him be like this." The nonsense!"

Lao Xie didn't say a word. Although he was not optimistic about Lao Dong's behavior in his heart, there was still a last ray of hope in his heart.

What if it can be done?

Time passed, that is, in the blink of an eye, it was already nine o'clock, and as the door of the exhibition hall slowly opened, Shen Lin turned to Walson and the others and said, "Mr. Walson, why don't you take a look at the latest products of Mishell Electronics. "

"I believe that this time, we will definitely give you a surprise."

Walson was thinking about the water dispenser and the air fryer at this time. Hearing what Shen Lin said, although he said yes on the surface, in fact, he didn't care too much in his heart.

After all, there were not many things that surprised him.

(End of this chapter)

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