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Chapter 71 We will live in a big house in the future

Chapter 71 We will live in a big house in the future

Zhong Tianyang's home is located in the subsidiary courtyard of Dongzhou Iron and Steel Factory. It is an old-fashioned three-story building, and Zhong Tianyang lives on the first floor.

Because it is the family courtyard of his own factory, there is a half-acre yard in front of Zhong Tianyang's house, and various flowers and plants are planted in the yard.

As the mother's family of the Hardware Machinery Factory, the status of Dongzhou Iron and Steel General Factory is much stronger than that of the Hardware Machinery Factory.

"Uncle, you're back." When Zhong Tianyang pushed open the small courtyard door of his house, a chubby little body rushed towards him.

Facing his chubby nephew, Zhong Tianyang showed a smile on his face. He hugged the little nephew, kissed his chubby face heavily, and said with a smile: "Xiaodong, are you obedient today?" ?”

"Uncle, Xiaodong is very talkative every day." The little nephew who is less than three years old is very smart, and he answered Zhong Tianyang's question in a childlike voice.

Hearing this, Zhong Tianyang was in a somewhat unhappy mood, but suddenly healed a lot.

At this moment, two women came over, one was Zhong Tianyang's wife, Chen Juan, a middle school teacher in her 40s who looked gentle and elegant.The other one is Zhong Tianyang's younger sister.

Since the death of her brother-in-law, Zhong Tianyang's younger sister, Zhong Qing, basically lived with Zhong Tianyang's family.Now Zhong Qing is working at the broadcasting station of the main factory, and she is not too busy every day.

"Tian Yang, you said there are guests at home today? What kind of guests?" Chen Juan and Zhong Tianyang have been married for so many years, and they are extremely familiar with her husband's every move.

She could feel Zhong Tianyang's displeasure, so she asked with concern.

Zhong Tianyang said: "It's Shen Lin, the young man who found out that Xiaodong was kidnapped, he wants to come over."

"He's coming over, you should be happy!" Chen Juan and Zhong Qing's sister-in-law had a very good relationship, and because of Xiaodong's loss, she often shed tears with Zhong Qing.

Now that Xiaodong has found her, she is also full of gratitude to Shen Lin.

But he didn't expect that her husband would be a little unhappy at this time, and the benefactor who saved her life came to visit her at home.

The loving smile also quickly disappeared.

Zhong Qing had always respected her elder brother, but her brother's words just now hurt her a little.

"Where are you thinking? It's not that I'm not happy about him coming to the house, but I think I've misjudged the person a bit."

Zhong Tianyang hugged Xiaodong, and said softly: "When I gave him money to express my gratitude, I think this is a good guy who sacrifices himself for others and does not ask for anything in return."

"But I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, he came to the door and asked me to help him. Moreover, judging from the tone of his words, it seems that asking me for help is not a trivial matter."

Having said that, Zhong Tianyang shook his head and said, "So, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"You feel that you have misjudged the person, but that's good too. I think it's a good thing for him to come here at this time and let's repay the favor."

Chen Juan smiled and said: "As long as the things he asks are not excessive, you can do him a favor. In this way, we don't owe him anything."

"Xiaodong and Zhong Qing don't have to keep thinking that they have to repay his kindness."

Zhong Qing said: "Brother, are you too sensitive? Although I don't talk to Shen Lin much, I don't think he is that kind of person."

Having said that, Zhong Qing hesitated for a moment and said: "He begged to come to the door at this time, I think he must have encountered something difficult to solve."

Listening to his sister's words, Zhong Tianyang also showed a smile on his face and said, "Anyway, he is coming, let's see what he wants to do?"

"It's still the same sentence, as long as it doesn't violate the principle, I can do it for him, and I will do it for him. If it violates the principle, then I have to let him down."

While Zhong Tianyang was talking to his family, Shen Lin had already brought Lu Xiaorong to the family courtyard. Looking at the rows of big houses with three or four stories high but with wide gaps between the floors, Lu Xiaorong's face showed a smile. A look of envy.Although she is not a person who is greedy for enjoyment, as someone who has always lived in Tongzilou, she naturally has a natural yearning for big houses.

"Shen Lin, when do you think we will be able to live in such a house." Looking at the delicate flowers in the garden, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help asking Shen Lin.

"This year." Shen Lin pondered for a moment before giving an answer.

"Nonsense, how can we live in such a good house this year? You are obviously fooling me." Lu Xiaorong gave Shen Lin a coquettish look and said.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I said this year, this year, and our house is better than his house."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "When our daughter was born, I must let him live in a spacious and bright small western-style building."

"It would be great if what you said is true." Lu Xiaorong said with a touch of emotion as his right hand landed on his belly.

Shen Lin smiled, but did not speak.

Now that he has made up his mind, he will not give up halfway.It's just that everything hasn't started yet, and it's useless to say too much.

After walking through a path, Shen Lin and the others came to the courtyard of Zhong Tianyang's house. At this time, Lu Xiaorong, who was following behind Shen Lin, suddenly blushed.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong's appearance and asked softly.

Lu Xiaorong hesitated for a moment and said: "It's the first time I go to someone's house to ask for help, I feel a little embarrassed."

Shen Lin knew that his daughter-in-law was unwilling to ask for help, so he smiled and said, "Why don't you wait for me at the snack bar outside, and I'll go there alone."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the smiling Shen Lin, stroked his hair lightly and said, "I've already said, I can't let you go alone, so I must go with you."

"It's okay, I'll be fine when I get there."

Shen Lin tried a few more words of persuasion, and finally knocked on the door of Zhong Tianyang's house.It was Zhong Qing who opened the door. When she saw Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong, the smile on her face was extremely bright.

"Hi Shen Lin, come in quickly, this is..." Zhong Qing asked with a smile while asking Shen Lin to come over.

Shen Lin introduced: "Sister Zhong, this is my wife Lu Xiaorong."

"Xiao Rong, this is Miss Zhong."

Lu Xiaorong followed behind Shen Lin. Hearing what Shen Lin said, he hurriedly said, "Hello, Miss Zhong. I'm Lu Xiaorong."

"Xiao Rong is so beautiful, Shen Lin never thought you have such a beautiful wife." Zhong Qing praised Lu Xiaorong a few words, and then shouted to the back room: "Brother, Shen Lin and his wife are here."

Although Zhong Tianyang had a slight prejudice against Shen Lin in his heart, at this moment, he walked out with a smile on his face.

After glancing at the handbag that Shen Lin was carrying, he said, "We don't have any outsiders. You said you two are here, what else are you taking?"

When Lu Xiaorong heard this, he didn't know what to say for a while, but Shen Lin said very naturally: "In our place, if you don't bring something as a guest, it doesn't seem so formal."

"It's my first time to come to Brother Zhong's house, so naturally I have to follow the rules in our Dongzhou."

Listening to Shen Lin's answer, Zhong Tianyang's opinion of Shen Lin improved a little.

ps: Two chapters will be updated today, and there will be more later, please support the new book!

(End of this chapter)

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